27 research outputs found

    Influence of scattering coefficient on the prediction of room acoustic parameters in a virtual concert hall.

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    The scattering coefficient is one of the most important input parameters in room acoustics simulations. Together with absorption coefficient they belong to main descriptors of interior surface properties in the calculation process based on ray or radiosity method algorithms. This paper investigates the influence of scattered sound on the objective room acoustical parameters in the example of a virtual concert hall. Six different alternatives were simulated, where scattering coefficients s = 10, 30, 50, 60, 70 and 90 % respectively, were applied to the interior surfaces of the ceiling, side and rear walls. Analysis has been performed by studying the results of objective room acoustical parameters predicted by simulations done in the software Catt-Acoustic®

    Influence of a volume scale factor on the scattering coefficient effects on the prediction of room acoustic parameters

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    Surface scattering has become an important input parameter in the work on geometric models and in the research concerning the enhancement of auralized sound. This contribution deals with the comparison of four scaled prediction models of the same concert hall and studies the scattering coefficient prominence in simulations while the size of the concert hall increases by two, three and four times. The hall is a fan shaped hall with aspect ratios of around 4.5:2.8:1 and typical auditorium features such as stage and raked audience area. The influence of a volume scale factor on the scattered sound effects on the prediction of the objective room acoustic parameters like T30, EDT, C80, D50, LF and G, is investigated. Five different alternatives were simulated, where scattering coefficient values s = 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90% respectively, were applied separately and combined to the interior surfaces of the ceiling, side and rear walls. Analysis has been performed by studying the results of objective room acoustical parameters predicted by simulations done with software Odeon R 11.00 and Catt-Acoustic R v 8.

    Influence of a volume scale factor on the scattering coefficient effects on the prediction of room acoustic parameters.

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    Surface scattering has become an important input parameter in the work on geometric models and in the research concerning the enhancement of auralized sound. This contribution deals with the comparison of four scaled prediction models of the same concert hall and studies the scattering coefficient prominence in simulations while the size of the concert hall increases by two, three and four times. The hall is a fan shaped hall with aspect ratios of around 4.5:2.8:1 and typical auditorium features such as stage and raked audience area. The influence of a volume scale factor on the scattered sound effects on the prediction of the objective room acoustic parameters like T30, EDT, C80, D50, LF and G, is investigated. Five different alternatives were simulated, where scattering coefficient values s = 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90% respectively, were applied separately and combined to the interior surfaces of the ceiling, side and rear walls. Analysis has been performed by studying the results of objective room acoustical parameters predicted by simulations done with software Odeon R 11.00 and Catt-Acoustic R v 8.0

    Impact of increasing energy efficiency of buildings on the acoustic properties of their claddings

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    Interdisciplinárne rezonujúcou témou v oblasti stavebnej fyziky je snaha znižovania energetickej náročnosti budov pri súčasne čo najnižšom možnom zaťažení ekosystému. Pokrok v materiálových, konštrukčných a technologických riešeniach umožňuje kontinuálne zvyšovanie kritérií na energetickú efektívnosť budov. Tu sa však ľahko môžeme stretnúť s komplikáciami v rámci konštrukčných riešení z pohľadu stavebnej akustiky ako aj s generovaním nežiadúceho hluku implementovaním technického vybavenia budov. V tomto príspevku sme sa snažili poukázať na vybrané prípady, s ktorými sa bežne môžeme stretávať v praxi. Podkladom tohto článku boli kapitoly 5.33 a 5.5 z knižne vydanej publikácie (Rychtáriková-Chmelík-Urbán, 2019).An interdisciplinary resonant topic in the field of building physics is the effort to reduce the energy intensity of buildings while at the lowest possible load on the ecosystem. Advances in material, construction and technological solutions enable the continuous increase of criteria for the energy efficiency of buildings. Here, however, we can easily encounter complications in structural solutions from the point of view of building acoustics as well as the generation of unwanted noise by implementing the technical equipment of buildings. In this paper, we have tried to point out selected cases that we can commonly encounter in practice. This article was based on Chapters 5.33 and 5.5 of the book published (Rychtáriková-Chmelík-Urbán, 2019)

