26 research outputs found

    Multi-Core CPU Air Cooling

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    A nontraditional method for reducing thermoelastic stresses of variable thickness rotating discs

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    Funding Open access funding provided by The Science, Technology & Innovation Funding Authority (STDF) in cooperation with The Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB). This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Comparison of immunohistochemistry with PCR for assessment of ER, PR, and Ki-67 and prediction of pathological complete response in breast cancer

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    Background: Proliferation may predict response to neoadjuvant therapy of breast cancer and is commonly assessed by manual scoring of slides stained by immunohistochemistry (IHC) for Ki-67 similar to ER and PgR. This method carries significant intra- and inter-observer variability. Automatic scoring of Ki-67 with digital image analysis (qIHC) or assessment of MKI67 gene expression with RT-qPCR may improve diagnostic accuracy. Methods: Ki-67 IHC visual assessment was compared to the IHC nuclear tool (AperioTM) on core biopsies from a randomized neoadjuvant clinical trial. Expression of ESR1, PGR and MKI67 by RT-qPCR was performed on RNA extracted from the same formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Concordance between the three methods (vIHC, qIHC and RT-qPCR) was assessed for all 3 markers. The potential of Ki-67 IHC and RT-qPCR to predict pathological complete response (pCR) was evaluated using ROC analysis and non-parametric Mann-Whitney Test. Results: Correlation between methods (qIHC versus RT-qPCR) was high for ER and PgR (spearman´s r = 0.82, p < 0.0001 and r = 0.86, p < 0.0001, respectively) resulting in high levels of concordance using predefined cut-offs. When comparing qIHC of ER and PgR with RT-qPCR of ESR1 and PGR the overall agreement was 96.6 and 91.4%, respectively, while overall agreement of visual IHC with RT-qPCR was slightly lower for ER/ESR1 and PR/PGR (91.2 and 92.9%, respectively). In contrast, only a moderate correlation was observed between qIHC and RT-qPCR continuous data for Ki-67/MKI67 (Spearman’s r = 0.50, p = 0.0001). Up to now no predictive cut-off for Ki-67 assessment by IHC has been established to predict response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Setting the desired sensitivity at 100%, specificity for the prediction of pCR (ypT0ypN0) was significantly higher for mRNA than for protein (68.9% vs. 22.2%). Moreover, the proliferation levels in patients achieving a pCR versus not differed significantly using MKI67 RNA expression (Mann-Whitney p = 0.002), but not with qIHC of Ki-67 (Mann-Whitney p = 0.097) or vIHC of Ki-67 (p = 0.131). Conclusion: Digital image analysis can successfully be implemented for assessing ER, PR and Ki-67. IHC for ER and PR reveals high concordance with RT-qPCR. However, RT-qPCR displays a broader dynamic range and higher sensitivity than IHC. Moreover, correlation between Ki-67 qIHC and RT-qPCR is only moderate and RT-qPCR with MammaTyper® outperforms qIHC in predicting pCR. Both methods yield improvements to error-prone manual scoring of Ki-67. However, RT-qPCR was significantly more specific

    Prognostic relevance of the postoperative evolution of intramedullary spinal cord changes in signal intensity on magnetic resonance imaging after anterior decompression for cervical spondylotic myelopathy.

