47 research outputs found

    Post-resolution macrophages shape long-term tissue immunity and integrity in a mouse model of pneumococcal pneumonia

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    Resolving inflammation is thought to return the affected tissue back to homoeostasis but recent evidence supports a non-linear model of resolution involving a phase of prolonged immune activity. Here we show that within days following resolution of Streptococcus pneumoniae-triggered lung inflammation, there is an influx of antigen specific lymphocytes with a memory and tissue-resident phenotype as well as macrophages bearing alveolar or interstitial phenotype. The transcriptome of these macrophages shows enrichment of genes associated with prostaglandin biosynthesis and genes that drive T cell chemotaxis and differentiation. Therapeutic depletion of post-resolution macrophages, inhibition of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis or treatment with an EP4 antagonist, MF498, reduce numbers of lung CD4+/CD44+/CD62L+ and CD4+/CD44+/CD62L-/CD27+ T cells as well as their expression of the α-integrin, CD103. The T cells fail to reappear and reactivate upon secondary challenge for up to six weeks following primary infection. Concomitantly, EP4 antagonism through MF498 causes accumulation of lung macrophages and marked tissue fibrosis. Our study thus shows that PGE2 signalling, predominantly via EP4, plays an important role during the second wave of immune activity following resolution of inflammation. This secondary immune activation drives local tissue-resident T cell development while limiting tissue injur

    Wpływ warunków hodowli na parametry hematologiczne i podatność karpia na eksperymentalny stres manipulacyjny

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    The effects of rearing conditions on hematology and susceptibility of common carp to experimental manipulation stress. The aim of present study was to compare hematological values in pond-reared and hatchery-reared common carp, and their hematological alterations following experimental manipulation. Two groups of carp: pond, and hatchery-reared juveniles were subjected to experimental manipulation – transfer of each fi sh for three hours to separate, aerated but confi ning aquaria. Blood was sampled and hematological parameters were evaluated (erythrocyte and leukocyte counts, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, metabolic activity of phagocytes), and differential erythrocyte and leukocyte counts were calculated in the smears. Prior to stress, pond fi sh showed higher erythrocyte count and hemoglobin concentration, lower erythrocyte volume, and higher leukocyte count and phagocyte activity comparing to the hatchery fi sh. Reaction of both groups of fi sh to manipulation also differed. Pond fi sh showed erythrocyte swelling, and strong leukopenia (lymphopenia and neutropenia), and a decrease in phagocyte activity, while in hatchery fi sh increase in erythrocyte count and phagocyte activity took place. Rearing conditions signifi cantly affected hematological parameters of fi sh, pond-reared carp showing higher oxygen transport and immunological capacities comparing to the hatchery-reared ones. Pond fi sh showed also higher susceptibility to stress

    Fizjologiczne i histologiczne skutki działania herbicydów na ryby

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    Sezonowe zmiany parametrów hematologicznych u młodocianych karpi w warunkach laboratoryjnych

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    Annual changes in hematological parameters of common carp juveniles under laboratory conditions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes of the values of hematological parameters of carp juveniles in annual cycle under stable laboratory conditions. Some parameters showed distinct rhythms of changes, e.g. 2 peaks of hematocrit occurred in II and VIII, of hemoglobin concentration in I and VI, while erythrocyte count showed maximum in II. The largest erythrocytes were observed in VIII, and the smallest in XII. Leukocyte count showed two peaks in XII and III. Maximum lymphocyte frequency occurred in III and minimum in XI, while percentage of neutrophils showed the reverse pattern. Oxidative metabolic activity of phagocytes peaked in III, while minimum occurred in XI–XII and VI–VII. Thrombocyte count was highest in XII, and lowest in VII. The obtained results revealed that the values of hematological parameters in carp considerably changed during the year despite little alterations in environmental factors. Some of these changes, e.g. increase in oxidative activity of phagocytes in spring and increase in hemoglobin level in summer were similar to those that occur in fi sh under natural conditions. Another changes, such as increase in erythrocyte size or decrease in leukocyte count suggest long-term adjustment to the laboratory environment