908 research outputs found

    Explaining Michelson-Morley without Special Relativity

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    In this paper, we first discuss the concept of an emission wave. In the history of science, this is the first time we have discovered a new way in which (transverse) waves are realized in nature. It can therefore be expected to lead to important changes in the perspective about the nature of light or radiation. Then, we point out that the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment is a natural and straightforward consequence of light being an emission wave. Concepts of special relativity, of length contraction and of time dilation, are not required for this explanation, however.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, comments would be most welcom

    The Gravity and The Quantum: A Bohr-inspired Synthesis

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    An effective angular momentum quantization condition of the form mvr=nâ„Ź(m/mF)mvr=n\hbar(m/m_F) is used to obtain a Bohr-like model of Hydrogen-type atoms and a modified Schr\"{o}dinger equation. Newton's constant, GG, of Gravitation gets explicitly involved through the fundamental mass mFm_F as defined in the sequel. This non-relativistic formalism may be looked upon as a ``testing ground'' for the more general synthesis of the gravity and the quantum.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex. Rejected: Reviewer's comments: ``This paper does not reach the standards needed for publication on an international journal. It contains some naive and poorly motivated speculations, and shows no awarness of the vast literature on the problem. The Authors should get a more comprehensive knowledge of the literature, before trying to work with simple ideas as in this paper.'' We would be grateful if anyone can point out whether equations (6) and (7) appear in the literature and are well know

    Universal Relativity and Its Mathematical Requirements

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    In this presentation, I review physical principles behind a recently proposed \cite{smw-utr} Universal Theory of Relativity and speculate on the mathematical requirements implied by these physical principles. Some unresolved issues will also be discussed.Comment: 8 pages, Talk presented at the South African Mathematical Society's 48th Meeting, October 31 - November 2, 2005, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Afric

    Mach's Principle and Spatial Scale-Invariance of Gravity

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    Gravity does not provide any scale for matter properties. We argue that this is also the implication of Mach's hypothesis of the relativity of inertia. The most general spacetime compatible with this property of gravity is that admitting three, independent spatial homothetic Killing vectors generating an arbitrary function of each one of the three spatial coordinates. The matter properties for such a spacetime are (spatially) arbitrary and the matter generating the spacetime admits {\it any} equation of state. This is also the most general spacetime containing the weak gravity physics in its entirety. This spacetime is machian in that it is {\em globally} degenerate for anti-machian situations such as vacuum, a single matter particle etc. and, hence, has no meaning in the absence of matter.Comment: Revtex4, No figure

    Some fundamental issues in General Relativity and their resolution

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    The purpose of this article is to draw attention to some fundamental issues in General Relativity. It is argued that these deep issues cannot be resolved within the standard approach to general relativity that considers {\em every} solution of Einstein's field equations to be of relevance to some, hypothetical or not, physical situation. Hence, to resolve the considered problems of the standard approach to general relativity, one must go beyond it. A possible approach, a theory of everything, is outlined in the present article and will be developed in details subsequently.Comment: 30 pages, double colum

    Einsteinian Field Theory as a Program in Fundamental Physics

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    I summarize here the logic that leads us to a program for the Theory of the Total Field in Einstein's sense. The purpose is to show that this theory is a logical culmination of the developments of (fundamental) physical concepts and, hence, to initiate a discussion of these issues.Comment: 28 pages, double spaced, comments and criticisms most welcom

    The Significance of the General Principle of Relativity

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    In this note, we discuss the significance of the general principle of relativity for a physical theory that abandons the newtonian concept of force and, hence, uses an entirely different conception for the ``cause'' behind motions of material bodies.Comment: Presented as a Poster during the IAGRG Conference held at Jaipur, India during December 200

    Inhomogeneous Big Bang Cosmology

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    In this letter, we outline an inhomogeneous model of the Big Bang cosmology. For the inhomogeneous spacetime used here, the universe originates in the infinite past as the one dominated by vacuum energy and ends in the infinite future as the one consisting of "hot and relativistic" matter. The spatial distribution of matter in the considered inhomogeneous spacetime is {\em arbitrary}. Hence, observed structures can arise in this cosmology from suitable "initial" density contrast. Different problems of the standard model of Big Bang cosmology are also resolved in the present inhomogeneous model. This inhomogeneous model of the Big Bang Cosmology predicts "hot death" for the universe.Comment: Revtex4, No figure

    Emission Origin for the Wave of Quanta

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    We argue that certain assumptions about the process of the emission of the quanta by their (oscillating) emitter provide for their changing (oscillatory) flux at any location. This mechanism underlying (such) wave phenomena is not based, both, on the newtonian notion of force and the field concept (of Faraday, Maxwell, Lorentz and Einstein). When applied to the case of thermal radiation, this emission origin for the wave of quanta is shown here to be consistent with the laws of the black body radiation. We conclude therefore also that a conceptual framework, which is not rooted in the notion of force and in the field concept, may provide a deterministic basis underlying the probabilistic methods of the quantum theory.Comment: 13 page

    Towards a Universal Theory of Relativity

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    We discuss here the significance of the generalization of the newtonian concept of force by that of a transformation of a certain Standard Borel Space of cardinality c\mathbf{c} of the continuum as the ``cause'' behind motions of material bodies that are representable as Borel measurable subsets of this space. This generalization forms the basis for a Universal Theory of Relativity in which, importantly, the fundamental physical constants can only arise from mutual relationships of the so-defined physical bodies. This Universal Relativity also has the potential to explain the quantum nature of the physical world.Comment: Essay for Gravity Research Foundation competition - 200
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