510 research outputs found

    Spin Fine Structure in Optically Excited Quantum Dot Molecules

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    The interaction between spins in coupled quantum dots is revealed in distinct fine structure patterns in the measured optical spectra of InAs/GaAs double quantum dot molecules containing zero, one, or two excess holes. The fine structure is explained well in terms of a uniquely molecular interplay of spin exchange interactions, Pauli exclusion and orbital tunneling. This knowledge is critical for converting quantum dot molecule tunneling into a means of optically coupling not just orbitals, but spins.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, added material, (published

    Thermopower of a Kondo-correlated quantum dot

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    The thermopower of a Kondo-correlated gate-defined quantum dot is studied using a current heating technique. In the presence of spin correlations the thermopower shows a clear deviation from the semiclassical Mott relation between thermopower and conductivity. The strong thermopower signal indicates a significant asymmetry in the spectral density of states of the Kondo resonance with respect to the Fermi energies of the reservoirs. The observed behavior can be explained within the framework of an Anderson-impurity model. Keywords: Thermoelectric and thermomagnetic effects, Coulomb blockade, single electron tunneling, Kondo-effect PACS Numbers: 72.20.Pa, 73.23.HkComment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revised version, changed figure

    Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of the Molecular Biexciton in Vertically Stacked Quantum Dot Pairs

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    We present photoluminescence studies of the molecular neutral biexciton-exciton spectra of individual vertically stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dot pairs. We tune either the hole or the electron levels of the two dots into tunneling resonances. The spectra are described well within a few-level, few-particle molecular model. Their properties can be modified broadly by an electric field and by structural design, which makes them highly attractive for controlling nonlinear optical properties.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, (v2, revision based on reviewers comments, published

    Electrically tunable g-factors in quantum dot molecular spin states

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    We present a magneto-photoluminescence study of individual vertically stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dot pairs separated by thin tunnel barriers. As an applied electric field tunes the relative energies of the two dots, we observe a strong resonant increase or decrease in the g-factors of different spin states that have molecular wavefunctions distributed over both quantum dots. We propose a phenomenological model for the change in g-factor based on resonant changes in the amplitude of the wavefunction in the barrier due to the formation of bonding and antibonding orbitals.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett. New version reflects response to referee comment

    Sequential and co-tunneling behavior in the temperature-dependent thermopower of few-electron quantum dots

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    We have studied the temperature dependent thermopower of gate-defined, lateral quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime using an electron heating technique. The line shape of the thermopower oscillations depends strongly on the contributing tunneling processes. Between 1.5 K and 40 mK a crossover from a pure sawtooth- to an intermitted sawtooth-like line shape is observed. The latter is attributed to the increasing dominance of cotunneling processes in the Coulomb blockade regime at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thermoelectric effects in quantum dots

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    We report a numerical renormalization-group study of the thermoelectric effect in the single-electron transistor (SET) and side-coupled geometries. As expected, the computed thermal conductance and thermopower curves show signatures of the Kondo effect and of Fano interference. The thermopower curves are also affected by particle-hole asymmetry.Comment: 8 pages with 3 figures; accepted for publication in Physica B (special issue 'Strongly Correlated Electron Systems-SCES2008'

    Gravitational Aharonov-Bohm Effect

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    We investigate the gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect, by placing a quantum system in free-fall around a gravitating body {\it e.g.} a satellite orbiting the Earth. Since the system is in free-fall, by the equivalence principle, the quantum system is locally in flat, gravity-free space-time - it is screened from the gravitational field. For a slightly elliptical orbit, the gravitational potential will change with time. This leads to the energy levels of the quantum system developing side bands which is the signature for this version of the Aharonov-Bohm effect. This contrasts with the normal signature of the Aharonov-Bohm effect of shifting of interference fringes

    Measuring Temperature Gradients over Nanometer Length Scales

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    When a quantum dot is subjected to a thermal gradient, the temperature of electrons entering the dot can be determined from the dot's thermocurrent if the conductance spectrum and background temperature are known. We demonstrate this technique by measuring the temperature difference across a 15 nm quantum dot embedded in a nanowire. This technique can be used when the dot's energy states are separated by many kT and will enable future quantitative investigations of electron-phonon interaction, nonlinear thermoelectric effects, and the effciency of thermoelectric energy conversion in quantum dots.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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