62,199 research outputs found

    Strontium isotope stratigraphy in the Late Cretaceous: Numerical calibration of the Sr isotope curve and intercontinental correlation for the campanian

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    The white Chalk exposed in quarries at Lagerdorf and Kronsmoor, northwestern Germany, provides a standard section for the European Upper Cretaceous. The Sr-87/Sr-86 values of nannofossil chalk and belemnite calcite increase upward through 330 m of section, from less than or equal to 0.70746 in the Upper Santonian to greater than or equal to 0.70777 in the Lower Maastrichtian. The data define three linear trends separated by major points of inflection at stratigraphic heights in the section of 162 m (75.5 Ma) in the Upper Campanian Galerites vulgaris zone and at -6 m (82.9 Ma), just above the base of the Campanian in the Inoceramus lingua/Goniateuthis quadrata zone. The temporal rate of change of Sr-87/Sr-86 was constant through each of the linear segments of our isotope ''curve'' when viewed at the resolution of our average sampling interval (0.15 m.y.). Fine structure, if rear, may record brief (<100 kyr) excursions of (SrSr)-Sr-87-Sr-86 from values expected from the overall trends. In Lagerdorf, the boundary between the Santonian and Campanian stages, taken here as the level of first occurrence of the belemnite Gonioteuthis granulataquadrata, has an Sr-87/Sr-86 Of 0.707473 +/- 5. This is within error of the values of 0.707457 +/- 16 for this boundary in the U.S. western interior (base of the Scaphites leei III zone) and 0.707479 +/- 9 for this boundary in the English Chalk (top of the Marsupites testudinarius zone). In Kronsmoor, the boundary between the Campanian and Maastrichtian stages, taken here as the level of first occurrence of the belemnite Belemnella lanceolata, has an Sr-87/Sr-86 of 0.707723 +/- 4. This is within error of the values of 0.707725 +/- 20 for this boundary in the U.S. western interior (base of the Baculites eliasi zone) and 0.707728 +/- 5 for this boundary in the English Chalk (defined as in Germany)

    Conformal Symmetry for Black Holes in Four Dimensions

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    We show that the asymptotic boundary conditions of general asymptotically flat black holes in four dimensions can be modified such that a conformal symmetry emerges. The black holes with the asymptotic geometry removed in this manner satisfy the equations of motion of minimal supergravity in five dimensions. We develop evidence that a two dimensional CFT dual of general black holes in four dimensions account for their black hole entropy.Comment: 24 pages, minor correction

    Post-functionalization of drug-loaded nanoparticles prepared by polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) with mitochondria targeting ligands

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    Herein, the postfunctionalization of different non-fouling PISA particles, prepared from either poly(oligo ethylene glycol methyl ether methacrylate) (pPEGMA) and the anticancer drug PENAO (4-(N-(S-penicillaminylacetyl)amino)phenylarsenonous acid) or zwitterionic 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) and PENAO were reported. Both PISA particles were reacted with triphenylphosphonium (TPP) as mitochondria targeting units in order to evaluate the changes in cellular uptake or the toxicity of the conjugated arsenic drug. Attachment of TPP onto the PISA particles however was found not to enhance the mitochondrial accumulation, but it did influence overall the biological activity of pMPC-based particles in 2D and 3D cultured sarcoma SW982 cells. When TPP was conjugated to the pMPC PISA particles more cellular uptake as well as better spheroid penetration were observed, while TPP on PEG-based PISA had only little effect. It was hypothesized that TPP on the micelle surface may not be accessible enough to allow mitochondria targeting, but more structural investigations are required to elucidate this

    Conformal Symmetry for General Black Holes

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    We show that the warp factor of a generic asymptotically flat black hole in five dimensions can be adjusted such that a conformal symmetry emerges. The construction preserves all near horizon properties of the black holes, such as the thermodynamic potentials and the entropy. We interpret the geometry with modified asymptotic behavior as the "bare" black hole, with the ambient flat space removed. Our warp factor subtraction generalizes hidden conformal symmetry and applies whether or not rotation is significant. We also find a relation to standard AdS/CFT correspondence by embedding the black holes in six dimensions. The asymptotic conformal symmetry guarantees a dual CFT description of the general rotating black holes.Comment: 26 page

    Microscopics of Extremal Kerr from Spinning M5 Branes

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    We show that the spinning magnetic one-brane in minimal five-dimensional supergravity admits a decoupling limit that interpolates smoothly between a self-dual null orbifold of AdS_3 \times S^2 and the near-horizon limit of the extremal Kerr black hole times a circle. We use this interpolating solution to understand the field theory dual to spinning M5 branes as a deformation of the Discrete Light Cone Quantized (DLCQ) Maldacena-Stominger-Witten (MSW) CFT. In particular, the conformal weights of the operators dual to the deformation around AdS_3 \times S^2 are calculated. We present pieces of evidence showing that a CFT dual to the four-dimensional extremal Kerr can be obtained from the deformed MSW CFT.Comment: 5 page

