35 research outputs found
Influence of cookies composition on temperature profiles and qualitative parameters during baking
During baking of bakery products temperature of baking, temperature profiles, moisture content, volume and colour changes are strongly coupled. The objective of this paper was to study the influence of the cookies composition on temperature profiles and quality parameters (width and thickness, colour formation and textural properties: hardness, fracturability and work of breaking force) during baking process. Composition of cookies differs due to flour type and initial moisture content. Cookies were baked at 205 °C and temperature was measured in the centre of samples which were 7 mm thick with a 60 mm diameter. The results of temperature profiles of the cookies during baking have shown the same trend for all of the 18 samples. Samples with the higher initial water content have lower values of total colour difference and also significantly affect textural properties
Pure arab breeding in the Republic of Croatia has very long tradition. Till the 18th century organized breeding was implemented only in bishop Stud Farm Đakovo. Afterwards pure arab breeding was implemented in many private Stud Farms mostly located in Slavonian and Srijem region. Pure arab, traditional arab and araber (arabrasse) population of horses make together arabian breeding in the Republic of Croatia. Numerical strength of these three populations has increasing trend through out the years. First imports which were ground for foundation of pure arab breeding in Croatia realized in year 1991. Today, population of pure arab breeding count 37 head, from which 28 is imported and 9 born in Croatia. Pedigree depth in 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 generation show average coefficient of inbreeding of 1.899%, 3.15%, 4.413%, 5.434%, 6.243%, 6.974% and 7.552%. According to genealogy in all pedigree depths, coefficient of inbreeding was higher (P < 0.01) in imported arab horses than in those born in Croatia
Pure arab breeding in the Republic of Croatia has very long tradition. Till the 18th century organized breeding was implemented only in bishop Stud Farm Đakovo. Afterwards pure arab breeding was implemented in many private Stud Farms mostly located in Slavonian and Srijem region. Pure arab, traditional arab and araber (arabrasse) population of horses make together arabian breeding in the Republic of Croatia. Numerical strength of these three populations has increasing trend through out the years. First imports which were ground for foundation of pure arab breeding in Croatia realized in year 1991. Today, population of pure arab breeding count 37 head, from which 28 is imported and 9 born in Croatia. Pedigree depth in 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 generation show average coefficient of inbreeding of 1.899%, 3.15%, 4.413%, 5.434%, 6.243%, 6.974% and 7.552%. According to genealogy in all pedigree depths, coefficient of inbreeding was higher (P < 0.01) in imported arab horses than in those born in Croatia
Population dynamics of Azotobacter chroococcum in sugarbeet rhizosphere depending on mineral nutrition
Population dynamics of Azotobacter chroococcum has been studied in the rhizosphere of a sugarbeet hybrid inoculated with Azotobacter strains 5, 8 and 14. Simultaneously we examined the effects of four levels of nitrogen fertilization (non-fertilized control, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha) and the applications of manure and harvest residues. Samples were taken three times in May, July and October. The experiment included inoculated and non-inoculated variants at all four levels of fertilization, in five replicates
Biological activity of coumarin derivatives – a review
Kumarin i njegovi derivati su široko rasprostranjeni u prirodi i nalazimo ih u mnoštvu različitih biljaka, voća i povrća. Kumarin i njegovi derivati pokazuju niz bioloških aktivnosti, međutim njegova upotreba je ograničena, a dopuštena koncentracija u namirnicama određena zakonom. Vrlo su se često kao model za proučavanje toksičnosti kumarina koristili štakori, ali novija istraživanja pokazuju da je metabolizam, a samim time i štetnost kumarina, kod ljudi i štakora, različita. Ovaj rad daje pregled osnovnih bioloških svojstava kumarina i njegovih derivata, kao i opis i specifičnosti metabolizma kumarina kod ljudi u odnosu na štakore.Coumarin derivatives are wide spread in nature and found in many plants, fruits and vegetables. They show a broad spectrum of biological activities, but the use of coumarin is restricted by law and its maximal allowed concentration in foodstuff is determined by state regulations. As a model for investigation of coumarin toxicity rats have often been used, but some recent investigations indicate that the coumarin metabolism and therefore coumarin toxicity, are much different in humans and rats. This paper sums up coumarin biological properties as well as specificity of coumarin metabolism in rats and humans
