261 research outputs found

    Review of analytical instruments for EEG analysis

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    Since it was first used in 1926, EEG has been one of the most useful instruments of neuroscience. In order to start using EEG data we need not only EEG apparatus, but also some analytical tools and skills to understand what our data mean. This article describes several classical analytical tools and also new one which appeared only several years ago. We hope it will be useful for those researchers who have only started working in the field of cognitive EEG

    Beam emittance measurement with laser wire scanners in the International Linear Collider beam delivery system

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    Accurate measurement of the beam phase space is essential for the next generation of electron accelerators. A scheme for beam optics optimization and beam matrix reconstruction algorithms for the diagnostics section of the beam delivery system of the International Linear Collider (ILC) based on laser-wire beam profile monitors are discussed. Possible modes of operation of the laser-wire system together with their corresponding performance are presented. Based on these results, prospects for reconstructing the ILC beam emittance from representative laser-wire beam size measurements are evaluated

    Beam Profile Measurements and Simulations of the PETRA Laser-Wire

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    The Laser-wire will be an essential diagnostic tool at the International Linear Collider. It uses a finely focussed laser beam to measure the transverse profile of electron bunches by detecting the Compton-scattered photons (or degraded electrons) downstream of where the laser beam intersects the electron beam. Such a system has been installed at the PETRA storage ring at DESY, which uses a piezo-driven mirror to scan the laser-light across the electron beam. Lat- est results of experimental data taking are presented and compared to detailed simulations using the Geant4 based program BDSIM.Comment: 3 pagesm 4 figures. Submitted as a conference paper for the Particle Accelerator Conference 2005 (PAC05


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    The article describes the most pertinent techniques for morphologic diagnosis of tuberculosis incorporating the related problems encountered by practicing pathologists including frequently meet co-infection with HIV, increase of non-tuberculous mycobacterioses and detection of mycobacteria possessing atypical properties presented by coccus and branching forms. The detection of causative agents located extracellular is discussed as well as their potential ability to form biofilms.Приведены характеристики наиболее актуальных методов морфологической диагностики туберкулеза с учетом объективных трудностей, встречающихся практикующим патологам, в том числе нередкого сочетания с ВИЧ-инфекцией, учащением нетуберкулезных микобактериозов и обнаружением микобактерий с атипичными свойствами, представленных кокковидными и ветвящимися формами. Обсуждается обнаружение внеклеточно расположенных возбудителей, а также их потенциальная способность к формированию биопленок


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    Industrial safety system evolved on the railways for decades. In new economic conditions, many of its basic principles remain, but also those factors have arisen that require scientific analysis, experimental verification, modern technical and technological means. At the example of construction and maintenance of bridgeworks, the authors examine and evaluate the situation with safety, injury rate, fire hazard in railway transport.Система промышленной безопасности складывалась на железных дорогах десятилетиями. В новых экономических условиях многие ее базовые принципы сохранились, но появились и те факторы, которые требуют научного анализа, экспериментальной проверки, современных технико-технологических средств. На примере строительства и обслуживания мостовых сооружений авторы исследуют и оценивают ситуацию с безопасностью труда, травматизмом, пожароопасностью на объектах железнодорожного транспорта


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    Interrelation of labor safety and of environment has always been a leading factor for profession of bridge builders who conduct construction and repair works at the railway installations. Cartogram of working conditions and analytic data permit the authors to classify this professional group as subject to injuries and risks.Взаимосвязь безопасности труда и окружающей среды для профессий, к которым относятся мостовики, ведущие строительно-ремонтные работы на инженерных сооружениях железных дорог, всегда была фактором номер один. Картограммы условий труда и аналитические данные дают авторам основание считать исследуемую профессиональную группу травмозависимой и находящейся в зоне риска

