1,563 research outputs found

    Particle Learning and Smoothing

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    Particle learning (PL) provides state filtering, sequential parameter learning and smoothing in a general class of state space models. Our approach extends existing particle methods by incorporating the estimation of static parameters via a fully-adapted filter that utilizes conditional sufficient statistics for parameters and/or states as particles. State smoothing in the presence of parameter uncertainty is also solved as a by-product of PL. In a number of examples, we show that PL outperforms existing particle filtering alternatives and proves to be a competitor to MCMC.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-STS325 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Particle Learning for General Mixtures

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    This paper develops particle learning (PL) methods for the estimation of general mixture models. The approach is distinguished from alternative particle filtering methods in two major ways. First, each iteration begins by resampling particles according to posterior predictive probability, leading to a more efficient set for propagation. Second, each particle tracks only the "essential state vector" thus leading to reduced dimensional inference. In addition, we describe how the approach will apply to more general mixture models of current interest in the literature; it is hoped that this will inspire a greater number of researchers to adopt sequential Monte Carlo methods for fitting their sophisticated mixture based models. Finally, we show that PL leads to straight forward tools for marginal likelihood calculation and posterior cluster allocation.Business Administratio

    Polymer Translocation Dynamics in the Quasi-Static Limit

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    Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are used to study the dynamics of polymer translocation through a nanopore in the limit where the translocation rate is sufficiently slow that the polymer maintains a state of conformational quasi-equilibrium. The system is modeled as a flexible hard-sphere chain that translocates through a cylindrical hole in a hard flat wall. In some calculations, the nanopore is connected at one end to a spherical cavity. Translocation times are measured directly using MC dynamics simulations. For sufficiently narrow pores, translocation is sufficiently slow that the mean translocation time scales with polymer length N according to \propto (N-N_p)^2, where N_p is the average number of monomers in the nanopore; this scaling is an indication of a quasi-static regime in which polymer-nanopore friction dominates. We use a multiple-histogram method to calculate the variation of the free energy with Q, a coordinate used to quantify the degree of translocation. The free energy functions are used with the Fokker-Planck formalism to calculate translocation time distributions in the quasi-static regime. These calculations also require a friction coefficient, characterized by a quantity N_{eff}, the effective number of monomers whose dynamics are affected by the confinement of the nanopore. This was determined by fixing the mean of the theoretical distribution to that of the distribution obtained from MC dynamics simulations. The theoretical distributions are in excellent quantitative agreement with the distributions obtained directly by the MC dynamics simulations for physically meaningful values of N_{eff}. The free energy functions for narrow-pore systems exhibit oscillations with an amplitude that is sensitive to the nanopore length. Generally, larger oscillation amplitudes correspond to longer translocation times.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure
