56 research outputs found
Effect of slow-release FSH on embryo recovery in dairy cows
AETE, Bath, UK, 8-9 September, 2017201
Interactions of Bacillus Mojavensis and Fusarium Verticillioides With a Benzoxazolinone (Boa) and Its Transformation Product, Apo
En:Journal of Chemical Ecology (2007, vol. 33, n. 10, p. 1885-1897)The benzoxazolinones, specifically benzoxazolin-2(3H)-one (BOA), are important transformation products of the benzoxazinones that can serve as allelochemicals providing resistance to maize from pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and insects. However, maize pathogens such as Fusarium verticillioides are capable of detoxifying the benzoxazolinones to 2-aminophenol (AP), which is converted to the less toxic N-(2-hydroxyphenyl) malonamic acid (HPMA) and 2-acetamidophenol (HPAA). As biocontrol strategies that utilize a species of endophytic bacterium, Bacillus mojavensis, are considered efficacious as a control of this Fusarium species, the in vitro transformation and effects of BOA on growth of this bacterium was examined relative to its interaction with strains of F. verticillioides. The results showed that a red pigment was produced and accumulated only on BOA-amended media when wild type and the progeny of genetic crosses of F. verticillioides are cultured in the presence of the bacterium. The pigment was identified as 2-amino-3H-phenoxazin-3-one (APO), which is a stable product. The results indicate that the bacterium interacts with the fungus preventing the usual transformation of AP to the nontoxic HPMA, resulting in the accumulation of higher amounts of APO than when the fungus is cultured alone. APO is highly toxic to F. verticillioides and other organisms. Thus, an enhanced biocontrol is suggested by this in vitro study.
=580 $aEn:Journal of Chemical Ecolog
Quantification of the purinergic P2X(7) receptor with [C-11]SMW139 improves through correction for brain-penetrating radiometabolites
The membrane-based purinergic 7 receptor (P2X(7)R) is expressed on activated microglia and the target of the radioligand [C-11]SMW139 for in vivo assessment of neuroinflammation. This study investigated the contribution of radiolabelled metabolites which potentially affect its quantification. Ex vivo high-performance liquid chromatography with a radio detector (radioHPLC) was used to evaluate the parent and radiometabolite fractions of [C-11]SMW139 in the brain and plasma of eleven mice. Twelve healthy humans underwent 90-min [C-11]SMW139 brain PET with arterial blood sampling and radiometabolite analysis. The volume of distribution was estimated by using one- and two- tissue compartment (TCM) modeling with single (V-T) and dual (V-Tp) input functions. RadioHPLC showed three major groups of radiometabolite peaks with increasing concentrations in the plasma of all mice and humans. Two radiometabolite peaks were also visible in mice brain homogenates and therefore considered for dual input modeling in humans. 2TCM with single input function provided V-T estimates with a wide range (0.10-10.74) and high coefficient of variation (COV: 159.9%), whereas dual input function model showed a narrow range of V-Tp estimates (0.04-0.24; COV: 33.3%). In conclusion, compartment modeling with correction for brain-penetrant radiometabolites improves the in vivo quantification of [C-11]SMW139 binding to P2X(7)R in the human brain.</p
Liikesuhteissa kehittyvät organisaation kyvykkyydet:tapaustutkimus teknologiakylästä
The objective of the study is to develop the marketing interaction and network theory by conceptualising and categorising organisational capabilities. The study also aims to clarify what organisational capabilities develop when acting in business relationships and what factors promote and hamper the development of organisational capabilities in a technopolis.
The theoretical framework of the study was created by combining the views of the marketing interaction and network theory and the views of the strategic management and dynamic capabilities theories on organisational capabilities, strategy and management. The concepts of organisational capability defined on the basis of the theories were further developed by utilising data from empirical research in order to form the organisational capability concepts used in this study. Capabilities were divided into strategic and operative capabilities. The factors promoting and hampering the development of organisational capabilities were divided into four categories: internal factors of organisations, interactive factors, and both internal and external network factors of a technopolis. The empirical data of this study consists of primary and secondary interviews and documents. The study was carried out as a concept analysis of qualitative and longitudinal data of several case companies.
The results indicate that the development of organisational capabilities is linked with, in addition to operative management, senior corporate management, id est, the level of strategic management. Capabilities affect the modernisation or expansion of operations at the strategy level or, at the operational level, capabilities can be utilised for increasing the efficiency of operations or developing them. Most promoting and hampering factors where found in the strategic capability of creating market value and the operative capabilities of outsourcing and sales. The results show that operations in business relationships must be linked to the level strategic management, in addition to the operative management level. The study shows that, as a local organisation cluster, the technopolis promotes the development of capabilities. The long processing periods of public funding mechanisms impaired the development of organisational capabilities even though funding was important to the case organisations.Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on kehittää markkinoinnin vuorovaikutus- ja verkostoteoriaa käsitteellistämällä ja luokittelemalla organisaation kyvykkyyksiä. Tutkimus pyrkii vastaamaan kysymykseen, millaisia organisaation kyvykkyyksiä liikesuhteissa toimiminen kehittää ja mitkä tekijät edistävät ja haittaavat kyvykkyyksien kehittymistä teknologiakyläkontekstissa.
Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostettiin yhdistämällä markkinoinnin vuorovaikutus- ja verkostokoulukunnan sekä strategisen johtamisen ja dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien koulukuntien näkökulmia organisaation kyvykkyydestä, strategiasta ja johtamisesta. Tämän tutkimuksen kyvykkyyskäsitteisiin päädyttiin kehittämällä teoreettisesti määriteltyjä käsitteitä empiriasta saadun tiedon avulla. Kyvykkyydet jaettiin strategisiin ja operatiivisiin.
Organisaation kyvykkyyksien kehittymistä edistävät ja haittaavat tekijät jaoteltiin neljään ryhmään, jotka ovat organisaatioiden sisäiset tekijät, vuorovaikutustekijät, teknologiakylän sisäiset verkostotekijät ja teknologiakylän ulkopuoliset verkostotekijät. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto koostuu primääri- ja sekundäärihaastatteluista sekä dokumenttiaineistosta. Tutkimus toteutettiin käsiteanalyyttisenä monen tapauksen laadullisena ja pitkittäisenä tutkimuksena.
Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että organisaation kyvykkyyden kehittyminen linkittyy operatiivisen johtamisen lisäksi organisaation ylemmän johdon ns. strategiseen johtamiseen. Kyvykkyydet vaikuttavat organisaatioiden oman toiminnan uudistamiseen tai laajentamiseen strategiatasolla tai toimintojen tehostamiseen ja kehittämiseen operatiivisen toiminnan tasolla. Strategisista kyvykkyyksistä tulevaa markkina-arvoa luovassa kyvykkyydessä ja operatiivisista kyvykkyyksistä ulkoistamis- ja myyntikyvykkyyksissä esiintyi eniten edistäviä ja haittaavia tekijöitä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että toiminta liikesuhteissa tulee operatiivisen johtamisen lisäksi linkittää myös strategisen johtamisen tasolle. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan teknologiakylä organisaatioiden paikallisena ympäristönä edisti organisaatioiden kyvykkyyksien kehittymistä. Julkisten rahoitusmekanismien hitaus heikensi kyvykkyyksien kehittymistä, vaikkakin rahoitus oli organisaatioille merkityksellistä
Effects of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone on transcription of human papillomavirus 16 E6/E7 oncogenes in CaSki and SiHa cell lines
Several in vitro studies have addressed the interactions between estrogen/progesterone and human papillomavirus (HPV), but the results are controversial. We evaluated the effects of estrogen and progesterone and their antagonists on messenger RNA expression of HPV16 E6/E7 in HPV16-positive cell lines CaSki and SiHa with real-time reverse-transciptase polymerase chain reaction method. Colorimetric assay with tetrazolium salt (WST-1) and flow cytometry were used for testing proliferation and apoptosis. No statistically significant changes were found after hormone treatment in the expression of HPV16 E6/E7 or hormone receptors in CaSki and SiHa cell lines. Progesterone increased cell proliferation in both the cells, while estrogen increased proliferation of SiHa cells only. Estrogen seemed to protect the CaSki cells from apoptosis, and tamoxifen did not abrogate this effect. Progesterone slightly increased apoptosis of CaSki cells, and this effect was neutralized with RU486. In this study, estrogen and progesterone did not change either the transcription levels of HPV16 E6/E7 or estrogen receptor or progesterone receptor levels. Hormone receptor antagonists had no effect on transcription. Both hormones might have a permissive effect for the growth of cervical cancer, by promoting cell proliferation and making the cells vulnerable to mutations. In addition, estrogen acts as an antiapoptotic agent allowing growth advance of the cells infected with oncogenic HPV
Novel homogenous time-resolved fluorometric RT-PCR assays for quantification of PSA and hK2 mRNAs in blood.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to design, validate, and optimize internally standardized real-time quantitative RT-PCR assays and to identify and avoid problems with assay reliability and examine the impact of an exogenous internal standard. DESIGN AND METHODS: The model system consisted of internally standardized quantitative real-time RT-PCR assays specific for PSA and hK2 mRNA based on time-resolved fluorometric detection of lanthanide chelates. RESULTS: Reproducibility was best when large copy numbers (>5000 per milliliter blood) were analyzed. Addition of an exogenous target-mimicking internal standard had no significant effect on the reproducibility of the method, but increased the calculated copy numbers by an average of 2-fold. CONCLUSIONS: We developed an internally standardized, specific and reproducible real-time RT-PCR analysis method for PSA and hK2 mRNA in circulating cells in the bloodstream. Both PSA and hK2 assays are sufficiently sensitive to detect two LNCaP cells per milliliter whole blood
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