5,105 research outputs found

    Formation of a condensed state with macroscopic number of phonons in ultracold Bose gases

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    A mechanism for the formation of a new type of stationary state with macroscopical number of phonons in condensed atomic gases is proposed. This mechanism is based on generating longitudinal phonons as a result of parametric resonance caused by a permanent modulation of the transverse trap frequency in an elongated trap. The phonon-phonon interaction predetermines the self-consistent evolution which is completed with macroscopic population of one from all levels within the energy interval of parametric amplification. This level proves to be shifted to the edge of this interval. All other levels end the evolution with zero population.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Modern trends in Superconductivity and Superfluidity. Chapters 11, 13

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    In Chapter 11 we present Fermi-gas approach for the search of s-wave and p-wave superfluidity in three-dimensional solutions of He-3 in He-4 and in He-3 submonolayers. In Chapter 13 on the basis of the anisotropic and isotropic t-J models we study spin-charge separation and confinement in ladder systems and in high-Tc superconductors.Comment: In preparation for Springer-Verla

    Manifestation of superfluidity in an evolving Bose-condensed gas

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    We study the generation of excitations due to an ''impurity''(static perturbation) placed into an oscillating Bose-condensed gas in the time-dependent trapping field. It is shown that there are two regions for the position of the local perturbation. In the first region the condensate flows around the ''impurity'' without generation of excitations demonstrating superfluid properties. In the second region the creation of excitations occurs, at least within a limited time interval, revealing destruction of superfluidity. The phenomenon can be studied by measuring the damping of condensate oscillations at different positions of the ''impurity''

    Motion of a condensate in a shaken and vibrating harmonic trap

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    The dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a time-dependent harmonic trapping potential is determined for arbitrary variations of the position of the center of the trap and its frequencies. The dynamics of the BEC wavepacket is soliton-like. The motion of the center of the wavepacket, and the spatially and temporally dependent phase (which affects the coherence properties of the BEC) multiplying the soliton-like part of the wavepacket, are analytically determined.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. B: At Mol Opt Phy

    Expansion of an interacting Fermi gas

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    We study the expansion of a dilute ultracold sample of fermions initially trapped in a anisotropic harmonic trap. The expansion of the cloud provides valuable information about the state of the system and the role of interactions. In particular the time evolution of the deformation of the expanding cloud behaves quite differently depending on whether the system is in the normal or in the superfluid phase. For the superfluid phase, we predict an inversion of the deformation of the sample, similarly to what happens with Bose-Einstein condensates. Viceversa, in the normal phase, the inversion of the aspect ratio is never achieved, if the mean field interaction is attractive and collisions are negligible.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, final versio

    BCS - BEC crossover and quantum hydrodynamics in p-wave superfluids with a symmetry of the A1 - phase

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    We solve the Leggett equations for the BCS - BEC crossover in the three dimension resonance p-wave superfluid with the symmetry of the A1 - phase. We calculate the sound velocity, the normal density, and the specific heat for the BCS-domain (\mu > 0), BEC-domain (\mu < 0), and close to important point \mu = 0 in 100% polarized case. We find the indications of quantum phase - transition close to the point \mu(T = 0) = 0. Deep in the BCS and BEC-domains the crossover ideas of Leggett and Nozieres, Schmitt-Rink work pretty well. We discuss the spectrum of orbital waves, the paradox of intrinsic angular momentum and complicated problem of chiral anomaly in the BCS A1 - phase at T = 0. We present two different approaches to a chiral anomaly: one based on supersymmetric hydrodynamics, another one on the formal analogy with the Dirac equation in quantum electrodynamics. We evaluate the damping of nodal fermions due to different decay processes in superclean case at T = 0 and find that we are in a ballistic regime \omega\tau >> 1. We propose to use aerogel or nonmagnetic impurities to reach hydrodynamic regime \omega\tau<< 1 at T = 0. We discuss the concept of the spectral flow and exact cancellations between time-derivatives of anomalous and quasiparticle currents in the equation for the total linear momentum conservation. We propose to derive and solve the kinetic equation for the nodal quasiparticles both in the hydrodynamic and in the ballistic regimes to demonstrate this cancellation explicitly. We briefly discuss the role of the other residual interactions different from damping and invite experimentalists to measure the spectrum and damping of orbital waves in A-phase of 3He at low temperatures.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Phase diagram of the Kohn-Luttinger superconducting state for bilayer graphene

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    The effect of the intersite and interplane Coulomb interactions between the Dirac fermions on the formation of the Kohn-Luttinger superconductivity in bilayer doped graphene is studied disregarding the effects of the van der Waals potential of the substrate and both magnetic and non-magnetic impurities. The phase diagram determining the boundaries of superconductive domains with different types of symmetry of the order parameter is built using the extended Hubbard model in the Born weak-coupling approximation with allowance for the intratomic, interatomic, and interlayer Coulomb interactions between electrons. It is shown that the Kohn-Luttinger polarization contributions up to the second order of perturbation theory in the Coulomb interaction inclusively and an account for the long-range intraplane Coulomb interactions significantly affect the competition between the superconducting f−f-, p+ip−p+ip-, and d+id−d+id-wave pairings. It is demonstrated that the account for the interplane Coulomb interaction enhances the critical temperature of the transition to the superconducting phase.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
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