Povećanje broja konja u Republici Hrvatskoj potaknulo je provedbu reorganizacije konjogojstva i pasminsku sistematizaciju sukladno regulativama Europske unije. Na taj način je u konjogojstvu postavljena organizacijska mreža uzgojnih udruženja koje samostalnom provedbom uzgojnih programa doprinose selekcijskom radu i genetskom napretku. Autohtone hladnokrvne pasmine konja, hrvatski hladnokrvnjak i hrvatski posavac, koje čine više od polovice (63%) ukupnog broja konja u Republici Hrvatskoj predstavljaju jedinstven genotip prilagođen ekstenzivnom pašnjačkom uzgoju, klimatskim i hranidbenim uvjetima. Organizacija struktura, provedba uzgojnih programa od strane uzgojnih udruženja i vjerodostojno vođenje genealoških podataka upotpunjeni metodama molekularne genetike postavljaju potpune temelje za programe očuvanja autohtonih pasmina konja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kroz programe očuvanja otvorena je i velika mogućnost iskorištavanja autohtonih pasmina konja kroz programe ruralnog razvoja, agro-turizma i ekološke proizvodnje. Potpora državnih institucija u realizaciji programa očuvanja autohtonih pasmina, prvi je korak ka značajnijem znanstveno istraživačkim projektima i formiranju banke gena.Increasing number of horses in the Republic of Croatia has prompted horse breeding reorganization and breed systematization according to European Union regulations setting an organizational net of breeding associations which with independent implementation of the breeding programs contribute to selection work and genetic progress. Autochthonous coldblood breeds make more than half (63%) of the total number of horses in the Republic of Croatia and represent a unique genotype adapted to extensive pasture breeding, climatic and feeding conditions. Organization structure, implementation of breeding programs by breeding associations and reliable recording of genealogical information completed with methods of molecular genetics represent a good ground for autochthonous coldblood conservation programs in the Republic of Croatia. These conservation programs offer great possibilities for utilization of autochthonous horse breeds through rural development programs, agro - tourism and eco production. Support of government institutions in realization of conservation programs for autochthonous breeds is the first step towards scientific research projects and foundation of the gene bank
Benefits and risks of barefoot harness racing in Standardbred trotters
There is a lack of research on the benefits and risks of shoeing conditions in harness racing. Thus, our objectives were to: (a) investigate whether velocity times (VT; s/km) are affected by racing unshod (N = 76,932 records on 5,247 horses); (b) determine the potential risks of galloping, being penalized, and disqualification when competing unshod (N = 111,755 records on 6,423 horses); and (c) identify additional environmental factors that affect VT and risks. VT was found to be significantly influenced by shoeing condition (e.g., unshod, shod front, shod hind, or fully shod), but also by sex, age, season, track, track condition, start method, start position, distance, and driver-horse performance level (p < 2e-16). The risks of galloping and disqualification were significantly influenced by shoeing condition, sex, age, season, track, start method, start position, or driver-horse performance level (p =.05). Horses racing unshod had 0.7 s/km lower VT than fully shod horses and showed better performance when racing on neutral tracks during the late summer than horses with other shoeing conditions during the same period. However, racing unshod increased the relative risks of galloping and disqualification by 15%-35% in all seasons. Horses shod only on the hind hooves showed better performance than fully shod horses, without higher risks associated with competing unshod
Morphological characteristics of the Đakovo Lippizaner
