11 research outputs found

    Blood and dialysate flow distributions in hollow-fiber hemodialyzers analyzed by computerized helical scanning technique

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    The efficiency of a hemodialyzer is largely dependent on its ability to facilitate diffusion between blood and dialysis solution. The diffusion process can be impaired if there is a mismatch between blood and dialysate flow distribution in the dialyzer. This article describes the distribution of the blood and dialysate flows in hollow-fiber hemodialyzers analyzed with a computerized scanning technique. Blood flow distribution was Studied in vitro by dye injection in the blood compartment during experimental extracorporeal circulation using human blood with hematocrit (Hct) adjusted at 25 and 40%. Sequential images were obtained with a helical scanner in a 1-cm-thick fixed longitudinal section of the dialyzer. Average and regional blood flow velocity and wall shear rates were measured by using the reconstructed imaging sequence. The method allowed the calculation of single-fiber blood flow and single-fiber wall shear rate (SF wSh) in different regions of the hemodialyzer. In 38 patients on chronic hemodialysis, creatinine and phosphate clearance displayed a significantly negative correlation with Hct (P < 0.05), but this correlation was not found for urea, although a trend toward reduction could be observed. The suggested explanation of this phenomenon is the significant reduction in effective plasma water flow across the hemodialyzer in presence of a progressive rise in Hct. The second explanation for this phenomenon may be found in the nonhomogeneous distribution of blood flow within the fibers observed at the sequential imaging. This, in fact, could also explain the negative trend observed for urea. At higher Hct levels, single-fiber blood flow velocity and SF wSh were significantly lower in the fibers situated at the periphery of the bundle. At the same time, SF wSh tended to decrease in peripheral fibers, showing a value near half of that observed in the central fibers of the bundle (165 versus 301 s(-1)). A similar technique was used to study the flow distribution in the dialysate compartment in three different types of hemodialyzers with characteristic dialysate compartment design: (A) standard configuration; (B) space yarns (spacing filaments preventing contact between fibers); and (C) Moire structure (wave-shaped fibers to prevent contact between adjacent fibers). Clinical sessions of hemodialysis were also carried out to measure blood- and dialysate-side urea clearances in the different hemodialyzers. Macroscopic and densitometric analysis revealed that flow distribution was most homogeneous in the dialyzer with Moire structure (type C) and least homogeneous in the standard dialyzer (type A). Space yarns (type B) gave an intermediate dialysate flow distribution. Urea clearance (P < 0.001) increased significantly with types B and C, compared with the standard dialyzer. Type C had the highest clearances, although they were not significantly greater than type B. In conclusion, a significant blood-to-dialysate flow mismatch may occur in hollow-fiber hemodialyzers due to either uneven blood flow distribution or a dialysate channeling phenomenon external to the fiber bundle. Improvement in dialyzer design may overcome these problems, at least in part

    Blood flow distribution in a polymyxin coated fibrous bed for endotoxin removal. Effect of a new blood path design

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    The analysis of flow distribution in cartridges designed for hemoperfusion is extremely important Taking advantage of a new imaging technique, based on the analysis of a helical scanner-generated imaging sequence, we studied the blood flow distribution in a series of cartridges for extracorporeal removal of endotoxin. Cartridges with improved design were compared to cartridges with a standard design. The improved design consists in a different structure of the holes of the distributor of the flow within the adsorbent unit Cartridges were studied in vitro with human blood from voluntary donors at blood flows of 100 and 250 ml/min. The progression of density in specific regions of interest (ROI) was analyzed to detect the distribution of the dye injected in the blood circuit. The study demonstrates that both at 100 ml/min and at 250 ml/min of blood flow, the progression of flow appears more homogeneous in the devices with improved design. In detail, the flow distribution measured by the incremental density values detected in the ROIs of the proximal corners (close to the arterial port) and in the ROIs of the central region of the device (close to the inner wall of the case) displays a significant difference between the standard and the improved device. The ROIs studied in the standard devices display a slower increase in density and significantly lower absolute values expressed in Hounsfield units. The experimental method utilized to analyze flow distribution seems to represent an important means to study the performance and design of this type of device

    Impact of spacing filaments external to hollow fibers on dialysate flow distribution and dialyzer performance

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    A new type of dialyzer (PAN 650 SF Asahi) is analyzed in terms of hydraulic properties, solute clearances and dialysate flow distribution. The new type of dialyzer is a polyacrylonitrile hollow fiber filter equipped with spacing filaments placed externally to the fibers to facilitate dialysate distribution and avoid channeling. The new filter is compared with a similar filter without spacing filaments. For this purpose, blood and dialysate side clearances have been measured in sequential dialysis session carried out randomly in the same patients. Furthermore, a last generation helical scanner (X-Press/HS1, Toshiba) has been utilized to analyze in vitro the flow distribution of dialysate inside the dialyzer. A contrast medium was injected and a sequence of images has been achieved on a longitudinal section of the dialyzer. This new method permits to avoid any bias due to the cylindrical shape of the dialyzer, since a 10 mm thick rectangular section is analyzed and not the entire body of the filter. The dialyzers equipped with spacing filaments displayed a significant improvement of the dialysate distribution as demonstrated by the radiological pattern. In detail, despite a channeling phenomenon in the peripherical region of the bundle is still present, this is remarkably reduced in comparison with the channelling phenomenon observed in the standard dialyzers. This improved distribution is confirmed by a significant improvement of the solute clearances


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    The dynamic catheterography is an imagin technique that allows to study the peritoneal solution inflow and outflow phases in case of catheter malfunction. The examination is carried out in three subsequent steps: 1) direct examination without contrast media in order to define the position of the catheter inside the abdomen; 2) low speed catheterography by normal injection of 10 ml of hydrosoluble contrast medium to verift the patency of the cannula; 3) high speed catheterography by 30 ml hydrosoluble dye injected with an automateds high pressure system to study the inflow phase, the fluid distribution in the peritoneal cavity and the patency of the catheter holes. Different radiographic patterns can be found: dislocation of the catheter tip, KinKing, one way obstruction, inner lumen obstruction. The procedure is simple, safe and reliable for a correct diagnosis and for the choice of a successfull therapeutic approach to peritoneale catheter malfunction


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    First generation asymmetric polysulfone membranes had high hydraulic permeability (kf=40 ml/h/mmHg/sqm) but a low diffusive permeability due to the hydrophobic nature and wall thickness of 75-100 microns. We have tested a new polysulfone membrane with a wall thickness of 40 microns in a series of in vitro and in vivo dialysis session experiments. The new ''Biosulfane(R)'' membrane presented a Kf of 45.8 with constant performance up to 240 mins. The koA was 760 and the clearance value at 350 ml/min of Qb in hemodiafiltration was 255 ml/min for urea, 210 for creatinine, 225 for phosphate, 76 for inulin. In high flux dialysis the clearances were similar except for inulin which was 32% lower due to the lower convection amount. Beta-2 microglobulin clearance was 22 ml/min in high flux dialysis and 37 in hemodiafiltration. Solute sieving coefficients were close to 1 for the majority of the studied solutes in a wide range of molecular weights and slight variations were observed for charged solutes due to Donnan's effect. The sieving for Inulin was 0.96 while that for Beta-2 microglobulin was not measurable due to a large molecule adsorption on the inner structure of the fibres. The good performances of this membrane are probably due to reduced wall thickness and a consequent improvement in diffusive permeability to small size solutes