    Influence of scattering on the prediction of room acoustic parameters

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    The scattering coefficient is one of the most important input parameters in room acoustics simulations. Together with absorption coefficient they belong to main descriptors of interior surface properties in the calculation process based on ray or radiosity method algorithms. This paper investigates the influence of scattered sound on the objective room acoustic parameters in the example of a virtual concert hall. Six different alternatives were simulated, where scattering coefficients s = 10, 30, 50, 60, 70 and 90 % respectively, were applied to the interior surfaces of the ceiling, side and rear walls. Analysis has been performed by studying the results of objective room acoustical parameters predicted by simulations done in the software Catt- Acousti

    Influence of scattering coefficient on the prediction of room acoustic parameters in a virtual concert hall through three different algorithms

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    The scattering coefficient is one of the most important input parameters in room acoustics simulations. Together with the absorption coefficient they belong to the main descriptors of interior surface properties in a calculation process based on ray or radiosity method algorithms. This contribution deals with the comparison of three predicting software and objective assessment of scattered sound in the example of a virtual concert hall. The influence of scattered sound on the objective room acoustical parameters like T30, EDT, C80, D50 and G, is investigated. Six different alternatives were simulated, where scattering coefficient values s = 10, 30, 50, 60, 70 and 90% respectively, were applied to the interior surfaces of the ceiling, side and rear walls. Analysis has been performed by studying the results of objective room acoustical parameters predicted by simulations done with the software Odeon® 10.1, Catt-Acoustic® v 8.0. and Rave

    Influence of scattering on the prediction of room acoustic parameters

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    The scattering coefficient is one of the most important input parameters in room acoustics simulations. Together with absorption coefficient they belong to main descriptors of interior surface properties in the calculation process based on ray or radiosity method algorithms. This paper investigates the influence of scattered sound on the objective room acoustic parameters in the example of a virtual concert hall. Six different alternatives were simulated, where scattering coefficients s = 10, 30, 50, 60, 70 and 90 % respectively, were applied to the interior surfaces of the ceiling, side and rear walls. Analysis has been performed by studying the results of objective room acoustical parameters predicted by simulations done in the software Catt- Acoustic

    Influence of scattering coefficient on the prediction of room acoustic parameters in a virtual concert hall through three different algorithms

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    The scattering coefficient is one of the most important input parameters in room acoustics simulations. Together with the absorption coefficient they belong to the main descriptors of interior surface properties in a calculation process based on ray or radiosity method algorithms. This contribution deals with the comparison of three predicting software and objective assessment of scattered sound in the example of a virtual concert hall. The influence of scattered sound on the objective room acoustical parameters like T30, EDT, C80, D50 and G, is investigated. Six different alternatives were simulated, where scattering coefficient values s = 10, 30, 50, 60, 70 and 90% respectively, were applied to the interior surfaces of the ceiling, side and rear walls. Analysis has been performed by studying the results of objective room acoustical parameters predicted by simulations done with the software Odeon® 10.1, Catt-Acoustic® v 8.0. and Raven

    Study on the effects of the acoustic scattering on the impulse response in a semi-anechoic room.

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    The complex sound field in performance spaces, characterized by multiple sound reflections from various surfaces with different absorptive and diffusive characteristics, makes it difficult to deduce the effect of the single interior surface on the room impulse response. In order to obtain more knowledge on this topic, laboratory experiments were performed in a semi-anechoic room. Three different conditions were studied by monaural and binaural room impulse response measurements. Three types of surfaces with different absorptive and diffusive characteristics (flat surface and two differently absorbing concrete blocks with the same geometrical pattern) were placed on the floor during the experiments. The measurements were performed at the same distance from the surface sample at three different distances from the source position. Moreover, for each microphone position eight different orientations of the artificial head were considered. The monaural and binaural impulse responses have been analyzed by comparing the different surface configurations and different orientations of the artificial head. Five objective parameters have been used in this analysis: the ratio between the direct and the reflected sound (DRR), the Time Delay Gap (TDG), the Inter-aural Cross Correlation (IACC), the Inter-aural Time Difference (ITD) and the Inter-aural Level Difference (ILD)