25 research outputs found

    Color superconductivity in the static Einstein Universe

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    We study the behavior of quark and diquark condensates in dense quark matter under the influence of a gravitational field adopting as a simple model the static DD-dimensional Einstein Universe. Calculations are performed in the framework of the extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and quark density on the basis of the thermodynamic potential and the gap equations. Quark and diquark condensates as functions of the chemical potential and temperature at different values of the curvature have been studied. Phase portraits of the system have been constructed

    Supersymmetric BCS

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    We implement relativistic BCS superconductivity in N=1 supersymmetric field theories with a U(1)_R symmetry. The simplest model contains two chiral superfields with a Kahler potential modified by quartic terms. We study the phase diagram of the gap as a function of the temperature and the specific heat. The superconducting phase transition turns out to be first order, due to the scalar contribution to the one-loop potential. By virtue of supersymmetry, the critical curves depend logarithmically with the UV cutoff, rather than quadratically as in standard BCS theory. We comment on the difficulties in having fermion condensates when the chemical potential is instead coupled to a baryonic U(1)_B current. We also discuss supersymmetric models of BCS with canonical Kahler potential constructed by "integrating-in" chiral superfields.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Ultrarelativistic electron-hole pairing in graphene bilayer

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    We consider ground state of electron-hole graphene bilayer composed of two independently doped graphene layers when a condensate of spatially separated electron-hole pairs is formed. In the weak coupling regime the pairing affects only conduction band of electron-doped layer and valence band of hole-doped layer, thus the ground state is similar to ordinary BCS condensate. At strong coupling, an ultrarelativistic character of electron dynamics reveals and the bands which are remote from Fermi surfaces (valence band of electron-doped layer and conduction band of hole-doped layer) are also affected by the pairing. The analysis of instability of unpaired state shows that s-wave pairing with band-diagonal condensate structure, described by two gaps, is preferable. A relative phase of the gaps is fixed, however at weak coupling this fixation diminishes allowing gapped and soliton-like excitations. The coupled self-consistent gap equations for these two gaps are solved at zero temperature in the constant-gap approximation and in the approximation of separable potential. It is shown that, if characteristic width of the pairing region is of the order of magnitude of chemical potential, then the value of the gap in the spectrum is not much different from the BCS estimation. However, if the pairing region is wider, then the gap value can be much larger and depends exponentially on its energy width.Comment: 13 pages with 8 figures; accepted to Eur. Phys. J.

    BCS and generalized BCS superconductivity in relativistic quantum field theory. I. formulation

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    We investigate the BCS and generalized BCS theories in the relativistic quantum field theory. We select the gauge freedom as U(1), and introduce a BCS-type effective attractive interaction. After introducing the Gor'kov formalism and performing the group theoretical consideration of the mean fields, we solve the relativistic Gor'kov equation and obtain the Green's functions in analytical forms. We obtain various types of gap equations.Comment: 31 page

    Topological superfluid 3^3He-B: fermion zero modes on interfaces and in the vortex core

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    Many quantum condensed matter systems are strongly correlated and strongly interacting fermionic systems, which cannot be treated perturbatively. However, topology allows us to determine generic features of their fermionic spectrum, which are robust to perturbation and interaction. We discuss the nodeless 3D system, such as superfluid 3^3He-B, vacuum of Dirac fermions, and relativistic singlet and triplet supercondutors which may arise in quark matter. The systems, which have nonzero value of topological invariant, have gapless fermions on the boundary and in the core of quantized vortices. We discuss the index theorem which relates fermion zero modes on vortices with the topological invariants in combined momentum and coordinate space.Comment: paper is prepared for Proceedings of the Workshop on Vortices, Superfluid Dynamics, and Quantum Turbulence held on 11-16 April 2010, Lammi, Finlan

    Abnormal number of Nambu-Goldstone bosons in the color-asymmetric 2SC phase of an NJL-type model

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    We consider an extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model including both (q \bar q)- and (qq)-interactions with two light-quark flavors in the presence of a single (quark density) chemical potential. In the color superconducting phase of the quark matter the color SU(3) symmetry is spontaneously broken down to SU(2). If the usual counting of Goldstone bosons would apply, five Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons corresponding to the five broken color generators should appear in the mass spectrum. Unlike that expectation, we find only three gapless diquark excitations of quark matter. One of them is an SU(2)-singlet, the remaining two form an SU(2)-(anti)doublet and have a quadratic dispersion law in the small momentum limit. These results are in agreement with the Nielsen-Chadha theorem, according to which NG-bosons in Lorentz-noninvariant systems, having a quadratic dispersion law, must be counted differently. The origin of the abnormal number of NG-bosons is shown to be related to a nonvanishing expectation value of the color charge operator Q_8 reflecting the lack of color neutrality of the ground state. Finally, by requiring color neutrality, two massive diquarks are argued to become massless, resulting in a normal number of five NG-bosons with usual linear dispersion laws.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, revtex

    Relation Between Chiral Susceptibility and Solutions of Gap Equation in Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model

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    We study the solutions of the gap equation, the thermodynamic potential and the chiral susceptibility in and beyond the chiral limit at finite chemical potential in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. We give an explicit relation between the chiral susceptibility and the thermodynamic potential in the NJL model. We find that the chiral susceptibility is a quantity being able to represent the furcation of the solutions of the gap equation and the concavo-convexity of the thermodynamic potential in NJL model. It indicates that the chiral susceptibility can identify the stable state and the possibility of the chiral phase transition in NJL model.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, misprints are correcte

    Pion condensation of quark matter in the static Einstein universe

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    In the framework of an extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model we are studying pion condensation in quark matter with an asymmetric isospin composition in a gravitational field of the static Einstein universe at finite temperature and chemical potential. This particular choice of the gravitational field configuration enables us to investigate phase transitions of the system with exact consideration of the role of this field in the formation of quark and pion condensates and to point out its influence on the phase portraits. We demonstrate the effect of oscillations of the thermodynamic quantities as functions of the curvature and also refer to a certain similarity between the behavior of these quantities as functions of curvature and finite temperature. Finally, the role of quantum fluctuations for spontaneous symmetry breaking in the case of a finite volume of the universe is shortly discussed.Comment: RevTex4; 15 pages, 10 figure

    Chiral Modulations in Curved Space II: Conifold Geometries

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    In this paper, we extend our previous analysis concerning the formation of inhomogeneous condensates in strongly-coupled fermion effective field theories on curved spaces and include the case of conifold geometries that represent the simplest tractable case of manifolds with curvature singularities. In the set-up considered here, by keeping the genuine thermodynamical temperature constant, we may single out the role that curvature effects play on the breaking/restoration of chiral symmetry and on the appearance of inhomogeneous phases. The first goal of this paper is to construct a general expression of the finite temperature effective action for inhomogeneous condensates in the case of four-fermion effective field theories on conifold geometries with generic Riemannian smooth base (generalised cones). The other goal is to implement numerically the above formal results and construct self-consistent solutions for the condensate. We explicitly show that the condensate assumes a kink-like profile, vanishing at the singularity that is surrounded by a bubble of restored chiral symmetry phase.Comment: 14 pages; 4 figure