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    Object. Areas of intramedullary signal intensity changes (hypointensity on T1-weighted magnetic resonance [MR] images and hyperintensity on T2-weighted MR images) in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) have been described by several investigators. The role of postoperative evolution of these alterations is still not well known. Methods. A total of 47 patients underwent MR imaging before and at the end of the surgical procedure (intraop- erative MR imaging [iMRI]) for cervical spine decompression and fusion using an anterior approach. Imaging was performed with a 1.5-tesla scanner integrated with the operative room (BrainSuite). Patients were followed clini- cally and evaluated using the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) and Nurick scales and also underwent MR imaging 3 and 6 months after surgery. Results. Preoperative MR imaging showed an alteration (from the normal) of the intramedullary signal in 37 (78.7%) of 47 cases. In 23 cases, signal changes were altered on both T1- and T2-weighted images, and in 14 cases only on T2-weighted images. In 12 (52.2%) of the 23 cases, regression of hyperintensity on T2-weighted imaging was observed postoperatively. In 4 (17.4%) of these 23 cases, regression of hyperintensity was observed during the iMRI at the end of surgery. Residual compression on postoperative iMRI was not detected in any patients. A nonsignificant correlation was observed between postoperative expansion of the transverse diameter of the spinal cord at the level of maximal compression and the postoperative JOA score and Nurick grade. A statistically significant correlation was observed between the surgical result and the length of a patient’s clinical history. A significant corre- lation was also observed according to the preoperative presence of intramedullary signal alteration. The best results were found in patients without spinal cord changes of signal, acceptable results were observed in the presence of changes on T2-weighted imaging only, and the worst results were observed in patients with spinal cord signal changes on both T1- and T2-weighted imaging. Finally, a statistically significant correlation was observed between patients with postoperative spinal cord signal change regression and better outcomes. Conclusions. Intramedullary spinal cord changes in signal intensity in patients with CSM can be reversible (hyperintensity on T2-weighted imaging) or nonreversible (hypointensity on T1-weighted imaging). The regression of areas of hyperintensity on T2-weighted imaging is associated with a better prognosis, whereas the T1-weighted hypointensity is an expression of irreversible damage and, therefore, the worst prognosis. The preliminary experi- ence with this patient series appears to exclude a relationship between the time of signal intensity recovery and out- come of CSM

    Overheat protection circuit for high frequency processors

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    The paper describes design and structure of the overheat protection circuit based on the PTAT sensors. The digital core of the system is driven by a 3-bit information generated by the structure. As a result, behaviour of the core differs for each temperature. The circuit was designed in LF CMOS 0.15 ěm technology using full-custom technique. The presented paper focuses especially on the structure of the overheat protection circuit and simulations results of the functional blocks of the system. Layout and some parameters of the circuit are also considered

    Histopathological patterns of primary malignant ovarian neoplasms in different age groups in Almadinah Almunawwarah region, KSA