Praćenje razvitka tjelesnih mjera lipicanskog podmlatka ima posebnu važnost pri određivanju tjelesne i pripusne dozrelosti konja. Poznavanjem intenziteta rasta i razvitka uzgajivači svojim postupcima u uzgoju mogu donekle utjecati na rast i razvitak. Od posebne važnosti je pravilna hranidba, te način držanja i njega. Podaci iz matične evidencije ergele Đakovo obuhvatili su grla s punim rodovnikom što je omogućilo praćenje fenotipskih promjena po generacijama. Od morfoloških svojstava statistički su obrađene tjelesne mjere (visina grebena, opseg prsa i opseg cjevanice mjerene vrpcom) odraslih kobila i pastuha, te ždrebadi nakon oždrebljenja, zatim u dobi od šest, dvanaest, dvadeset četiri te trideset šest mjeseci. Muška grla su imala veću visinu grebena, kako pri oždrebljenju tako i u zreloj dobi od ženskih grla. Opseg prsa kod muških grla je veći pri oždrebljenju, dok je u zreloj dobi manji od ženskih. Veći opseg prsa ženskih grla u zreloj dobi proizlazi iz činjenice da su u toj životnoj dobi neka ženska grla uvrštena u istraživanje bila u poodmaklom mjesecu graviditeta. Dobivene vrijednosti opsega cjevanice nemaju značajnu razliku u odnosu na spol. Ergela Đakovo zauzima značajno mjesto u zaprežnom sportu kao što je vožnja u dvopregu i četveropregu. Uzgojni cilj je kako u ergeli tako i u privatnom uzgoju uzgojiti kvalitetna grla za vožnju u zaprezi i jahanje. U postizanju što većih okvira i koščatosti lipicanskog uzgoja konja u ergeli Đakovo koristili su se lipicanski pastusi iz Mađarske, Rumunjske, Austrije i Slovenije kao osvježivači krvi. Danas đakovački lipicanac spada u najkrupniji uzgoj ovoga konja. Osvježavanjem krvi već u prvoj generaciji potomaka utvrđen je veći tjelesni okvir i koščatost.Observing the development of physical measurement of Lippizaner offspring has a specific importance when determining physical and admission maturity of the horse. Knowing the growth and development intensity the breeders can slightly influence the growth and development with their treatments in breeding. Appropriate feeding, care are and of special significance data from the register of the Đakovo horse-farm include animal with full pedigree, that has enabled following the phenotype changes by generations. From morphological characteristics, statistically elaborated were physical measurements (withers height, chest girth, cannon-bone circumference measured by ribbon) of adult mares and stallions, and foals at foaling, at age of six, twelve, twenty four and thirty six months. Males had a higher withers height, both at foaling time and at mature age than females. The chest girth in males is larger at foaling time, while at mature age it is smaller than in females. A larger chest girth in females at mature age is the consequence of gravidity of some females that were included in the research. The obtained values of the cannon-bone circumference have no significant difference with respect to sex. The horse-farm Đakovo has a significant place in team sport, both in two-horse and four-horse teams. The breeding aim is to raise qualitaty animals for team sport and riding at both horse-farm and private breeding. To obtain larger frames and boniness in Lippizaner horses at the horse-farm Đakovo, stallions from Hungary, Romania, Austria and Slovenia were used to infuse new blood. Today the Đakovo Lippizaner is one of the largest when considered this horse breeding. A larger physical frame and boniness is established already in the first generation when refreshed by blood
Analasys of status of Arab horses breeding in the Republic of Croatia
Arapski konji kao najstarija pasmina imali su značajnu ulogu u povijesti civilizacije. Uzgoj arapskih konja na tlu Hrvatske ima vrlo dugu tradiciju, a u naše krajeve dolaze dolaskom Turaka. Izuzev u biskupijskoj ergeli u Đakovu, nije bilo organiziranog uzgoja sve do 18. stoljeća. Nakon toga, uzgoj arapskih konja provodio se u brojnim privatnim veleposjedničkim ergelama od kojih se najveći broj nalazio na području Slavonije i Srijema. Broj arapskih konja u Hrvatskoj raste iz godinu u godinu. U 2004. godini završena je i sistematiziranje uzgoja arapskih konja u Republici Hrvatskoj, kojom je hrvatski arapski uzgoj podijeljen na dvije skupine, čistokrvni arapski uzgoj i tradicionalni hrvatski arapski uzgoj. Ukupnu populaciju arapskih konja čini 90% grla tradicionalnog i 10% čistokrvnog arapskog ugoja. U hrvatskom arapskom uzgoju zastupljeno je 8 linija pastuha i 8 rodova kobila. Pojedine linije i rodovi sparivanjem grla čistokrvnog i tradicionalnog uzgoja isprepliću se kroz obje subpopulacije.Arab horses as the oldest breed had an important fole in the history of civilisation. Arab horses breeding in the teritory of Croatia has a very long tradition, and they came in our country with the Turks arrival. Exept of the bishop studfarm in Đakovo, there was not an organized breeding up untill the 18th century. After that, Arab horse breeding has been conducted in numerous private large holders studfarm and the most of them was on the area of Slavonia and Srijem. The number of Arab horses is increasing every year. In year of 2004 systematics of Arab horses in the Republic of Croatia is completed. Total population of arab horses is composed of 90% of traditional horses and 10% of pure blood Arab breeding. In Croatian breeding of Arab horses, the 8 male and 8 female lines are present. Certain male and female lines by mating heads of pure blood and traditional breeding are interweaving through both subpopulation