86 research outputs found

    Pleiochaeta Soil Survey

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    1. Pleiochaeta soil survey - Moora District, March 1984. 2. Lupin root rot trials - 84A40, 84BA26, 84GE50, 84GE56, 84MO82, 85NO59, 84WH28. 3. Fungicides for Rhizoctonia patch control - 84E25, 84E28. 4. 83WH29 : Effect of rotation on wheat diseases. 5. Root disease in long term wheat-lupin rotation trials - 68E5, 79GE37, 80TS2, 81LG29, 82M26

    Lupin root rot, Lupin Hypocotyl rot, Rhizoctonia coleoptile rot of wheat, Rhizoctonia root rots in long term wheat-pasture rotation trials.

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    Lupin Root Rot: 86Cl4, 86WH15, 86ME85, 86LG63, 85C63, 86WH14. Lupin Hypocotyl rot, 86BA49, 86BA21. Rhizoctonia coleoptile rot of wheat, 86BA19, 86BA20 Rhizoctonia root rots in long term wheat-pasture rotation trials

    Crop establishment methods for lupin disease management 13 to 23

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    88NO73, 88ME59, Phosphorus x disease on lupins. Aim, location, soil type, rotation, establishment, results. 88ME60, Seed treatments for brown spot and Pleiochaeta root rot of lupins. 88SC33, Rovral and Sumisclex, seed treatment for lupins. Rhizoctonia root and hypocotyl rots. 88NO74, fungicides and sowing depth for Rhizoctonia root rot. 88GE53, Rizolex for Rhizoctonia control in lupins. 88GE31, Cultivation and sowing depth for Rhizoctonia patch and hypocotyl rot of lupins. 88E38, Cultivation and sowing depth effects on Rhizoctonia bare patch in lupins. 88NO92, Semi selective fungicide drenches for root/hypocotyl rot of lupins

    Disease rating system.

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    Lupin hypocotyl rot trials, 85BA29, 85BA30, 85BA31, 85N054. Lupin root rot trials, 85WH31, 85WH32, 85WH52. Lupin root disease survey - Moora District. Common Root Rot studies, 82M26

    Survey of fungi associated with diseased lupin roots

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    1. Survey of fungi associated with diseased lupin-roots. Cylindrocarpon was only encountered on the south coast (Albany and Esperance districts). The isolates were identified as c. didymum and c. destructans. At certain sites in the two northern districts (Geraldton and Moora) a distinct type of disorder, characterised by reddish-brown coloured lesions which develop on the below ground portion of the hypocotyl, was observed. 2. Assessment of lupin root disease in lupin permanent disease nurseries – 78WH20, 78BA51, 78C34, 78MT38, 80E21. 3. Effect of fungicide drenches on lupin root rots – 83MT17, 83WH9. 4. Mini plot seed treatment trials on lupins – 83PE40. A. Solvent infusion of fungicides - 83MD31, 83PE41. B. Comparison of methods of applying Rovral to lupin seed – 83MD32. 5. Root disease investigations of the wheat-lupin rotation trial 82M2

    Research into lupin root diseases

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    increased yield from wheat after lupins, obtained without the need for applied nitrogen, has led many farmers to adopt a 1:1 wheat-lupin rotation. One of the advantages of lupins is the cleaning effect they have by reducing wheat diseases such as septoria and yellow leaf spot and root diseases, in particular take-all. Before the present research projext started, little was known about lupin root diseases, or what effect lupins grown in close rotation with wheat might have on the build-up of root disease of lupins

    Crop establishment methods for lupin disease management

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    Pleiochaeta root rot, 88WH33, 88M38, 88WH34, 88M39, 87WH45, 87M52. Brown spot and Pleiochaeta root rot, 88M40, 88C4, 88ME59, 88NO73, 88ME60, 88SC33. Rhizoctonia root and hypocotyl rots, 88NO74, 88GE53, 88GE31, 88E38. Fungicide drench trials, 88NO92

    Rhizoctonia bare patch of cereals and lupins

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    To determine the stimuli for the formation of rhizoctonia patches in cereals and lupins

    Crop establishment methods for lupin disease management

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    Contents A. Crop establishment methods for lupin disease management 1. Pleiochaeta root rot 1.1 Depth of sowing 87LG32, 87LG36, 87ME60, 87ME75 1.2 Cultivation and sowing depth 87WH47, 87NO77, 87M54 1.3 Seeding machinery and sowing depth 2. Brown leaf spot/Pleiochaeta root rot Phosphorus nutrition and crop rotation 87ME62, 87LG39 3. Rhizoctonia hypocotyl rot Fungicide seed treatment and sowing depth 87BA25 4. Rhizoctonia root rot 4.1 Cultivation and sowing depth 87NO74 4.2 Fungicide seed treatment 87NO78 B. Fungicide drench trials to determine casual organisms of root/hypocotyl rot 87NO75, 87NO76

    Factors affecting lupin crop establishment in the northern agricultural region of Western Australia.

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    Lupin establishment, 89EC6. The effect of machine, depth of sowing, seed soil contact and herbicide incorporation on lupin establishment, 89GE8. The effect of phosphate application on lupin establishment, 89GE99. The effect of seeding technique, depth of sowing, seed soil contact and fungicide on lupin establishment on course sands, 89GE9. Integrated control strategy of Rhizoctonia hypocotyl root rot of lupins, 89GE11, 89GE12, 89GE12B, 89GE13, 89GE14. Strategies for lupin patch control, 89EC7 and 89GE15. The effect of seed size and sowing rate on lupin establishment, 89C1, 89GE6, 89GE7, 89EC5, 89BA34, 89TS49, 89GE10, 89EC4, 89GE4
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