88 research outputs found
The technology transfer of non-ferrous alloys casting during the middle age
The article reports on the findings from the metallographic analysis of 13th c. archaeological objects from Chełm (eastern Poland). The group submitted for analysis includes jeweller’s dies used in the production of women’s ceremonial ornaments, crucibles and bronze ornaments. The Mongol invasion of 13th c. had caused craftsmen from central areas of East Europe to flee and seek shelter in the western parts of Rus. It may be safe to interpret the finds from Chełm as the remains of a jeweller’s workshop, the site of casting and working copper alloys and silver. The analysis of the technology used in casting copper alloys and silver in the jeweller’s workshop were made using optical microscopy, X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray radiography
Order-disorder phase transition in a cliquey social network
We investigate the network model of community by Watts, Dodds and Newman (D.
J. Watts et al., Science 296 (2002) 1302) as a hierarchy of groups, each of 5
individuals. A homophily parameter controls the probability
proportional to of selection of neighbours against distance
. The network nodes are endowed with spin-like variables , with
Ising interaction . The Glauber dynamics is used to investigate the
order-disorder transition. The transition temperature is close to 3.8 for
and it falls down to zero above this value. The result provides
a mathematical illustration of the social ability to a collective action {\it
via} weak ties, as discussed by Granovetter in 1973.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
Self-consistent Wigner distribution function study of gate-voltage controlled triple-barrier resonant tunnelling diode
The electron transport through the triple-barrier resonant tunnelling diode
(TBRTD) have been studied by the self-consistent numerical method for the
Wigner-Poisson problem. The electron flow through the TBRTD can be controlled
by the gate voltage applied to one of the potential well regions. For different
gate voltage values we have determined the current-voltage characteristics,
potential energy profiles, and electron density distribution. We have found the
enhancement of the peak-to-valley ratio (up to 10), the appearance of the
linear current versus bias voltage behaviour within the negative-differential
resistance region, and the bistability of the current-voltage characteristics.
The analysis of the self-consistent potential energy profiles and electron
density distribution allowed us to provide a physical interpretation of these
properties.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure
Multifractal analysis of the electronic states in the Fibonacci superlattice under weak electric fields
Influence of the weak electric field on the electronic structure of the
Fibonacci superlattice is considered. The electric field produces a nonlinear
dynamics of the energy spectrum of the aperiodic superlattice. Mechanism of the
nonlinearity is explained in terms of energy levels anticrossings. The
multifractal formalism is applied to investigate the effect of weak electric
field on the statistical properties of electronic eigenfunctions. It is shown
that the applied electric field does not remove the multifractal character of
the electronic eigenfunctions, and that the singularity spectrum remains
non-parabolic, however with a modified shape. Changes of the distances between
energy levels of neighbouring eigenstates lead to the changes of the inverse
participation ratio of the corresponding eigenfunctions in the weak electric
field. It is demonstrated, that the local minima of the inverse participation
ratio in the vicinity of the anticrossings correspond to discontinuity of the
first derivative of the difference between marginal values of the singularity
strength. Analysis of the generalized dimension as a function of the electric
field shows that the electric field correlates spatial fluctuations of the
neighbouring electronic eigenfunction amplitudes in the vicinity of
anticrossings, and the nonlinear character of the scaling exponent confirms
multifractality of the corresponding electronic eigenfunctions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
Application program SMATH in analysis of staeady state of electrical circuits
W pracy zaprezentowano oprogramowanie pomocne w nauczaniu studentów analizy
obwodów elektrycznych [1]. Programy utworzone w systemie SMATH [2] umożliwiające
rozwiązać zadania z obwodów elektrycznych, stanowią interesujące narzędzie wspomagające
proces nauczania. Możliwość tworzenia przez studentów własnych struktur
obwodów elektrycznych, z podglądem zastosowanych w obliczeniach równań
i wyników tych obliczeń jest ciekawą alternatywą nauki dla studentów.The paper presents the software useful in teaching students the analysis of electrical
circuits [1]. Programs created in the system SMath [2] allow to solve the tasks of electrical
circuits, provide interesting tool to support the learning process. The ability to create
their own structures by students of electrical circuits, the preview used in the calculation
equations and the results of these calculations is an interesting alternative learning for
Using SMATH software for the analysis of steady states in electric circuits
This paper presents software that can be used for educational purposes – teaching students to perform the analysis of electric circuits [1]. Programmes created in the SMATH system [2] make it possible to solve exercises on electric circuits and constitute an interesting tool supporting the teaching process. The fact that the students can form their own electric circuit structures, with a preview of the equations and the solutions of these calculations, offers to them an interesting learning alternative
Magnetic field vector gradiometer
W pracy przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania parametrów wektorowego gradiometru magnetycznego mających istotny wpływ na przybliżony pomiar pochodnych cząstkowych. Wartości pochodnych cząstkowych mierzone są w sposób przybliżony metodą różnicową. Dokładność pomiaru różnicy indukcji magnetycznej zależy od kąta przesunięcia osi czujników magnetycznych, przesunięcia zera i współczynnika skali czujników oraz od odległości między czujnikami. Skuteczność wykrywania obiektów ferromagnetycznych z zastosowaniem wektorowego gradiometru bez informacji o wartościach tych parametrów jest bardzo niska.Five independent partial derivatives of the magnetic flux density vector are used for detecting ferromagnetic objects by use of vector gradiometers in algorithms of object locating and identifying. This method requires precise measurement of the magnetic flux density gradient (1). A gradiometer built of magnetometers with directional sensitivity characteristics has several parameters, called critical in this paper, that influence the measurement of partial derivatives in a significant way. The gradiometer critical parameters are: angle between the axis of magnetic sensors, offset, accuracy of measurements of separate sensors and the distance between them. The critical parameters values can be determined on a basis of measurements from formulas (4-8). Partial derivatives (1) are determined on a basis of measuring the difference quotient of the magnetic flux density. When choosing the distance sensors, their sensitivity and approximation of partial derivatives by difference quotients should be taken into account
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