    See-saw neutrino masses and large mixing angles in the vortex background on a sphere

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    In the vortex background on a sphere, a single 6-dimensional fermion family gives rise to 3 zero-modes in the 4-dimensional point of view, which may explain the replication of families in the Standard Model. Previously, it had been shown that realistic hierarchical mass and mixing patterns can be reproduced for the quarks and the charged leptons. Here, we show that the addition of a single heavy 6-dimensional field that is gauge singlet, unbound to the vortex, and embedded with a bulk Majorana mass enables to generate 4D Majorana masses for the light neutrinos through the see-saw mechanism. The scheme is very predictive. The hierarchical structure of the fermion zero-modes leads automatically to an inverted pseudo-Dirac mass pattern, and always predicts one maximal angle in the neutrino see-saw matrix. It is possible to obtain a second large mixing angle from either the charged lepton or the neutrino sector, and we demonstrate that this model can fit all observed data in neutrino oscillations experiments. Also, U_{e3} is found to be of the order ~0.1.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Entrectinib-related myocarditis in a young female patient with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer

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    A 51-year-old woman presented with a 2-week history of off balance, left lower limb weakness and neglect and neck pain radiating down the right arm. Investigations revealed a metastatic, ROS1 fusion-positive, non-small cell lung cancer, and treatment with entrectinib, a recently approved multikinase inhibitor, was started. Two weeks after, she was admitted to the emergency department with new-onset pressure-like chest pain and dyspnoea. Laboratory evaluation showed elevated troponin and mild left ventricular systolic dysfunction with reduced global longitudinal strain on transthoracic echocardiogram. Cardiac magnetic resonance revealed mild oedema and non-ischaemic fibrosis. A diagnosis of drug-induced myocarditis was made. Cardioprotective medication with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and a beta-blocker was started. Entrectinib was temporarily discontinued and restarted at a reduced dose after a multidisciplinary team meeting involving both the oncology and cardio-oncology teams. This is the second described case of entrectinib-induced myocarditis and the first one without eosinophilia

    SL(2,R)SL(2,R) symmetry and quasi-normal modes in the BTZ black hole

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    With the help of two new intrinsic tensor fields associated with the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) quadratic Casimir of Killing fields, we uncover the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) symmetry satisfied by the solutions to the equations of motion for various fields in the BTZ black hole in a uniform way by performing tensor and spinor analysis without resorting to any specific coordinate system. Then with the standard algebraic method developed recently, we determine the quasi-normal modes for various fields in the BTZ black hole. As a result, the quasi-normal modes are given by the infinite tower of descendants of the chiral highest weight mode, which is in good agreement with the previous analytic result obtained by exactly solving equations of motion instead.Comment: JHEP style, 1+13 pages, version to appear in JHE

    Fluid and Diffusion Limits for Bike Sharing Systems

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    Bike sharing systems have rapidly developed around the world, and they are served as a promising strategy to improve urban traffic congestion and to decrease polluting gas emissions. So far performance analysis of bike sharing systems always exists many difficulties and challenges under some more general factors. In this paper, a more general large-scale bike sharing system is discussed by means of heavy traffic approximation of multiclass closed queueing networks with non-exponential factors. Based on this, the fluid scaled equations and the diffusion scaled equations are established by means of the numbers of bikes both at the stations and on the roads, respectively. Furthermore, the scaling processes for the numbers of bikes both at the stations and on the roads are proved to converge in distribution to a semimartingale reflecting Brownian motion (SRBM) in a N2N^{2}-dimensional box, and also the fluid and diffusion limit theorems are obtained. Furthermore, performance analysis of the bike sharing system is provided. Thus the results and methodology of this paper provide new highlight in the study of more general large-scale bike sharing systems.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figure

    Light-like polygonal Wilson loops in 3d Chern-Simons and ABJM theory

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    We study light-like polygonal Wilson loops in three-dimensional Chern-Simons and ABJM theory to two-loop order. For both theories we demonstrate that the one-loop contribution to these correlators cancels. For pure Chern-Simons, we find that specific UV divergences arise from diagrams involving two cusps, implying the loss of finiteness and topological invariance at two-loop order. Studying those UV divergences we derive anomalous conformal Ward identities for n-cusped Wilson loops which restrict the finite part of the latter to conformally invariant functions. We also compute the four-cusp Wilson loop in ABJM theory to two-loop order and find that the result is remarkably similar to that of the corresponding Wilson loop in N=4 SYM. Finally, we speculate about the existence of a Wilson loop/scattering amplitude relation in ABJM theory.Comment: 37 pages, many figures; v2: references added, minor changes; v3: references added, sign error fixed and note adde