26,373 research outputs found

    Quantum Rabi model for N-state atoms

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    A tractable N-state Rabi Hamiltonian is introduced by extending the parity symmetry of the two-state model. The single-mode case provides a few-parameter description of a novel class of periodic systems, predicting that the ground state of certain four-state atom-cavity systems will undergo parity change at strong coupling. A group-theoretical treatment provides physical insight into dynamics and a modified rotating wave approximation obtains accurate analytical energies. The dissipative case can be applied to study excitation energy transfer in molecular rings or chains.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + supplement (2 pages); to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Symmetric Rotating Wave Approximation for the Generalized Single-Mode Spin-Boson System

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    The single-mode spin-boson model exhibits behavior not included in the rotating wave approximation (RWA) in the ultra and deep-strong coupling regimes, where counter-rotating contributions become important. We introduce a symmetric rotating wave approximation that treats rotating and counter-rotating terms equally, preserves the invariances of the Hamiltonian with respect to its parameters, and reproduces several qualitative features of the spin-boson spectrum not present in the original rotating wave approximation both off-resonance and at deep strong coupling. The symmetric rotating wave approximation allows for the treatment of certain ultra and deep-strong coupling regimes with similar accuracy and mathematical simplicity as does the RWA in the weak coupling regime. Additionally, we symmetrize the generalized form of the rotating wave approximation to obtain the same qualitative correspondence with the addition of improved quantitative agreement with the exact numerical results. The method is readily extended to higher accuracy if needed. Finally, we introduce the two-photon parity operator for the two-photon Rabi Hamiltonian and obtain its generalized symmetric rotating wave approximation. The existence of this operator reveals a parity symmetry similar to that in the Rabi Hamiltonian as well as another symmetry that is unique to the two-photon case, providing insight into the mathematical structure of the two-photon spectrum, significantly simplifying the numerics, and revealing some interesting dynamical properties.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure


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    This study evaluates the competitiveness of the United States and other major exporters of poultry products in world markets. The analytical technique used to measure the competitiveness of the major traders was the shift-share analysis model. One of the results from this study reveals that chicken meat exports from the U.S. relative to the countries in the world increased by 1,613,861 metric tons in time period 1985-95.International Relations/Trade,

    Factorizing twists and R-matrices for representations of the quantum affine algebra U_q(\hat sl_2)

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    We calculate factorizing twists in evaluation representations of the quantum affine algebra U_q(\hat sl_2). From the factorizing twists we derive a representation independent expression of the R-matrices of U_q(\hat sl_2). Comparing with the corresponding quantities for the Yangian Y(sl_2), it is shown that the U_q(\hat sl_2) results can be obtained by `replacing numbers by q-numbers'. Conversely, the limit q -> 1 exists in representations of U_q(\hat sl_2) and both the factorizing twists and the R-matrices of the Yangian Y(sl_2) are recovered in this limit.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    Group versus individual approach? A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity

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    The purpose of the study was to conduct a meta-analysis to empirically compare the relative merits of different contexts typically employed in the physical activity intervention literature for five categories of outcomes: adherence, social interaction, quality of life, physiological effectiveness, and functional effectiveness. \ud Four contexts were examined: home-based programmes not involving contact from researchers or health-care professionals, home-based programmes that involved some contact, standard exercise classes, and exercise classes where group-dynamics principles were used to increase cohesiveness (‘true groups’). Standard literature searches produced 44 relevant studies containing 214 effect sizes. Results revealed a common trend across dependent variables; exercising in a true group was superior to exercising in a standard exercise class, which in turn, did not differ from exercising at home with contact. Furthermore, exercising at home with contact was superior to exercising at home without contact. These results have implications for practitioners in terms of the importance of contact and social support in physical activity interventions
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