23 research outputs found

    Therapy Insight: Parenteral Estrogen treatment for Prostate Cancer—a new dawn for an old therapy

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    Oral estrogens were the treatment of choice for carcinoma of the prostate for over four decades, but were abandoned because of an excess of cardiovascular and thromboembolic toxicity. It is now recognized that most of this toxicity is related to the first pass portal circulation, which upregulates the hepatic metabolism of hormones, lipids and coagulation proteins. Most of this toxicity can be avoided by parenteral (intramuscular or transdermal) estrogen administration, which avoids hepatic enzyme induction. It also seems that a short-term but modest increase in cardiovascular morbidity (but not mortality) is compensated for by a long-term cardioprotective benefit, which accrues progressively as vascular remodeling develops over time. Parenteral estrogen therapy has the advantage of giving protection against the effects of andropause (similar to the female menopause), which are induced by conventional androgen suppression and include osteoporotic fracture, hot flashes, asthenia and cognitive dysfunction. In addition, parenteral estrogen therapy is significantly cheaper than contemporary endocrine therapy, with substantive economic implications for health providers

    Intravesical Treatments of Bladder Cancer: Review

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    For bladder cancer, intravesical chemo/immunotherapy is widely used as adjuvant therapies after surgical transurethal resection, while systemic therapy is typically reserved for higher stage, muscle-invading, or metastatic diseases. The goal of intravesical therapy is to eradicate existing or residual tumors through direct cytoablation or immunostimulation. The unique properties of the urinary bladder render it a fertile ground for evaluating additional novel experimental approaches to regional therapy, including iontophoresis/electrophoresis, local hyperthermia, co-administration of permeation enhancers, bioadhesive carriers, magnetic-targeted particles and gene therapy. Furthermore, due to its unique anatomical properties, the drug concentration-time profiles in various layers of bladder tissues during and after intravesical therapy can be described by mathematical models comprised of drug disposition and transport kinetic parameters. The drug delivery data, in turn, can be combined with the effective drug exposure to infer treatment efficacy and thereby assists the selection of optimal regimens. To our knowledge, intravesical therapy of bladder cancer represents the first example where computational pharmacological approach was used to design, and successfully predicted the outcome of, a randomized phase III trial (using mitomycin C). This review summarizes the pharmacological principles and the current status of intravesical therapy, and the application of computation to optimize the drug delivery to target sites and the treatment efficacy

    Terapia endoscopica delle neoplasie vescicali possibilita e limiti a scopo bioptico, emostatico, palliative e curativo

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    La résection endoscopique des néoplasmes vésicaux si elle indu la sous-muqueuse et les stades plus superficiels de la muscoleuse est irremplaçable pour l'évaluation du degré d'infiltration de la tumeur. La résection transurethra'e est souvent l'unique moyen qui permet l'arrêt de graves hématuries, souvent chez des parents ayant subi auparavant une forte irradiation. Egalement dans les carcinomes inopérables et infiltrants, la résection endoscopique peut être utile à des fins palliatives. Dans les néoplasmes sans infiltration elle est la méthode de choix pour obtenir une guérison définitive. Les résultats peuvent être améliorés par l'association d'une chimiothérapie complémentaire. L'électrocoagulation diathermique trouve désormais des indications plus limitées

    Is there a role for recombinant tumor necrosis factor alpha in the intravesical treatment of superficial bladder tumors?--a phase II study

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    Clinical use of recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha is strongly limited by its severe toxicity, mainly cardiovascular, when systemically administered. Recent studies suggest that topical (intrapleural, intraperitoneal, intratumoral) administration is free of significant toxicity. Human recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha was administered intravesically, at a dose of 500 mg dissolved in 30 ml of phosphate buffer (pH 7.6-7.8) plus 0.25% human albumin, weekly for two months to 18 patients with papillary transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Of the 15 evaluable patients, four (26%) achieved a complete response. Systemic and local tolerability were excellent