27 research outputs found


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    Cechy fizyczne ejakulat贸w knur贸w inseminacyjnych w zale偶no艣ci od up艂ywu czasu od pobrania poprzedniego ejakulatu

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    Obserwacjami obj臋to 52 805 ejakulat贸w pobranych od 335 knur贸w inseminacyjnych. Ejakulaty oceniano na podstawie: obj臋to艣ci ejakulatu, koncentracji plemnik贸w, og贸lnej liczby plemnik贸w o ruchu post臋powym i liczby dawek inseminacyjnych mo偶liwych do uzyskania z jednego ejakulatu. Zebrany materia艂 pogrupowano na osiem podgrup wed艂ug kryterium czasu up艂ywaj膮cego od pobrania poprzedniego ejakulatu. Wykazano, 偶e czas up艂ywaj膮cy od pobrania poprzedniego ejakulatu w istotny spos贸b wp艂ywa na cechy fizyczne ejakulatu. W miar臋 zwi臋kszania czasu up艂ywaj膮cego od pobrania poprzedniego ejakulatu wzrasta obj臋to艣膰 ejakulatu, koncentracja plemnik贸w i og贸lna liczba plemnik贸w w ejakulacie. Zwi臋ksza si臋 te偶 liczba dawek inseminacyjnych uzyskiwanych z pojedynczego ejakulatu. Najwi臋kszy przyrost liczby plemnik贸w w wydalanych ejakulatach oraz liczby dawek inseminacyjnych sporz膮dzanych z ejakulat贸w nast臋puje przy zwi臋kszaniu czasu od poprzedniego pobrania do czterech, pi臋ciu, sze艣ciu, siedmiu oraz do o艣miu i wi臋cej dni. Cz臋ste pobieranie ejakulat贸w, po up艂ywie trzech lub mniej dni od poprzedniego pobrania, skutkuje ma艂膮 liczb膮 plemnik贸w w wydalanych ejakulatach i ma艂膮 liczb膮 dawek inseminacyjnych sporz膮dzanych z ejakulat贸w.The experimental material consisted of 52 805 ejaculates obtained from 335 boars. The ejaculates were collected using the gloved-hand technique. Each ejaculate was assessed using standard methods for the following physical traits: volume, sperm concentration, total number of spermatozoa, and number of insemination doses per ejaculate. The collected materials were grouped according to the criterion of the time from previous collection of ejaculates. The time elapsed from the collection of the previous ejaculate significantly affects the physical traits of ejaculates. Ejaculate volumes, sperm concentrations and the total numbers of spermatozoa in the ejaculates rise along with increasing time intervals from previous ejaculate collections. The numbers of insemination doses prepared from a single ejaculate also rise. The highest increase in the numbers of spermatozoa in the produced ejaculates and in the numbers of insemination doses prepared from the ejaculates is observed after extending the time interval from the previous collection to 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and more days. After three or fewer days from the previous collection, high ejaculate collection frequency results in low numbers of spermatozoa in the produced ejaculates and low numbers of insemination doses prepared from the ejaculates

    A Case of Hypophosphatemiawith Increased Urinary Excretion of Phosphorus Associated with Ibrutinib

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    Ibrutinib, an irreversible oral inhibitor of Bruton's tyrosine kinase, has been used in the treatment of patients with multiple hematologic malignancies. A 59-year-old male with chronic lymphocytic leukemia was treated with 420 mg/day of ibrutinib. No evidence of bruising or diarrhea was noted. The treatment was complicated by a transient increase in creatinine (from a baseline of 1.2 to 1.5 mg/dl) and potassium (reaching a peak of 6.5 mEq/l). Uric acid and calcium levels were normal. The patient developed hypophosphatemia (prior to initiation of therapy the serum phosphorus was 2.9 mg/dl). No metabolic acidosis was noted. Urinalysis showed no glucosuria or proteinuria. Urinary fraction of excretion of phosphate was found to be 345% (normal <5%). Because of these changes, ibrutinib was held, and the patient was given kayexalate. Serum potassium normalized. Serum phosphorus was checked a couple of weeks later and also normalized. A lower dose of ibrutinib (140 mg/day) was restarted. Upon follow-up, the phosphorus level has been between 2.9 and 3.2 mg/dl. No further evidence of hyperkalemia has been noted. Renal function has remained at baseline. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report describing the mechanism of hypophosphatemia in a patient treated with ibrutinib

