1 research outputs found

    Study of cytokine therapeutic effect of dyalderon in the scheme of treatment of cattle for disease caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    The article covers information on the study of cytokine therapeutic effect of dyalderon on some interleukin indices and other nonspecific immunity factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa-infected cattle. The research was conducted on calves aged 2-2.5 months. They were divided into 3 groups 20 animals each, according to analogue principle. The first group included clinically healthy animals. The calves of the 2-nd experimental group ill with pseudomonosis were treated using antibiotics and symptomatic medications according to the following scheme: in a day they were administered tobramycin sulfate in a dose of 0.5 mg/kg per day during a week, the next day they were given azithromycin (Azitronite) at a dose of 2.0 ml, intramuscularly, during a week, in addition, they were given trivitum at a dose of 2.0 ml intramuscularly, 450 ml of 5% glucose in normal saline intravenously. Pseudomonosis-infected calves of the 3-d experimental group in addition to antibiotic therapy were given dyalderon at a dose of 200 mg per 1 head intramuscularly, once a day during 7 days. On the fifth day animals of the 3 -d experimental group showed absence of laryngotracheitis and bronchitis symptoms as opposed to the 2-nd experimental group calves. On the 18-th day calves of the 3-d experimental group showed normalization of white blood cells, lymphocytes and red blood cells count, ESR (blood sedimentation rate) decreased from 27.8±0.04 to 9.2±0.52 mm/h (