23 research outputs found

    A New Formal Definition of Polish Nominal Phrases

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    Modelling of the Response of Partially Saturated Non-cohesive Soil Subjected to Undrained Loading

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    The paper deals with the modelling of the undrained response of non-cohesive partially saturated soils subjected to triaxial compression. The model proposed is based on an incremental equation describing the pre-failure response of non-cohesive soils during shearing. The original model, developed by Sawicki, was modified by taking into account pore fluid compressibility. The governing equation makes it possible to simulate effective stress paths under undrained conditions. Numerical results are compared with experimental data

    The Market Research Process; Case Study

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    The paper presents an example of a representation of parse tree forests advocated by the author. Although motivated by the need to analyse the forests generated by Świdziński's grammar, the representation can be used for any grammar handled by Woliński's Birnam parser, and the basic ideas can be applied to any Immediate Constituent grammar. Syntactic spreadsheets can serve several purposes. They can be simply included in printed publications or dynamically displayed by an appropriate viewer. Unfortunately the implementation of the idea is not easy and therefore it is still in progress

    Complex investigations of landslides in the Brda river valley in Koronowo near Bydgoszcz

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    In the recentyears intensified landslidingwas observed in the surroundings and in the town of Koronowo near Bydgoszcz. (Krajeñskie Lake District). The gently undulated moraine upland, a wide valley of the Brda river, its relatively steep valleysides and incised valleys of tributaries are morphologicfeatures related to modeling by North Polish Glaciation. Quaternary tills alternated with fluvioglacial sands and gravels are underalined by Miocene clay and mud with brown coal intercalations. Due to such morphologic and geologic setting the study area isprone to slope instability. Failure apt soil massifs were assigned to 4 groups. Out of 32 identified landslides, 9 were selected for detailed examination. To register a nature and rate of failures a complex monitoring system was installed on slopes where the selected landslides resulted in severe damages to municipal infrastructure. The system was facilitated with inclinometers andpiezometers, supported by a network of GPS-RTK geodetic benchmarks as well as with a recording weather station. The performed examination revealed that the most unfavourable arrangement of the layers is, when under a non-cohesive soil (e.g. sand, gravel) lies a cohesive impermeable layer (e.g. clay, loam). The landslides are rather shallow ones (except 2 incidents) with slow rate of displacement of an order offew mm/year. The landslide triggeringfactor is water originatingfrom precipitation and snow melting. Influence of water was especially significant in early Spring 2011, due to the combined effect ofsnow melting and infiltration of thawing water originating from the former, exceptionally high rainfalls. The influence of hydrologic conditions on slope deformations is complex. There is a significant timelag between a movement initiation and unfavourable hydrometeorological conditions. That is exemplified with the landslide that was initiated in February-March 2011 in consequence of atmospheric conditions of November-December 2010. The obtained results formed the background for inventing engineering treatment measures aiming at current remedial stabilization of slopes and mitigation ofpossible landsliding in the future

    Landslide susceptibility and risk assessment in a non-mountainous region : a case study of Koronowo, northern Poland

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    The study deals with landslide threats in a low-relief region which exemplifies an area rarely perceived as prone to such geohazards. Actually, in the gently undulated landscape in the vicinity of Koronowo at the Brda River (South Pomeranian Lake District, northern Poland) intensified landsliding was observed in the recent years. The field mapping and examination of air photos showed that endangered terrains are fairly extensive and cannot be limited to initially identified slope failure incidences (hot-spots). The devised landslide susceptibility and hazard map is an outcome of predictive modelling using empirical likelihood ratio function (LR) with respect to seven evidential layers: elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, flow accumulation, surface deposits, depth to glacial raft, land cover as well as the landslide scars. The values of potential losses were calculated based on the mapped land-use categories and current market prices of estates and services. The final map, which resulted from combining landslide hazard with potential losses, shows damage propensity in a spatial scale of the town surroundings. It is meant as a supportive tool for decision-making with regard to allocating funds for stabilization measures or planning placement of new investments. On this background, stabilization solutions for selected sites are assessed in a cost-benefit context

    Effect of ELF Magnetic Stimulation on Distortion Product of Otoacoustic Emission in Tinnitus Patients

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    One of the methods for objective evaluation of the hearing system is based on acoustic otoemissions. Particularly promising is the method based on measurement of the distortion product of otoacoustic emission as it is connected to the problem of tinnitus. Slow-varying magnetic field of low induction has been used in therapy of many diseases and ailments. It is expected that magnetostimulation will be effective in treatment of certain types of tinnitus by inducing the return of the organism to homeostasis. The aim of this study was to identify the changes in distortion product of otoacoustic emission levels in patients, prior and after the magnetostimulation. However any significant changes were found among patients with tinnitus, for the control group statistically important changes in distortion product of otoacoustic emission levels were observed