41 research outputs found

    Recent Finance Advances in Information Technology for Inclusive Development: A Survey

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    The Comparative Economics of Catch-Up in Output per worker, total factor productivity and technological gain in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    After investigating the effect of external financial flows on total factor productivity and technological gain, we use the beta catch-up and sigma convergence to compare dispersions in output per worker, total factor productivity and technological gain in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) for the years 1980-2010. The comparative evidence is articulated with income levels, years of schooling, and health factors. We find; first, a positive association between foreign direct investment, trade openness, foreign aid, remittances and total factor productivity. However, when foreign direct investment is interacted with schooling, it is direct effect becomes negative on total factor productivity. Second, beta catch-up is between19.22% and 19.70% per annum with corresponding time to full catch-up of 25.38 years and 26.01 years respectively. Third, we find sigma-convergence among low-income nations and upper-middle income nations separately, but not for the entire sample together. Fourth, schooling in SSA is not yet a significant source of technology, but it can make external financial inflows more effective. Policies to induce external financial flows are not enough for development if absorptive capacity is low. More policy implications are discussed

    Doing Business and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Purpose- This study examines how doing business affects inclusive human development in 48 sub-Saharan Africa for the period 2000-2012. Design/methodology/approach- The measurement of inclusive human development encompasses both absolute pro-poor and relative pro-poor concepts of inclusive development. Three doing business variables are used, namely: the number of start-up procedures required to register a business; time required to start a business; and time to prepare and pay taxes. The empirical evidence is based on Fixed Effects and Generalised Method of Moments regressions. Findings- The findings show that increasing constraints to the doing of business have a negative effect on inclusive human development. Originality/value- The study is timely and very relevant to the post-2015 Sustainable Development agenda for two fundamental reasons: (i) Exclusive development is a critical policy syndrome in Africa because about 50% of countries in the continent did not attain the MDG extreme poverty target despite enjoying more than two decades of growth resurgence. (ii) Growth in Africa is primarily driven by large extractive industries and with the population of the continent expected to double in about 30 years, scholarship on entrepreneurship for inclusive development is very welcome. This is essentially because studies have shown that the increase in unemployment (resulting from the underlying demographic change) would be accommodated by the private sector, not the public sector

    On the Empirics of Institutions and Quality of Growth: Evidence for Developing Countries

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    We explore a newly available dataset on quality of growth to investigate the effect of institutions on growth quality in 93 developing countries for the period 1990 to 2011. Quality of institutions is measured in term of political risk. The empirical evidence is based on: (i) Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) and (ii) cross-sectional and panel data structures. In order to avail room for more policy implications, the dataset is further disaggregated into income levels, namely: Lower middle income (LMIC), low income (LI) and upper middle income (UMIC). Three main findings are established. First, institutions are positively related to the quality of growth. Second, institutions have significantly contributed to growth quality in increasing order during the following time intervals: 2005-2011, 1995-1999 and 2000-2004. Third, the positive nexus between institutions and growth quality is fundamentally driven by LMIC. Policy implications are discussed