9 research outputs found


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    On robust analysis of paycheck: case study. Acta univ. agric. e


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    Abstract STŘELEC, L., STEHLÍK, M.: Comparative simulation study of likelihood ratio tests for homogeneity of the exponential distribution. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 307-314 The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the power of the exact likelihood ratio homogeneity testing procedure of the number of components k in the exponential mixture. First we present the likelihood ratio test for homogeneity (ELR), the likelihood ratio test for homogeneity against twocomponent exponential mixture (ELR2), and fi nally the likelihood ratio test for homogeneity against three-component exponential mixture (ELR3). Comparative power study of mentioned homogeneity tests against three-component subpopulation alternative is provided. Therein we concentrate on various setups of the scales and weights, which allow us to make conclusions for generic settings. The natural property is observed, namely increase of the power of exact likelihood ratio ELR, ELR2 and ELR3 tests with scale parameters considered in the alternative. We can state that the diff erences in power of ELR, ELR2 and ELR3 tests are small -therefore using of the computationally simpler ELR2 test is recommended for broad usage rather than computationally more expensive ELR3 test in the cases when unobserved heterogeneity is modelled. Anyhow caution should be taken before automatic usage of ELR3 in more informative settings, since the application of automatic methods hoping that the data will enforce its true structure is deceptive. Application of obtained results in reliability, fi nance or social sciences is straightforward. exponential distribution, homogeneity testing, likelihood ratio, mixture models, Monte Carlo simulations, power study Currently, many homogeneity tests exist -see Stehlík and Wagner (2012) and references therein

    Application of aggregated flexibility for PpS and energy markets without negative impact on network operating parameters

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    Rizikem změny zdrojového mixu může být ztráta disponibilního výkonu pro pokrytí zatížení a nedostatečná dynamika zdrojů pro stabilizaci volatilního diagramu zatížení a poskytování podpůrných služeb. Slibný substituční potenciál nabízí výkonová flexibilita spotřební strany, agregovaná vhodným matematickým aparátem, např. nástroji unit commitmentu s využitím optimalizačních metod typu MILP. Algoritmy agregace jak pro obchodní produkty, tak zejména pro analogie PpS, budou velmi náročné na granularitu a dostupnost dat pro průběžné predikce chování jednotlivých poskytovatelů flexibility (POFL), očekáváme proto zásadní zintenzivnění komunikace prostřednictvím přímých komunikačních propojení agregátorů, POFL, síťových operátorů a dalších relevantních datových zdrojů pro zajištění efektivní výměny dat provozního charakteru blízko reálnému času.The risk of changing the source mix may be the loss of available power to cover the load and the lack of resource dynamics to stabilize the volatile load diagram and provide support services. Promising substitution potential is offered by the performance flexibility of the consumer side, aggregated by a suitable mathematical apparatus, e.g. unit commitment tools using milp optimization methods. Aggregation algorithms for both business products and pps analogues in particular will be very demanding on granularity and data availability for continuous predictions of the behavior of individual flexibility providers (POFL), so we expect a substantial intensification of communication through direct communication links of aggregators, POFL, network operators and other relevant data sources to ensure efficient exchange of operational data close to real time

    ParaCrawl Corpus version 1.0

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    The January 2018 release of the ParaCrawl is the first version of the corpus. It contains parallel corpora for 11 languages paired with English, crawled from a large number of web sites. The selection of websites is based on CommonCrawl, but ParaCrawl is extracted from a brand new crawl which has much higher coverage of these selected websites than CommonCrawl. Since the data is fairly raw, it is released with two quality metrics that can be used for corpus filtering. An official "clean" version of each corpus uses one of the metrics. For more details and raw data download please visit: http://paracrawl.eu/releases.htm

    ParaCrawl Corpus version 1.0

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    The January 2018 release of the ParaCrawl is the first version of the corpus. It contains parallel corpora for 11 languages paired with English, crawled from a large number of web sites. The selection of websites is based on CommonCrawl, but ParaCrawl is extracted from a brand new crawl which has much higher coverage of these selected websites than CommonCrawl. Since the data is fairly raw, it is released with two quality metrics that can be used for corpus filtering. An official "clean" version of each corpus uses one of the metrics. For more details and raw data download please visit: http://paracrawl.eu/releases.htm