16 research outputs found

    Consistency Checking for the Evolution of Cardinality-based Feature Models

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    International audienceFeature models (FMs) are a widely used approach to specify the commonalities and variability in variable systems and software product lines. Various works have addressed edits to FMs for FM evolution and tool support to ensure consistency of FMs. An important extension to FMs are feature cardinalities and related constraints, as extensively used e.g., when modeling variability of cloud computing environments. Since cardinality-based FMs pose additional complexity, additional support for evolution and consistency checking with respect to feature cardinalities would be desirable, but has not been addressed yet. In this paper, we discuss common cardinality-based FM edits and resulting inconsistencies based on experiences with FMs in cloud domain. We introduce tool-support for automated inconsistency detection and explanation based on an off-the-shelf solver. We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach by an empirical evaluation showing the performance of the tool

    The impact of autophagy on inflammation and cell death during Staphylococcus aureus\textit {Staphylococcus aureus} infection

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    Das Humanpathogen Staphylococcus aureus\textit {Staphylococcus aureus} (S. aureus)\textit {(S. aureus)} induziert während der Infektion seine Aufnahme in die Wirtzelle. Die Bakterien befinden sich anschließend in einer Vakuole, aus der sie später in das Zytoplasma entkommen. Daraufhin aktiviert die Wirtszelle verschiedene inflammatorische und Zelltod-Signalwege, um den Erreger zu beseitigen und eine Ausbreitung der Infektion zu verhindern. Die Aufnahme von Bakterien in das Autophagosom ist ein möglicher Mechanismus der Wirtszelle, um intrazelluläre Bakterien zu eliminieren. (S. aureus)\textit {(S. aureus)} ist jedoch in der Lage, dem Autophagosom zu entkommen. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Unterschiede in der Genexpression von Bakterien und Wirtszellen während einer (S. aureus)\textit {(S. aureus)} Infektion sowie den möglichen Einfluss von Autophagie in murinen embryonalen wt und Atg5/^{-/-} Fibroblasten. Des Weiteren wurde die Rolle von Autophagie auf verschiedene Immunsignalwege während (S. aureus)\textit {(S. aureus)} Infektionen untersucht

    Modeling dependencies in product families with COVAMOF

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    Many variability modeling approaches consider only formalized dependencies, i.e. in- or exclude relations between variants. However, in real industrial product families, dependencies are often much more complicated. In this paper, we discuss the product derivation problems associated with dependencies, and show how our variability modeling framework COVAMOF addresses these issues. Throughout the paper, we use examples of Intrada, an intelligent traffic systems family of Dacolian B.V

    Joosen: Managing concern interactions in middleware

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    Abstract. In this paper, we define a conceptual model that describes the relevant information about interactions between concerns that needs to be captured. We have developed a prototype system that, starting from this model, can automatically generate a set of rules that enables software developers to improve their understanding of concerns in middleware and their interactions. This rule-base is the basis for an expert system that can be queried about particular concern interactions and a software engineering tool to support an application development team.