15,654 research outputs found

    Phonon emission and arrival times of electrons from a single-electron source

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    In recent charge-pump experiments, single electrons are injected into quantum Hall edge channels at energies significantly above the Fermi level. We consider here the relaxation of these hot edge-channel electrons through longitudinal-optical-phonon emission. Our results show that the probability for an electron in the outermost edge channel to emit one or more phonons en route to a detector some microns distant along the edge channel suffers a double-exponential suppression with increasing magnetic field. This explains recent experimental observations. We also describe how the shape of the arrival-time distribution of electrons at the detector reflects the velocities of the electronic states post phonon emission. We show how this can give rise to pronounced oscillations in the arrival-time-distribution width as a function of magnetic field or electron energy

    Entanglement Entropy of Two Spheres

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    We study the entanglement entropy S_{AB} of a massless free scalar field on two spheres A and B whose radii are R_1 and R_2, respectively, and the distance between the centers of them is r. The state of the massless free scalar field is the vacuum state. We obtain the result that the mutual information S_{A;B}:=S_A+S_B-S_{AB} is independent of the ultraviolet cutoff and proportional to the product of the areas of the two spheres when r>>R_1,R_2, where S_A and S_B are the entanglement entropy on the inside region of A and B, respectively. We discuss possible connections of this result with the physics of black holes.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; v4, added references, revised argument in section V, a typo in eq.(25) corrected, published versio

    Field-driven topological glass transition in a model flux line lattice

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    We show that the flux line lattice in a model layered HTSC becomes unstable above a critical magnetic field with respect to a plastic deformation via penetration of pairs of point-like disclination defects. The instability is characterized by the competition between the elastic and the pinning energies and is essentially assisted by softening of the lattice induced by a dimensional crossover of the fluctuations as field increases. We confirm through a computer simulation that this indeed may lead to a phase transition from crystalline order at low fields to a topologically disordered phase at higher fields. We propose that this mechanism provides a model of the low temperature field--driven disordering transition observed in neutron diffraction experiments on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 {\rm Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8\, } single crystals.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures available upon request via snail mail from [email protected]

    Electromagnetic and gravitational responses and anomalies in topological insulators and superconductors

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    One of the defining properties of the conventional three-dimensional ("Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-", or "spin-orbit"-) topological insulator is its characteristic magnetoelectric effect, as described by axion electrodynamics. In this paper, we discuss an analogue of such a magnetoelectric effect in the thermal (or gravitational) and the magnetic dipole responses in all symmetry classes which admit topologically non-trivial insulators or superconductors to exist in three dimensions. In particular, for topological superconductors (or superfluids) with time-reversal symmetry which lack SU(2) spin rotation symmetry (e.g. due to spin-orbit interactions), such as the B phase of 3^3He, the thermal response is the only probe which can detect the non-trivial topological character through transport. We show that, for such topological superconductors, applying a temperature gradient produces a thermal- (or mass-) surface current perpendicular to the thermal gradient. Such charge, thermal, or magnetic dipole responses provide a definition of topological insulators and superconductors beyond the single-particle picture. Moreover we find, for a significant part of the 'ten-fold' list of topological insulators found in previous work in the absence of interactions, that in general dimensions the effective field theory describing the space-time responses is governed by a field theory anomaly. Since anomalies are known to be insensitive to whether the underlying fermions are interacting or not, this shows that the classification of these topological insulators is robust to adiabatic deformations by interparticle interactions in general dimensionality. In particular, this applies to symmetry classes DIII, CI, and AIII in three spatial dimensions, and to symmetry classes D and C in two spatial dimensions.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Minimax optimization of entanglement witness operator for the quantification of three-qubit mixed-state entanglement

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    We develop a numerical approach for quantifying entanglement in mixed quantum states by convex-roof entanglement measures, based on the optimal entanglement witness operator and the minimax optimization method. Our approach is applicable to general entanglement measures and states and is an efficient alternative to the conventional approach based on the optimal pure-state decomposition. Compared with the conventional one, it has two important merits: (i) that the global optimality of the solution is quantitatively verifiable, and (ii) that the optimization is considerably simplified by exploiting the common symmetry of the target state and measure. To demonstrate the merits, we quantify Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) entanglement in a class of three-qubit full-rank mixed states composed of the GHZ state, the W state, and the white noise, the simplest mixtures of states with different genuine multipartite entanglement, which have not been quantified before this work. We discuss some general properties of the form of the optimal witness operator and of the convex structure of mixed states, which are related to the symmetry and the rank of states

    Accuracy of Mesh Based Cosmological Hydrocodes: Tests and Corrections

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    We perform a variety of tests to determine the numerical resolution of the cosmological TVD eulerian code developed by Ryu et al (1993). Tests include 512^3 and 256^3 simulations of a Pk=k^{-1} spectrum to check for self-similarity and comparison of results with those from higher resolution SPH and grid-based calculations (Frenk et al 1998). We conclude that in regions where density gradients are not produced by shocks the code degrades resolution with a Gaussian smoothing (radius) length of 1.7 cells. At shock caused gradients (for which the code was designed) the smoothing length is 1.1 cells. Finally, for \beta model fit clusters, we can approximately correct numerical resolution by the transformation R^2_{core}\to R^2_{core}-(C\Delta l)^2, where \Delta l is the cell size and C=1.1-1.7. When we use these corrections on our previously published computations for the SCDM and \Lambda CDM models we find luminosity weighted, zero redshift, X-ray cluster core radii of (210\pm 86, 280\pm 67)h^{-1}kpc, respectively, which are marginally consistent with observed (Jones & Forman 1992) values of 50-200h^{-1}kpc. Using the corrected core radii, the COBE normalized SCDM model predicts the number of bright L_x>10^{43}erg/s clusters too high by a factor of \sim 20 and the \Lambda CDM model is consistent with observations.Comment: ApJ in press (1999

    Mutual information challenges entropy bounds

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    We consider some formulations of the entropy bounds at the semiclassical level. The entropy S(V) localized in a region V is divergent in quantum field theory (QFT). Instead of it we focus on the mutual information I(V,W)=S(V)+S(W)-S(V\cup W) between two different non-intersecting sets V and W. This is a low energy quantity, independent of the regularization scheme. In addition, the mutual information is bounded above by twice the entropy corresponding to the sets involved. Calculations of I(V,W) in QFT show that the entropy in empty space cannot be renormalized to zero, and must be actually very large. We find that this entropy due to the vacuum fluctuations violates the FMW bound in Minkowski space. The mutual information also gives a precise, cutoff independent meaning to the statement that the number of degrees of freedom increases with the volume in QFT. If the holographic bound holds, this points to the essential non locality of the physical cutoff. Violations of the Bousso bound would require conformal theories and large distances. We speculate that the presence of a small cosmological constant might prevent such a violation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, minor change
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