20 research outputs found

    Ising Model Coupled to Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model coupled to three-dimensional quantum gravity based on a summation over dynamical triangulations. These were done both in the microcanonical ensemble, with the number of points in the triangulation and the number of Ising spins fixed, and in the grand canoncal ensemble. We have investigated the two possible cases of the spins living on the vertices of the triangulation (``diect'' case) and the spins living in the middle of the tetrahedra (``dual'' case). We observed phase transitions which are probably second order, and found that the dual implementation more effectively couples the spins to the quantum gravity.Comment: 11 page

    Numerical simulation of stochastic vortex tangles

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    We present the results of simulation of the chaotic dynamics of quantized vortices in the bulk of superfluid He II. Evolution of vortex lines is calculated on the base of the Biot-Savart law. The dissipative effects appeared from the interaction with the normal component, or/and from relaxation of the order parameter are taken into account. Chaotic dynamics appears in the system via a random forcing, e.i. we use the Langevin approach to the problem. In the present paper we require the correlator of the random force to satisfy the fluctuation-disspation relation, which implies that thermodynamic equilibrium should be reached. In the paper we describe the numerical methods for integration of stochastic differential equation (including a new algorithm for reconnection processes), and we present the results of calculation of some characteristics of a vortex tangle such as the total length, distribution of loops in the space of their length, and the energy spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    An Effective Model for Crumpling in Two Dimensions?

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    We investigate the crumpling transition for a dynamically triangulated random surface embedded in two dimensions using an effective model in which the disordering effect of the XX variables on the correlations of the normals is replaced by a long-range ``antiferromagnetic'' term. We compare the results from a Monte Carlo simulation with those obtained for the standard action which retains the XX's and discuss the nature of the phase transition.Comment: 5 page

    Spin Networks and Quantum Gravity

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    We introduce a new basis on the state space of non-perturbative quantum gravity. The states of this basis are linearly independent, are well defined in both the loop representation and the connection representation, and are labeled by a generalization of Penrose's spin netoworks. The new basis fully reduces the spinor identities (SU(2) Mandelstam identities) and simplifies calculations in non-perturbative quantum gravity. In particular, it allows a simple expression for the exact solutions of the Hamiltonian constraint (Wheeler-DeWitt equation) that have been discovered in the loop representation. Since the states in this basis diagnolize operators that represent the three geometry of space, such as the area and volumes of arbitrary surfaces and regions, these states provide a discrete picture of quantum geometry at the Planck scale.Comment: 42 page

    Emergence of a 4D World from Causal Quantum Gravity

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    Causal Dynamical Triangulations in four dimensions provide a background-independent definition of the sum over geometries in nonperturbative quantum gravity, with a positive cosmological constant. We present evidence that a macroscopic four-dimensional world emerges from this theory dynamically.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; some short clarifying comments added; final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantization of Point Particles in 2+1 Dimensional Gravity and Space-Time Discreteness

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    By investigating the canonical commutation rules for gravitating quantized particles in a 2+1 dimensional world it is found that these particles live on a space-time lattice. The space-time lattice points can be characterized by three integers. Various representations are possible, the details depending on the topology chosen for energy-momentum space. We find that an S2×S1S_2\times S_1 topology yields a physically most interesting lattice within which first quantization of Dirac particles is possible. An S3S_3 topology also gives a lattice, but does not allow first quantized particles.Comment: 23 pages Plain TeX, 3 Figure

    The Well-Defined Phase of Simplicial Quantum Gravity in Four Dimensions

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    We analyze simplicial quantum gravity in four dimensions using the Regge approach. The existence of an entropy dominated phase with small negative curvature is investigated in detail. It turns out that observables of the system possess finite expectation values although the Einstein-Hilbert action is unbounded. This well-defined phase is found to be stable for a one-parameter family of measures. A preliminary study indicates that the influence of the lattice size on the average curvature is small. We compare our results with those obtained by dynamical triangulation and find qualitative correspondence.Comment: 29 pages, uuencoded postscript file; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    On the stability of renormalizable expansions in three-dimensional gravity

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    Preliminary investigations are made for the stability of the 1/N1/N expansion in three-dimensional gravity coupled to various matter fields, which are power-counting renormalizable. For unitary matters, a tachyonic pole appears in the spin-2 part of the leading graviton propagator, which implies the unstable flat space-time, unless the higher-derivative terms are introduced. As another possibility to avoid this spin-2 tachyon, we propose Einstein gravity coupled to non-unitary matters. It turns out that a tachyon appears in the spin-0 or -1 part for any linear gauges in this case, but it can be removed if non-minimally coupled scalars are included. We suggest an interesting model which may be stable and possess an ultraviolet fixed point.Comment: 32 pages. (A further discussion to avoid tachyons is included. To be Published in Physical Review D.

    Quantum symmetry, the cosmological constant and Planck scale phenomenology

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    We present a simple algebraic argument for the conclusion that the low energy limit of a quantum theory of gravity must be a theory invariant, not under the Poincare group, but under a deformation of it parameterized by a dimensional parameter proportional to the Planck mass. Such deformations, called kappa-Poincare algebras, imply modified energy-momentum relations of a type that may be observable in near future experiments. Our argument applies in both 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions and assumes only 1) that the low energy limit of a quantum theory of gravity must involve also a limit in which the cosmological constant is taken very small with respect to the Planck scale and 2) that in 3+1 dimensions the physical energy and momenta of physical elementary particles is related to symmetries of the full quantum gravity theory by appropriate renormalization depending on Lambda l^2_{Planck}. The argument makes use of the fact that the cosmological constant results in the symmetry algebra of quantum gravity being quantum deformed, as a consequence when the limit \Lambda l^2_{Planck} -> 0 is taken one finds a deformed Poincare invariance. We are also able to isolate what information must be provided by the quantum theory in order to determine which presentation of the kappa-Poincare algebra is relevant for the physical symmetry generators and, hence, the exact form of the modified energy-momentum relations. These arguments imply that Lorentz invariance is modified as in proposals for doubly special relativity, rather than broken, in theories of quantum gravity, so long as those theories behave smoothly in the limit the cosmological constant is taken to be small.Comment: LaTex, 19 page

    The basis of the Ponzano-Regge-Turaev-Viro-Ooguri model is the loop representation basis

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    We show that the Hilbert space basis that defines the Ponzano-Regge- Turaev-Viro-Ooguri combinatorial definition of 3-d Quantum Gravity is the same as the one that defines the Loop Representation. We show how to compute lengths in Witten's 3-d gravity and how to reconstruct the 2-d geometry from a state of Witten's theory. We show that the non-degenerate geometries are contained in the Witten's Hilbert space. We sketch an extension of the combinatorial construction to the physical 4-d case, by defining a modification of Regge calculus in which areas, rather than lengths, are taken as independent variables. We provide an expression for the scalar product in the Loop representation in 4-d. We discuss the general form of a nonperturbative quantum theory of gravity, and argue that it should be given by a generalization of Atiyah's topological quantum field theories axioms.Comment: 16 page