160 research outputs found

    Sulfur poisoning and regeneration of palladium based catalysts. Part I: dehydrogenation of cyclohexane on Pd/Al2O3 and Pd/SiO2-Al2-O3 catalysts

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    The catalytic activity of palladium deposited on alumina and silica–alumina for the dehydrogenation of cyclo-hexane was studied. The introduction of sulfur-containing compounds, thiophene or hydrogen sulfide into the feed, was investigated.The Pd/Al2O3 catalyst was less active than platinum deposited on alumina for cyclohexane aromatization in the absence of any poisoning additive. In addition, the thio-tolerance is smaller for palladium than for platinum. The decontamination by the sulfur-free feed was also less efficient in the case of alumina supported palladium. However, regeneration under pure hydrogen was more effective for the Pd/Al2O3 sample than for the Pt/Al2O3 one.When palladium was supported on silica–alumina instead of alumina, the deactivation by coking was more intense for sulfur-free reactants. Nevertheless the thio-tolerance was strongly improved in comparison with the Pd/Al2O3 catalyst. In contrast to iridium and platinum supported on silica–alumina, previously studied under similar conditions in the literature, the removal of thiophene or hydrogen sulfide from the feed allowed a total recovery of the catalytic activity of the Pd/SiO2–Al2O3 sample. The sample regeneration was observed after treatment under flowing hydrogen. Such behaviour is discussed in terms of changes of coke precursor reactivity in the presence of adsorbed sulfur

    Sulfur poisoning and regeneration of palladium based catalysts: Part II: influence of adsorbed sulfur on the deactivation by carbonaceous deposits

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    The physicochemical and catalytic properties of palladium deposited on alumina and silica–alumina have been studied after poisoning by hydrogen sulfide as well as at various stages of regeneration under hydrogen. The amount of free palladium surface atoms was mainly deduced from infrared measurements of adsorbed carbon monoxide. The catalytic activity was measured in the cyclohexane dehydrogenation. As far as the steady-state activities are concerned, a regeneration under hydrogen between 673 and 773 K leads to samples having either the same activity (alumina support) or a higher activity (silica–alumina support) compared to that of the unpoisoned catalysts. Nevertheless, in both cases, the initial metallic surface was not recovered. Pulse experiments have been used for the determination of the initial activity. They showed that the deactivation by carbonaceous deposits is hindered when sulfur is present at the surface of palladium particles. Such deactivation is favoured when palladium is supported on an acidic carrier

    Étude calorimétrique à 250 °C de la titration oxygène-hydrogène du platine déposé sur alumine γ

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    La titration O2 — H2 et H2 — O2 du platine déposé sur alumine γ a été étudiée par microcalorimétrie à 250 °C. La stœchiométrie des équations de titration est la même qu’à 40 °C bien que la thermicité de ces réactions soit différente :[math] (2) [math] (3)ΔHmoyen = — 69 Kcal/mole (2) ΔHmoyen = —53 Kcal/mole. (3) Ces résultats ne peuvent s’expliquer qu’en supposant une chaleur d’adsorption d’hydrogène plus forte à 250 qu’à 40 °C, ce qui a été effectivement vérifié sur platine non oxydé (ΔΗθ→0 = — 42 Kcal/mole H2 au lieu de — 28 Kcal/mole H2 à 40 °C). Les espèces Pt — H et Pt — O engendrées au cours de la titration sont les mêmes que celles résultant d’une adsorption d’oxygène ou d’hydrogène sur une surface de platine nu. La chaleur d’adsorption de l’eau produite au cours de la titration (+ 23,5 Kcal/mole H2O) est en bon accord avec celle obtenue lors de l’action de l’eau sur alumine γ

    Infrared study of nitrogen monoxide adsorption on palladium ion-exchanged ZSM-5 catalysts

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    SSCI-VIDE+ATARI:CARE+CDS:PGEInternational audienceThe adsorption of NO at room temperature on a H-ZSM-5 catalyst exchanged with Pd(NH3)(4)(2+) complex and activated in oxygen at 773 K has been examined by FTIR spectroscopy. After the oxidizing treatment, the Pd tetrammine complex decomposed into Pd(II) ions and/or Pd(II) hydroxyl complexes dispersed in the zeolite channels. The subsequent adsorption of NO at room temperature led to the reduction of Pd(II) to Pd(I) entities, resulting in the formation and adsorption of NO2 on H-ZSM-5. The Pd(I) entities were shown to adsorb NO and form mononitrosyl complexes dispersed in the zeolite porosity and characterized by a single infrared absorption band at 1881 cm(-1). The Pd(I) mononitrosyl complex was shown to reversibly coordinate water and NO2 molecules. The resulting nitrosyl complex was characterized by a single NO vibration band at 1836 cm(-1)

    Préparation par voie sol-gel de catalyseurs Pt/Al

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    Le catalyseur Pt/Al2O3 a été synthétisé par voie sol-gel à partir du butylate secondaire d’aluminium et d’acétylacétonate de platine dans l’isobutanol. Les processus d’hydrolyse et de condensation sont assurés par ajout d’acide acétique.La stabilité thermique des particules métalliques ainsi que l’activité catalytique dans la combustion de l’éthane ont été étudiées. Les résultats ont montré qu’une calcination préalable du catalyseur entre 500 et 800°C améliore la dispersion métallique probablement par migration des particules de platine encapsulés dans la matrice de l’alumine vers la surface. L’amélioration de la dispersion et le grossissement simultané des particules de platine favorisent la rupture de la liaison C-C exaltant les propriétés catalytiques dans la combustion de l’éthane
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