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: النمط الوبائي لأورام المبيض في منطقة المدينة المنورة بالمملكة العربية السعودية لم يتم ذكره بشكل كامل في الأدبيات. لوحظ تشخيص متكرر على غير العادة لورم الخلايا الحٌبيبية للبالغين في المدينة المنورة. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى وصف نمط أورام المبيض في منطقة المدينة المنورة مع التركيز بشكل خاص على ورم الخلايا الحٌبيبية للبالغين. طرق البحث: تم جمع السجلات النسيجية لجميع عينات المبيض التي تم تشخيصها في الفترة من يناير ٢٠١١ إلى ديسمبر ٢٠١٦ من مستشفى النساء والولادة والأطفال بالمدينة المنورة. تم تحديد وفحص كل الشرائح النسيجية المصبوغة بصبغتى الهيماتوكسيلين والأيوسين من عينات الأورام المصلية، والموسينية الخبيثة، والمتوسطة، وكذلك أورام الحبل السدالي الجنسي، وأورام الأمشاج الخبيثة. كما تم صباغة شرائح نسيجية لورم الخلايا الحٌبيبية للبالغين بصبغة خاصة بالجسم المناعى باستخدام تقنية الصباغة النسيجية الكيميائية المناعية. النتائج: تم تحديد ٣٠١ عينة مبيض; ٢١٧ (٧٢٪) منها كانت لأورام في حين أن ٨٤ (٢٨٪) كانت عينات من غير الأورام. ١٣٥ (٦٣٪) من عينات الأورام كانت حميدة، في حين كانت ١٦ (٧٪) متوسطة و٦٦ (٣٠٪) أورام خبيثة. كانت ٤١ (٦٢٪) من الأورام الخبيثة سرطانات طلائية سطحية، و١٧ (٢٦٪) كانت أورام الحبل السدالي الجنسي، في حين شكلت أورام خلايا الأمشاج ٨ (١٢٪)حالات. وكان تواتر ورم الخلايا الحٌبيبية للبالغين عاليا بشكل غير عادي ١٦/٦٦ (٢٦٪) من جميع الأورام الخبيثة للمبيض. ووُجدت الصبغة المناعية متغيرة في عينتين فقط من تواتر ورم الخلايا الحٌبيبية للبالغين. الاستنتاجات: في هذه الدراسة، مثلت أورام المبيض الخبيثة ٣٠٪ من عينات أورام المبيض مع حدوث ورم الخلايا الحٌبيبية للبالغين بشكل متكرر. لم تظهر هذه الأورام تعديلا كبيرا متغيرا لبروتين الصبغة المناعية. من الضروري إجراء المزيد من الدراسات لاستكشاف الأسباب الجزيئية الكامنة وراء الزيادة الملحوظة لهذه الأورام. Abstract: Objectives: In the literature, the epidemiological pattern of ovarian neoplasms in different age groups in the Almadinah Almunawwarah region in KSA has not been completely elucidated. Moreover, an unusually frequent diagnosis of adult granulosa cell tumour (AGCT) has been observed in patients in Almadinah Almunawwarah, KSA. This study aimed to describe the pattern of ovarian neoplasms in different age groups in the Almadinah Almunawwarah region with particular emphasis on AGCT. Methods: Histopathological records of all ovarian specimens diagnosed from 2011 January to 2016 December were collected from the Maternity and Children Hospital in Almaadinah Almunawwarah, KSA. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE)-stained microscopic slides of serous and mucinous epithelial borderline neoplasms and of malignant epithelial, sex cord-stromal and germ line neoplasms were identified and examined. The tissue sections from the AGCT were stained immunohistochemically with BRCA-1 antibody. Results: A total of 301 ovarian specimens were obtained. Of the specimens, 217 (72%) were neoplastic and 84 (28%) were non-neoplastic. In total, 135 (63%) of the neoplastic specimens were benign, 16 (7%) were borderline tumours, and 66 (30%) were malignant tumours. Moreover, 41 (62%) of the malignant tumours were surface epithelial carcinomas, 17 (26%) were sex cord-stromal tumours, and 8 (12%) were germ cell tumours. The incidence of AGCT was unusually high, which accounts for 26% (16/66) of all malignant ovarian neoplasms. Altered BRCA-1 expression was observed in only two specimens. Conclusion: In this study, malignant ovarian neoplasms accounted for 30% of all neoplastic ovarian specimens, and the incidence of AGCT was remarkable. Such tumours did not show a significantly altered expression of BRCA-1. Further studies must be conducted to explore the underlying molecular causes of this condition. الكلمات المفتاحية: أورام المبيض, علم الأوبئة, ورم الخلايا الحٌبيبية للبالغين, المدينة المنورة, Keywords: Adult-granulosa cell tumour (AGCT), Almadinah Almunawwarah region, Epidemiology, Ovarian neoplasm

    Factors Affecting Pharmacy Students&rsquo; Decision to Study in Pharmacy Colleges in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire-Based Analysis

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    (1) Background: Many factors may play a role in deciding to opt for pharmacy as a major. However, no previous studies have been conducted in Saudi Arabia to explore these factors. This study aims to identify the potential factors that prompted students to join the pharmacy program. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire was distributed among undergraduate pharmacy students in Saudi Arabia, addressing areas such as reasons that encourage them to choose pharmacy as a major, and students&rsquo; socio-demographic characteristics. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the study variables, and a simple logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the potential factors. (3) Results: A total of 491 students completed the questionnaire. Around 40% of them had chosen to study pharmacy as their first choice. Only gender, current GPA, and reasons related to the pharmacy field were found to have a statistically significant association with students selecting pharmacy as their first choice. (4) Conclusions: This study shows that pharmacy students have a future-oriented outlook and selected pharmacy as their first choice because it will develop them professionally, financially, and intellectually. Educating high school students about the characteristic of pharmacy would help attract more talented students to the pharmacy carrier