33 research outputs found

    Growth, survival, and superoxide dismutase activity in juvenile Crassostrea corteziensis (Hertlein, 1951) treated with probiotics

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    Juvenile seed of the Cortés oyster Crassostrea corteziensis were exposed to Lactobacillus sp. isolated from Nodipecten subnodosus, a mix of Pseudomonas sp. and Burkholderia cepacia, a marine yeast strain, a commercial probiotic (Epicin®), and oxytetracycline to determine their effect on growth, survival, SOD activity, and protein content. Probiotics at the test dose of 50,000 cells ml-1, Epicin and oxytetracycline at 7 mg l -1 were evaluated during 30 days of culture. Results showed that growth of C. corteziensis was significantly improved by Lactobacillus sp. and the bacilli mix significantly enhanced survival and SOD activity at the test dose. Protein content did not significantly increase by the treatments used. This study demonstrated the potential use of marine microbiota to improve cultivation of C. corteziensis

    Intermittent PI3Kδ inhibition sustains anti-tumour immunity and curbs irAEs

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    Phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ (PI3Kδ) has a key role in lymphocytes, and inhibitors that target this PI3K have been approved for treatment of B cell malignancies1-3. Although studies in mouse models of solid tumours have demonstrated that PI3Kδ inhibitors (PI3Kδi) can induce anti-tumour immunity4,5, its effect on solid tumours in humans remains unclear. Here we assessed the effects of the PI3Kδi AMG319 in human patients with head and neck cancer in a neoadjuvant, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized phase II trial (EudraCT no. 2014-004388-20). PI3Kδ inhibition decreased the number of tumour-infiltrating regulatory T (Treg) cells and enhanced the cytotoxic potential of tumour-infiltrating T cells. At the tested doses of AMG319, immune-related adverse events (irAEs) required treatment to be discontinued in 12 out of 21 of patients treated with AMG319, suggestive of systemic effects on Treg cells. Accordingly, in mouse models, PI3Kδi decreased the number of Treg cells systemically and caused colitis. Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis revealed a PI3Kδi-driven loss of tissue-resident colonic ST2 Treg cells, accompanied by expansion of pathogenic T helper 17 (TH17) and type 17 CD8+ T (TC17) cells, which probably contributed to toxicity; this points towards a specific mode of action for the emergence of irAEs. A modified treatment regimen with intermittent dosing of PI3Kδi in mouse models led to a significant decrease in tumour growth without inducing pathogenic T cells in colonic tissue, indicating that alternative dosing regimens might limit toxicity

    An integrated cell atlas of the lung in health and disease

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    Single-cell technologies have transformed our understanding of human tissues. Yet, studies typically capture only a limited number of donors and disagree on cell type definitions. Integrating many single-cell datasets can address these limitations of individual studies and capture the variability present in the population. Here we present the integrated Human Lung Cell Atlas (HLCA), combining 49 datasets of the human respiratory system into a single atlas spanning over 2.4 million cells from 486 individuals. The HLCA presents a consensus cell type re-annotation with matching marker genes, including annotations of rare and previously undescribed cell types. Leveraging the number and diversity of individuals in the HLCA, we identify gene modules that are associated with demographic covariates such as age, sex and body mass index, as well as gene modules changing expression along the proximal-to-distal axis of the bronchial tree. Mapping new data to the HLCA enables rapid data annotation and interpretation. Using the HLCA as a reference for the study of disease, we identify shared cell states across multiple lung diseases, including SPP1 + profibrotic monocyte-derived macrophages in COVID-19, pulmonary fibrosis and lung carcinoma. Overall, the HLCA serves as an example for the development and use of large-scale, cross-dataset organ atlases within the Human Cell Atlas. </p

    An integrated cell atlas of the lung in health and disease

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    Single-cell technologies have transformed our understanding of human tissues. Yet, studies typically capture only a limited number of donors and disagree on cell type definitions. Integrating many single-cell datasets can address these limitations of individual studies and capture the variability present in the population. Here we present the integrated Human Lung Cell Atlas (HLCA), combining 49 datasets of the human respiratory system into a single atlas spanning over 2.4 million cells from 486 individuals. The HLCA presents a consensus cell type re-annotation with matching marker genes, including annotations of rare and previously undescribed cell types. Leveraging the number and diversity of individuals in the HLCA, we identify gene modules that are associated with demographic covariates such as age, sex and body mass index, as well as gene modules changing expression along the proximal-to-distal axis of the bronchial tree. Mapping new data to the HLCA enables rapid data annotation and interpretation. Using the HLCA as a reference for the study of disease, we identify shared cell states across multiple lung diseases, including SPP

