8 research outputs found

    Energy drinks

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    SUMMARY. Energy drinks are the most commonly consumed non-alcoholic beverages, specifically among adolescents and young adults. Their main ingredient is caffeine while they contain sweeteners and a lot of other natural or chemical substances. In recent years, the medical community has raised serious concerns about their growing and unlimited consumption by the population. Recent studies associate the consumption of energy drinks with short-term and long-term effects. Tachycardia and hyperstimulation cause lack of wealthy and qualitative sleep leading to inability to concentrate, daytime drowsiness and bad school performance. The frequent consumption of energy drinks is associated with increased incidence of obesity, erosion of tooth enamel and diabetes mellitus. Finally, it is extremely dangerous the recent tend to mix energy drinks with alcohol. The stimulating action of caffeine hides alcohol's suppressive effect, conceals the initial signs of intoxication from it (dizziness, drowsiness, withdrawal of inhibitions) and makes the user prone to offending behaviors. © ΑΡΜΑΚΟΝ

    Microbe-Mediated Degradation of Synthetic Dyes in Wastewater

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