837 research outputs found

    Modification of the Unitarity Relation for sin2beta-Vub in Supersymmetric Models

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    Recently, a more than 2sigma discrepancy has been observed between the well measured inclusive value of Vub and the predicted value of Vub from the unitarity triangle fit using the world average value of sin2beta. We attempt to resolve this tension in the context of grand unified SO(10) and SU(5) models where the neutrino mixing matrix is responsible for flavor changing neutral current at the weak scale and the models with non-proportional A-terms (can be realized simply in the context of intersecting D-brane models) and investigate the interplay between the constraints arising from B_{s,d}-\bar B_{s,d} mixings, epsilon_K, Br(tau -> mu gamma), Br(mu -> e gamma) and a fit of this new discrepancy. We also show that the ongoing measurement of the phase of Bs mixing will be able to identify the grand unified model. The measurement of Br(tau -> e gamma) will also be able to test these scenarios, especially the models with non-proportional A-terms.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. Minor corrections, references adde

    Correlation between direct dark matter detection and Br(B_s -> mu mu) with a large phase of B_s - anti-B_s mixing

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    We combine the analyses for flavor changing neutral current processes and dark matter solutions in minimal-type supersymmetric grand unified theory (GUT) models, SO(10) and SU(5), with a large B_s - anti-B_s mixing phase and large tan beta. For large tan beta, the double penguin diagram dominates the SUSY contribution to the B_s - anti-B_s mixing amplitude. Also, the Br(B_s -> mu mu) constraint becomes important as it grows as tan^6 beta, although it can still be suppressed by large pseudoscalar Higgs mass m_A. We investigate the correlation between B_s -> mu mu and the dark matter direct detection cross-section through their dependence on m_A. In the minimal-type of SU(5) with type I seesaw, the large mixing in neutrino Dirac couplings results in large lepton flavor violating decay process tau to mu gamma, which in turn sets upper bound on m_A. In the SO(10) case, the large mixing can be chosen to be in the Majorana couplings instead, and the constraint from Br(tau -> mu gamma) can be avoided. The heavy Higgs funnel region turns out to be an interesting possibility in both cases and the direct dark matter detection should be possible in the near future in these scenarios.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Neutrino Mixing Predictions of a Minimal SO(10) Model with Suppressed Proton Decay

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    During the past year, a minimal renormalizable supersymmetric SO(10) model has been proposed with the following properties: it predicts a naturally stable dark matter and neutrino mixing angles theta_atm and theta_13 while at the same time accommodating CKM CP violation among quarks with no SUSY CP problem. Suppression of proton decay for all allowed values of tan beta strongly restricts the flavor structure of the model making it predictive for other processes as well. We discuss the following predictions of the model in this paper, e.g. down-type quark masses, and neutrino oscillation parameters, U_e3, delta_MNSP, which will be tested by long baseline experiments such as T2K and subsequent experiments using the neutrino beam from JPARC. We also calculate lepton flavor violation and the lepton asymmetry of the Universe in this model.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Experimental and Atomistic Theoretical Study of Degree of Polarization from Multi-layer InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots

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    Recent experimental measurements, without any theoretical guidance, showed that isotropic polarization response can be achieved by increasing the number of QD layers in a QD stack. Here we analyse the polarization response of multi-layer quantum dot stacks containing up to nine quantum dot layers by linearly polarized PL measurements and by carrying out a systematic set of multi-million atom simulations. The atomistic modeling and simulations allow us to include correct symmetry properties in the calculations of the optical spectra: a factor critical to explain the experimental evidence. The values of the degree of polarization (DOP) calculated from our model follows the trends of the experimental data. We also present detailed physical insight by examining strain profiles, band edges diagrams and wave function plots. Multi-directional PL measurements and calculations of the DOP reveal a unique property of InAs quantum dot stacks that the TE response is anisotropic in the plane of the stacks. Therefore a single value of the DOP is not sufficient to fully characterize the polarization response. We explain this anisotropy of the TE-modes by orientation of hole wave functions along the [-110] direction. Our results provide a new insight that isotropic polarization response measured in the experimental PL spectra is due to two factors: (i) TM[001]-mode contributions increase due to enhanced intermixing of HH and LH bands, and (ii) TE[110]-mode contributions reduce significantly due to hole wave function alignment along the [-110] direction. We also present optical spectra for various geometry configurations of quantum dot stacks to provide a guide to experimentalists for the design of multi-layer QD stacks for optical devices. Our results predict that the QD stacks with identical layers will exhibit lower values of the DOP than the stacks with non-identical layers.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, and 1 tabl

    Suppressing Proton Decay in the Minimal SO(10) Model

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    We show that in a class of minimal supersymmetric SO(10) models which have been found to be quite successful in predicting neutrino mixings, all proton decay modes can be suppressed by a particular choice of Yukawa textures. This suppression works for contributions from both left and right operators for nucleon decay and for arbitrary \tan\beta. The required texture not only fits all lepton and quark masses as well as CKM parameters but it also predicts neutrino mixing parameter U_e3 and Dirac CP phase \sin|\delta_MNS| to be 0.07-0.09 and 0.3-0.7 respectively. We also discuss the relation between the GUT symmetry breaking parameters for the origin of these textures.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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