460 research outputs found

    Silicon micromachined hollow microneedles for transdermal liquid transfer

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    This paper presents an improved design and fabrication process [ 13 for hollow micro needles with the proper mechanical strength and sharpness to be applied for painless transdermal transfer of liquids. Tests have shown that liquids like blood are drawn into the needle by capillary forces, reducing the need for active pumping. The fabrication method allows different needle shapes like blades and pencils, is robust enough to be applied for largerscale production, and enables the development of a complete micro-TAS for e.g. blood analysis

    Stability of the Bragg glass phase in a layered geometry

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    We study the stability of the dislocation-free Bragg glass phase in a layered geometry consisting of coupled parallel planes of d=1+1 vortex lines lying within each plane, in the presence of impurity disorder. Using renormalization group, replica variational calculations and physical arguments we show that at temperatures T<TGT<T_G the 3D Bragg glass phase is always stable for weak disorder. It undergoes a weakly first order transition into a decoupled 2D vortex glass upon increase of disorder.Comment: RevTeX. Submitted to EP

    Scaling and exact solutions for the flux creep problem in a slab superconductor

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    The flux creep problem for a superconductor slab placed in a constant or time-dependent magnetic field is considered. Logarithmic dependence of the activation energy on the current density is assumed, U=U0 ln(J/Jc), with a field dependent Jc. The density B of the magnetic flux penetrating into the superconductor, is shown to obey a scaling law, i.e., the profiles B(x) at different times can be scaled to a function of a single variable. We found exact solution for the scaling function in some specific cases, and an approximate solution for a general case. The scaling also holds for a slab carrying transport current I resulting in a power-law V(I) with exponent p~1. When the flux fronts moving from two sides of the slab collapse at the center, the scaling is broken and p crosses over to U0/kT.Comment: RevTex, 10 pages including 6 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Realization of random-field dipolar Ising ferromagnetism in a molecular magnet

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    The longitudinal magnetic susceptibility of single crystals of the molecular magnet Mn12_{12}-acetate obeys a Curie-Weiss law, indicating a transition to a ferromagnetic phase due to dipolar interactions. With increasing magnetic field applied transverse to the easy axis, the transition temperature decreases considerably more rapidly than predicted by mean field theory to a T=0 quantum critical point. Our results are consistent with an effective Hamiltonian for a random-field Ising ferromagnet in a transverse field, where the randomness is induced by an external field applied to Mn12_{12}-acetate crystals that are known to have an intrinsic distribution of locally tilted magnetic easy axes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental determination of the Weiss temperature of Mn12_{12}-ac and Mn12_{12}-ac-MeOH

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    We report measurements of the susceptibility in the temperature range from 3.53.5 K to 6.06.0 K of a series of Mn12_{12}-ac and Mn12_{12}-ac-MeOH samples in the shape of rectangular prisms of length lcl_c and square cross-section of side lal_a. The susceptibility obeys a Curie-Weiss Law, χ=C/(T−θ)\chi=C/(T-\theta), where θ\theta varies systematically with sample aspect ratio. Using published demagnetization factors, we obtain θ\theta for an infinitely long sample corresponding to intrinsic ordering temperatures Tc≈0.85T_c \approx 0.85 K and ≈0.74\approx 0.74 K for Mn12_{12}-ac and Mn12_{12}-ac-MeOH, respectively. The difference in TcT_c for two materials that have nearly identical unit cell volumes and lattice constant ratios suggests that, in addition to dipolar interactions, there is a non-dipolar (exchange) contribution to the Weiss temperature that differs in the two materials because of the difference in ligand molecules.Comment: 4.5 page

    Critical currents, flux-creep activation energy and potential barriers for the vortex motion from the flux creep experiments

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    We present an experimental study of thermally activated flux creep in a superconducting ring-shaped epitaxial YBCO film as well as a new way of analyzing the experimental data. The measurements were made in a wide range of temperatures between 10 and 83 K. The upper temperature limit was dictated by our experimental technique and at low temperatures we were limited by a crossover to quantum tunneling of vortices. It is shown that the experimental data can very well be described by assuming a simple thermally activated hopping of vortices or vortex bundles over potential barriers, whereby the hopping flux objects remain the same for all currents and temperatures. The new procedure of data analysis also allows to establish the current and temperature dependencies of the flux-creep activation energy U, as well as the temperature dependence of the critical current Ic, from the flux-creep rates measured at different temperatures. The variation of the activation energy with current, U(I/Ic), is then used to reconstruct the profile of the potential barriers in real space.Comment: 12 pages, 13 Postscript figures, Submitted to Physical Review
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