    A Multimodal Approach to Analgesia in Anorectal Surgery

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    Аim: Evaluation of methods for pain prevention and pain reduction after anorectal surgery at all stages of treatment based on publications found in available databases.Key points. Most anorectal diseases are benign and do not affect life expectancy, meanwhile about 40 % of the population suffer from it. Mainly anorectal disorders affect middle-aged people reducing their life quality. At the same time many articles aimed at studying only postoperative anesthesia. 2 researchers independently searched for articles published in Medline, Scopus, Cochrane, Web of Science, E-library databases using keywords. A total of 54 publications were included. A multimodal approach should include the pain prevention during pre-, intra- and postoperative periods. Acetaminophen is recommended for pain reduction according to the dosing protocols. Acetaminophen combined with other systemic analgesics is advisable for patients with severe pain. The opioids use is justified only for moderate-severe postoperative pain. Metronidazole and lidocaine with nitroglycerin ointment/ nifedipine/сorticosteroids effectiveness has been proven for local postoperative anesthesia. Prophylactic use of antibiotics and bowel preparation do not reduce postoperative pain. Stool softeners are recommended for reducing postoperative pain severity. Additional local anesthesia such as nerve blockade or infiltration anesthesia is recommended for all patients. Modern minimally invasive treatment methods of hemorrhoid are associated with less severe postoperative pain.Conclusion. The recommended scheme of multimodal anesthesia for patients after anorectal surgery is shown on Fig.1. Further studies are needed to evaluate preoperative anesthesia effectiveness, the feasibility of the perioperative flavonoids use, as well as comparisons of various minimally invasive treatment methods of anorectal diseases

    Анализ пролиферативной активности клеток в микрочастицах, полученных из децеллюляризованной ткани печени и почки

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    Aim. To develop the protocols for liver and kidney tissue decellularization, and to develop an analysis of the proliferative activity of human Hep-G2 hepatocarcinoma cells on various carriers.Materials and methods. Decellularization of the liver and kidneys was performed by perfusion of detergent solutions with gradually increasing concentrations of Triton X-100 (1, 2 and 3%). A histological analysis of the obtained samples was performed, and the method of optical and scanning electron microscopy was used to study the obtained samples. The proliferative activity of human Hep-G2 hepatocarcinoma cells was studied on the obtained samples of decellularized liver and kidney tissue.Results. Decellularization of the organ does not lead to changes in the specific structure of the tissue matrix. Microparticles with an average size of 200 μm were made from their decellularized matrix of liver and kidney tissues. The level of proliferative activity of human Hep-G2 hepatocarcinoma cells cultured on microparticles from a decellularized liver was significantly higher than on microparticles from a decellularized kidney.Conclusion. The decellularized matrix retains the native three-dimensional structure of the tissue. The level of cell proliferative activity is significantly higher on microparticles from the decellularized liver, which confirms the preservation of the specificity of the extracellular matrix of the tissue after the process of decellularization.Цель. Разработка протоколов децеллюляризации ткани печени и почек, а также анализ пролиферативной активности клеток гепатокарциномы человека Hep-G2 на различных носителях.Материалы и методы. Децеллюляризация печени и почек была произведена путем перфузии растворов детергентов с постепенно возрастающими концентрациями Тритона Х-100 (1, 2 и 3%). Был произведен гистологический анализ полученных образцов, использован метод оптической и сканирующей электронной микроскопии для исследования полученных образцов. Исследована пролиферативная активность клеток гепатокарциномы человека Hep-G2 на полученных образцах децеллюляризованной ткани печени и почки.Результаты. Децеллюляризация органа не приводит к изменениям в специфической структуре матрикса ткани. Микрочастицы со средним размером 200 мкм были изготовлены из децеллюляризованного матрикса тканей печени и почки. Уровень пролиферативной активности клеток гепатокарциномы человека Hep-G2 , культивированных на микрочастицах из децеллюляризованной печени, был существенно выше, чем на микрочастицах из децеллюляризованной почки.Заключение. Децеллюляризованный матрикс сохраняет нативную трехмерную структуру ткани. Уровень пролиферативной активности клеток существенно выше на микрочастицах из децеллюляризованной печени, что подтверждает сохранность специфичности межклеточного матрикса ткани после процесса децеллюляризации