    Cechy ejakulat贸w knur贸w inseminacyjnych w zale偶no艣ci od pory roku

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    Badania przeprowadzono na ponad 8 tysi膮cach ejakulat贸w pobranych od 112 knur贸w. Badaniami obj臋to wszystkie ejakulaty pobrane i zakwalifikowane do inseminacji w czteroletnim okresie dzia艂ania jednej ze stacji unasienniania loch. Nasienie od knur贸w pobierano dwa razy w tygodniu, metod膮 manualn膮, rano po pierwszym karmieniu. Pobrane ejakulaty poddano ocenie wed艂ug metodyki stosowanej w polskich stacjach unasienniania loch. Zebrane dane podzielono na 12 podgrup obejmuj膮cych ejakulaty pobierane w poszczeg贸lnych miesi膮cach roku. Wykazano, 偶e cechy ejakulat贸w knur贸w inseminacyjnych zale偶膮 od pory roku pobrania. Ejakulaty pozyskiwane w okresie jesienno-zimowym cechuj膮 si臋 du偶膮 obj臋to艣ci膮 i zawieraj膮 najwi臋cej plemnik贸w o ruchu post臋powym. Ejakulaty te cechuj膮 si臋 tak偶e relatywnie du偶膮 ruchliwo艣ci膮 plemnik贸w. Ma to zwi膮zek z du偶膮 liczb膮 dawek inseminacyjnych wytwarzanych z ejakulat贸w pobieranych w tym okresie. Ejakulaty pobierane w okresie lata (czerwiec鈥搒ierpie艅) zawieraj膮 mniej plemnik贸w wykazuj膮cych prawid艂owy ruch. Uzyskuje si臋 z nich o oko艂o 3 dawki inseminacyjne mniej ni偶 z ejakulat贸w pobieranych w okresie zimowym.We investigated more than 8 thousand ejaculates collected from 112 boars. The investigation involved all the ejaculates collected and qualified for insemination during a four- -year period at a sow insemination centre. Semen was manually collected from the boars twice weekly, in the morning, after the first feeding. The collected ejaculates were evaluated according to a methodology used at Polish sow insemination centres. The data we gathered were divided into 12 subgroups comprising ejaculates collected in particular seasons of the year. We found the characteristics of insemination boar ejaculates to be dependant on the season in which the ejaculates were collected. Ejaculates obtained in the autumn-winter period are characterised with a high volume and contain the greatest number of progressively motile spermatozoa. These ejaculates also contain relatively highly mobile sperms. This results in obtaining a high number of insemination doses prepared from ejaculates collected at the time. Ejaculates gathered in the summer (June-August) contain fewer correctly motile spermatozoa. Roughly, they produce 3 insemination doses fewer than the ejaculates collected in the autumnwinter period

    Effect of sperm concentration in an ejaculate on morphometric traits of spermatozoa in Duroc boars

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    The experimental material consisted of 75 ejaculates collected form 8 Duroc boars. The ejaculates were divided into three groups according to sperm concentration in an ejaculate. An ejaculate was obtained from each boar monthly and it was used to make microscopic preparations to examine spermatozoa morphology. In each preparation morphometric measurements were taken of fifteen randomly selected spermatozoa characterized by normal morphology. The following measurements of spermatozoa were taken: length and width of the spermatozoa head, head area, length of the flagellum, perimeter of the spermatozoon head and total spermatozoon length. The results were used to calculate indicators of spermatozoa morphology. Moreover, assessments were made of frequency of morphological defects to isolate spermatozoa with primary and secondary abnormalities following the Blom classification system. It was found that the concentration of spermatozoa in the ejaculate influenced the morphometric characteristics of spermatozoa. Ejaculates with low sperm concentrations are characterized by larger spermatozoa as compared to ejaculates with high sperm concentrations. However, sperm concentration in the ejaculate does not much influence the shape of spermatozoa

    Aktywno艣膰 p艂ciowa oraz cechy ejakulat贸w knur贸w ras Duroc, Hampshire i Pietrain oraz miesza艅c贸w tych ras

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