763 research outputs found

    Reciprocity relations and generalized entropic quantifiers that lack trace-form

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    In this effort we show that the Legendre reciprocity relations,thermodynamic's essential formal feature, are respected by any entropic functional, even if it is NOT of trace-form nature, as Shannon's is. Further, with reference to the MaXent variational process, we encounter important cases, relevant to physical applications currently discussed in the research literature, in which the associated reciprocity relations exhibit anomalies. We show that these anomalies can be cured by carefully discriminating between apparently equivalent entropic forms

    Inclusion relations among separability criteria

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    We revisit the application of different separability criteria by recourse to an exhaustive Monte Carlo exploration involving the pertinent state-space of pure and mixed states. The corresponding chain of implications of different criteria is in such a way numerically elucidated. We also quantify, for a bipartite system of arbitrary dimension, the proportion of states ρ\rho that can be distilled according to a definite criterion. Our work can be regarded as a complement to the recent review paper by B. Terhal [Theor. Comp. Sci. {\bf 287} (2002) 313]. Some questions posed there receive an answer here.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Properties of a geometric measure for quantum discord

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    We discuss some properties of the quantum discord based on the geometric distance advanced by Dakic, Vedral, and Brukner [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 105}, 190502 (2010)], with emphasis on Werner- and MEM-states. We ascertain just how good the measure is in representing quantum discord. We explore the dependence of quantum discord on the degree of mixedness of the bipartite states, and also its connection with non-locality as measured by the maximum violation of a Bell inequality within the CHSH scenario

    Jensen-Shannon divergence, Fisher information, and Wootters' hypothesis

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    We discuss different statistical distances in probability space, with emphasis on the Jensen-Shannon divergence, vis-a-vis {\it metrics} in Hilbert space and their relationship with Fisher's information measure. This study provides further reconfirmation of Wootters' hypothesis concerning the possibility that statistical fluctuations in the outcomes of measurements be regarded (at least partly) as responsible for the Hilbert-space structure of quantum mechanics

    General Solution of a Fractional Diffusion-Advection Equation for Solar Cosmic-Ray Transport

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    In this effort we exactly solve the fractional diffusion-advection equation for solar cosmic-ray transport proposed in \cite{LE2014} and give its {\it general solution} in terms of hypergeometric distributions. Also, we regain all the results and approximations given in \cite{LE2014} as {\it particular cases} of our general solution.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Hypergeometric Connotations of Quantum Equations

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    We show that the Schr\"odinger and Klein-Gordon equations can both be derived from an Hypergeometric differential equation. The same applies to non linear generalizations of these equations.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    On the entropic derivation of the r2r^{-2} Newtonian gravity force

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    Following Verlinde's conjecture, we show that Tsallis' classical free particle distribution at temperature TT can generate Newton's gravitational force's r2r^{-2} {\it distance's dependence}. If we want to repeat the concomitant argument by appealing to either Boltzmann-Gibbs' or Renyi's distributions, the attempt fails and one needs to modify the conjecture. Keywords: Tsallis', Boltzmann-Gibbs', and Renyi's distributions, classical partition function, entropic force.Comment: 10 pages. No figure

    Possible Divergences in Tsallis' Thermostatistics

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    Trying to compute the nonextensive q-partition function for the Harmonic Oscillator in more than two dimensions, one encounters that it diverges, which poses a serious threat to the whole of Tsallis' thermostatistics. Appeal to the so called q-Laplace Transform, where the q-exponential function plays the role of the ordinary exponential, is seen to save the day.Comment: Text has change

    Hypergeometric foundations of Fokker-Plank like equations

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    We show that the Fokker Planck equation can be derived from a Hypergeometric differential equation. The same applies to a non linear generalization of such equation.Comment: 9 pages. No figure

    Spatial cut-offs, Fermion Statistics, and Verlinde's Conjecture

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    Verlinde conjectured eight years ago that gravitation might be an emergent entropic force. This rather surprising assertion was proved in [Physica A {\bf 505} (2018) 190] within a purely classical statistical context, and in [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34454.24640] for the case of bosons' statistics. In the present work, we appeal to a quantum scenario involving fermions' statistics. We consider also the classical limit of quantum (statistical) mechanics (QM). We encounter a lower bound to the distance rr between the two interacting masses, i.e., an rr cut-off. This is a new effect that exhibits some resemblance with the idea of space discretization proposed by recent gravitation theoriesComment: 10 pages, 2 figure