29 research outputs found

    Pharyngeal Lavage Lymphocytosis in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Preliminary Observation

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    Background: Upper airway inflammation has been previously demonstrated in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, investigation has been hampered by the necessity of invasive tissue biopsies. Objective: To evaluate the pharyngeal lavage (PHAL) as a new tool to analyze mucosal inflammation in the pharynx of patients with sleep-related disordered breathing. Patients and Methods: 36 patients with a diagnosis of OSA, 14 patients with heavy snorer syndrome (HS) or body position dependent OSA (bd-OSA), and 14 healthy volunteers underwent PHAL. Inflammatory cell counts were compared. Results: Neutrophils were the predominant cells in PHAL in all groups (94.3%60.7%, 98.5%60.6%, 94.3%60.7%, and 96.2%61.4%). OSA patients had significantly increased numbers of lymphocytes (3.2%60.4%) compared to bd-OSA/HS and controls group (0.5%60.1 % and 0.6%60.2%, respectively; P,0.05). Patients with moderate to severe OSA had significantly higher numbers of lymphocytes compared to patients with mild OSA (P,0.05). Conclusions: Data from this study suggest that PHAL is a feasible tool to investigate upper airway inflammation in OSA. In addition, PHAL demonstrates lymphocytic inflammation of the pharynx in OSA patients. Future studies are warranted to evaluate whether PHAL can be used to monitor disease and whether lymphocytic inflammation is affected by OSA treatment

    Nonthrombogenic, Biodegradable Elastomeric Polyurethanes with Variable Sulfobetaine Content

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    For applications where degradable polymers are likely to have extended blood contact, it is often important for these materials to exhibit high levels of thromboresistance. This can be achieved with surface modification approaches, but such modifications may be transient with degradation. Alternatively, polymer design can be altered such that the bulk polymer is thromboresistant and this is maintained with degradation. Toward this end a series of biodegradable, elastic polyurethanes (PESBUUs) containing different zwitterionic sulfobetaine (SB) content were synthesized from a polycaprolactone-diol (PCL-diol):SB-diol mixture (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100) reacted with diisocyanatobutane and chain extended with putrescine. The chemical structure, tensile mechanical properties, thermal properties, hydrophilicity, biodegradability, fibrinogen adsorption and thrombogenicity of the resulting polymers was characterized. With increased SB content some weakening in tensile properties occurred in wet conditions and enzymatic degradation also decreased. However, at higher zwitterionic molar ratios (50% and 75%) wet tensile strength exceeded 15 MPa and breaking strain was >500%. Markedly reduced thrombotic deposition was observed both before and after substantial degradation for both of these PESBUUs and they could be processed by electrospinning into a vascular conduit format with appropriate compliance properties. The mechanical and degradation properties as well as the acute in vitro thrombogenicity assessment suggest that these tunable polyurethanes could provide options appropriate for use in blood contacting applications where a degradable, elastomeric component with enduring thromboresistance is desired

    Frequency of Kras

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