    An integrated cell atlas of the lung in health and disease

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    Single-cell technologies have transformed our understanding of human tissues. Yet, studies typically capture only a limited number of donors and disagree on cell type definitions. Integrating many single-cell datasets can address these limitations of individual studies and capture the variability present in the population. Here we present the integrated Human Lung Cell Atlas (HLCA), combining 49 datasets of the human respiratory system into a single atlas spanning over 2.4 million cells from 486 individuals. The HLCA presents a consensus cell type re-annotation with matching marker genes, including annotations of rare and previously undescribed cell types. Leveraging the number and diversity of individuals in the HLCA, we identify gene modules that are associated with demographic covariates such as age, sex and body mass index, as well as gene modules changing expression along the proximal-to-distal axis of the bronchial tree. Mapping new data to the HLCA enables rapid data annotation and interpretation. Using the HLCA as a reference for the study of disease, we identify shared cell states across multiple lung diseases, including SPP1+ profibrotic monocyte-derived macrophages in COVID-19, pulmonary fibrosis and lung carcinoma. Overall, the HLCA serves as an example for the development and use of large-scale, cross-dataset organ atlases within the Human Cell Atlas

    Factibilidad económico-ambiental para el cultivo sostenible de ostión de mangle Crassostrea rhizophorae (Güilding, 1828), en Cuba

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    Se analizaron dos variantes en la producción de ostión de mangle Crassostrea rhizophorae en Cuba: 1) extracción pesquera tradicional (EP) en bancos naturales, apoyada en menor grado con acuicultura artesanal por agregación de colectores de mangle suspendidos en el manglar, y 2) cultivo artesanal (CA), obteniendo semillas del medio natural en colectores de "concha madre", con engorde y cosecha en el mismo colector y en canastas o cajas ostrícolas. Se determinó la factibilidad económico-ambiental de ambas variantes proyectadas a cinco años, a partir del análisis de costo-beneficio económico basado en datos de operación pesquera y se incluyeron costos estimados por daño ambiental. La variante extractiva (EP) mostró una rentabilidad negativa durante el periodo proyectado (US1.388,39enelquintoan~o),conimpactonegativosobreelecosistemademanglar.Lavarianteproductiva(CA)mostroˊgananciasapartirdelterceran~oyunarentabilidadpositivaduranteelperiodoproyectado(US-1.388,39 en el quinto año), con impacto negativo sobre el ecosistema de manglar. La variante productiva (CA) mostró ganancias a partir del tercer año y una rentabilidad positiva durante el periodo proyectado (US731,78 al quinto año), con reducción de daños al ecosistema de manglar. De acuerdo a estos resultados, se recomienda desarrollar el cultivo y manejo sustentable de la ostra nativa C. rhizophorae en Cuba

    Variaciones estacionales en el desempeño reproductivo y larvario de la concha nácar Pteria sterna asociadas con condiciones ambientales anómalas

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    Se estudió el desempeño reproductivo y larvario de Pteria sterna en relación a factores ambientales anómalos, hipotetizando que la transición entre los eventos de La Niña y El Niño 2008-2009 afectó los periodos “normales” para recolectar reproductores maduros y cultivar larvas en laboratorio. Se realizaron muestreos estacionales en 2 periodos reproductivos (febrero y abril 2009), 1 periodo pre-reproductivo (noviembre 2008) y 1 periodo post-reproductivo (junio 2009). De las 40 ostras recolectadas en cada periodo, 20 se utilizaron para evaluar el desove y cultivo larvario y 20 para determinar indicadores de condición reproductiva. La temperatura, salinidad y contenido de seston se monitorearon en cada periodo. Los datos de temperatura superficial del mar (TSM) asociados a condiciones ambientales anómalas se obtuvieron del satélite Aqua-MODIS. Las variaciones en la TSM afectaron más el desempeño reproductivo que el desempeño larvario de Pteria sterna. La inducción al desove falló en noviembre 2008 y fue exitosa en febrero, abril y junio 2009, aunque solo en abril las larvas completaron la metamorfosis y se fijaron, a partir de reproductores más maduros, ovocitos más grandes y condiciones ambientales favorables (21.80 °C; ~31 mg·L–1 seston total; +0.50 °C TSM). Las anomalías positivas de TSM (+0.50 a +1.10 °C) de agosto a diciembre 2008 favorecieron un verano más largo que afectó el desove de febrero 2009. En junio 2009 (22.50 °C, 29.5 mg·L–1 seston total, +0.40 °C TSM), cuando los porcentajes de gónadas y ovocitos maduros eran bajos, las larvas no fueron viables y pocas semillas se fijaron. Además de recolectar reproductores maduros en invierno-primavera para una viabilidad óptima de las larvas y semillas, recomendamos incluir un breve periodo de acondicionamiento en el laboratorio después del pico de desove y un segundo a finales del otoño para promover el reciclaje de nutrientes y la recuperación natural de gametos