20 research outputs found

    Chlorophyll content in pine (Pinus silvestris L.) needles exposed to flue dust from lead and zinc works

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    Chlorophyll a and b, sulphur, zinc and lead contents were determined in annual and biennial needles of Scotch pine (Pinus silevstris L.) exposed to flue dust-polluted air. Intoxication indexes were calculated on the basis of the obtained results

    Scheduling of tasks in the information subsystem at an inland terminal

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    Intermodal transport becomes increasingly popular in cargo transport. This article describes the role of the inland terminal in intermodal transport. Both logistical systems, and inland terminals, together with the movement of loads represent also the flow of information. Though, users and subsystem information, as well as individual elements of the flow of information have been distinguished. The purpose of this article is to characterize an information subsystem in the container terminal, as well as to develop a schedule of tasks in this subsystem

    Model of Implementation of Selected Operation at an Inland Terminal

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    Transport intermodalny polegający na wymianie kontenerów wymaga sprawnego, wydajnego i niezawodnego funkcjonowania terminali lądowych. W literaturze wiele uwagi poświęca się efektywnej pracy portów, podczas gdy terminale lądowe nie znajdują znaczących rozwiązań naukowych. Wynika to m.in. z ograniczonego potencjału i zasięgu działania lądowych węzłów intermodalnych. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie praktycznego rozwiązania systemu obsługi kontenerów w relacji wagon – plac w lądowym terminalu kontenerowym według metody porównującej wartości parametrów charakteryzujących kontener przewidziany do przeładunku, plac oraz drogi transportowe. Zaprezentowano przegląd dostępnych rozwiązań naukowych z tego zakresu oraz rozwiązanie ogólne problemu. Przeprowadzono weryfikację skuteczności proponowanego rozwiązania oraz rozwiązania wybranych przypadków rzeczywistych. Przedstawiono metodę heurystyczną, łączącą zagadnienia harmonogramowania pracy maszyny przeładunkowej oraz pokonywanej przez nią trasy, w realizacji zleceń transportowych w relacji wagon – plac. Metoda była realizowana w trzech etapach: porównanie dat wydania kontenerów do odbiorcy końcowego, wartościowanie realizacji zadań oraz wartościowanie skumulowanej wartości realizacji powierzonych zadań. Weryfikację metody oparto na rzeczywistych danych zebranych w intermodalnym węźle przeładunkowym. Wartości uzyskane według tej metody umożliwiły zaoszczędzić czas podczas rozładunku kontenerów w stosunku do rzeczywistych wartości. Dalsze prace polegały na zwiększeniu możliwości obliczeniowych przy wyznaczaniu kolejności realizacji zadań oraz wprowadzeniu losowych zakłóceń pracy systemu.Intermodal transport based on the exchange of containers needs efficient, performance and reliable operation at inland terminals. In the literature a lot of attention focused on the efficient operation of ports, whereas in a land-based terminals is not developing as much scientific solutions. This is due to with limited capability and range inland intermodal hubs. This article presents a practical solution container handling in relation wagon – yard at the inland container terminal according to the method of comparing the values of the parameters characterizing the container intended for handling, yard and road transport. The rest of this article presents a review of available scientific solutions from the discussed range. This paper presents a general solution for the problem. Then a verification effectiveness of the proposed solutions and solutions for some real cases. The paper presents heuristic method for linking the issue of work scheduling machine and traveled by her route in transportation orders in relation wagon – yard. The method is implemented in three stages: compared dates of the containers to the end user, evaluating the implementation of tasks and evaluating the cumulative value of the given tasks. Verification method was based on actual data collected at an intermodal transshipment node. The obtained value method allowed us to save time during the unloading of containers in relation to the actual value. Further work involves an increase in computing capabilities when determining the order of execution of tasks and the introduction of random failures of the system

    The lichen Parmelia physodes (L.) Ach. as indicator for determination of the degree of atmospheric air pollution in the area contaminated by flourine and sulphur dioxide emission

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    On the area involved in the influence of conteminations emitted by the aluminium works and electric power plant, the degree of atmospheric air pollution was evaluated on the basis of the behaviour of healthy thallus of the lichen Parmelia physodes, analysis of fluorine and sulphur content in this thallus and in the bark substrate and the F and SO2 concentrations in the air

    Design of module-based controller for solar micro combined heat and power technology

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    Control and Data Acquisition System for the micro-CHP unit has been designed as a new approach to the microgeneration system supplied by energy of the Sun. This paper describes only the part of the system which is intended for controlling and measurement data collecting. Owing to the Unit, in a households, radiation absorbed by collectors can be used for heating of water, generation of electricity or obtaining the cold for air-conditioning. This top-down engineering approach are implemented by three independent subsystems. In order to manage whole station Programmable Automation Controller has been mounted. The System equipped in a proper number of flow meters, pressure and temperature sensors and liquid pumps according to an algorithm is able to control the heat distribution, calculate thermal power display these data and actual state of the unit. In addition, using LabVIEW software special programs have been written. These programs make possible to display and control states of the Unit. The entire controlling system is supplied by the 1 kW using PV Panels Subsystem. In case of the sun’s energy is not suficient, the PV system has an ability of over-switching on supply from the power network

    Determination of lipophilicity of some new 1,2,4-triazole derivatives by RP-HPLC and RP-TLC and calculated methods

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    Experimental and computational approaches were used to estimate the lipophilicity of novel 1,2,4-triazole derivatives. These derivatives have been subjected to this research, because they exhibit antimicrobial activity. The chromatographic analysis of RP-HPLC and RP-TLC was carried out using methanol-water or acetonitrile-water as mobile phase. The linear relationships between logk (or RM) values and the concentration of organic modifier were obtained. The lipophilicity was expressed as chromatographically derived descriptors: logkW, S, ϕ0 and scores logk and R_Mcorresponding to the first principal component. The experimental lipophilicity data have been compared with the computer calculated lipophilicity parameters (milogP, clogP, ALOGPs, AClogP, AlogP, MLOGP, KOWWIN, XLOGP2, XLOGP3, logPChS) of the same molecules. The matrices were created with logkW or RM0and logP and they have been the subject of PCA analysis