16 research outputs found
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis mutu kimia seduhan cascara yang diperoleh dari kombinsi suhu dan waktu pengeringan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental menggunakan RAK (Rancangan Acak Kelompok) faktorial menggunakan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah kombinasi suhu dan waktu pengeringan (T) terdiri dari 2 taraf yaitu pengeringan tray dryer suhu 37 oC selama 20 jam (T1) dan pengeringan tray dryer suhu 45 oC selama 10 jam (T2). Faktor kedua adalah pengecilan ukuran teh cascara (P) terdiri dari 2 taraf yaitu pengecilan ukuran 20 mesh (P1), dan tanpa pengecilan ukuran teh cascara (P2). Dengan demikian dihasilkan 4 kombinasi perlakuan dengan pengulangan sebanyak 3 kali sehingga diperoleh total 12 unit percobaan. Parameter seduhan teh cascara yang diamati adalah nilai pH, total padatan terlarut, total fenol dan aktivitas antioksidan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi suhu dan waktu pengeringan mempengaruhi total fenol dan aktivitas antioksidan seduhan cascara. Kombinasi suhu pengeringan 37oC dengan waktu selama 20 jam menghasilkan total fenol dan aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kombinasi suhu pengeringan 45oC selama 10 jam. proses pengecilan ukuran mempengaruhi nilai pH nilai dan total padatan terlarut seduhan cascara. Dengan melakukan pengecilan ukuran komponen kimia yang terekstrak menjadi lebih besar sehingga keasaman dan total padatan terlarut semakin meningkat
Kajian Pembuatan Infused Water dari Buah Kurma (Phoenix dactylifera) dengan Penambahan Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantiifolia)
Research has been conducted to analyze the effect of soaking time and addition of lime slices on the characteristics of infused water dates. This research was conducted in a laboratory scale using Completely Randomized Design consisting of 2 factors, namely soaking time (P) and number of lime slices (J). The first factor, soaking time consists of 3 levels, namely P1 = 1 day, P2 = 3 days, P3 = 5 days. The second factor is the number of pieces of lime (J) consisting of 3 levels, namely J1 = 1 piece, J2 = 2 pieces and J3 = 3 pieces. There were 9 treatment combinations with 3 replications, so that as a whole 27 unit experiments were obtained. The parameters analyzed were the ethanol content, Vitamin C content and hedonic test on color, aroma and taste. Ethanol content, hedonic color and aroma of infused water dates are influenced by soaking time, while the levels of Vitamin C and hedonic taste are influenced by the addition of lime. The interaction between soaking time and addition of lime influence the levels of Vitamin C of infused water. The longer soaking and the more dates used, the higher the ethanol content produced. The highest ethanol was obtained at 5 days treatment (0.98% w / v). The more the amount of lime used, the higher the levels of vitamin C in the infused water produced. The level of preference for panelists tends to decrease with increasing immersion time and addition of lime slices. Keywords : etanol, infosed water, lime, date, Vitamin
Research has been conducted to eximine the possibility of kwetiaw production from canna starch. The aim of this research was to study the effect of canna starch persentage on quality of kwetiaw. This study used randomized block design with single factor, the percentage of canna starch which consist of 5 levels : A = 0%, B = 25%, C = 50%, D = 75% and E = 100%. Parameter analyzed were water content, water absorption, cooking loss, color and texture (elasticity) of kwetiaw. The result showed that water content, water absorption and cooking loss values of kwetiaw tended to increase with increasing of canna starch substitution. Color of kwetiaw was preferred in 25% canna starch substitution and the preference was decrese with increasing of canna starch substitution. The texture of kwetiaw was preferred on 50% canna starch substitution
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis mutu kimia seduhan cascara yang diperoleh dari kulit kopi arabika Gayo. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan dua faktor yaitu perlakuan pulp dan lama seduhan cascara. Faktor perlakuan pulp kopi (P) terdiri atas 6 taraf yaitu pulp buah kopi yang difermentasi dalam karung selama 12 jam (P1), pulp yang direndam air selama 12 jam (P2), pulp yang dibiarkan diruang terbuka (P3), pulp dari pengolahan kering (P4), pulp dari limbah produksi wine coffee (P5) dan pulp dari limbah petani (P6). Faktor kedua yaitu lama penyeduhan (H) yang terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu (H1 = 4 menit, H2 = 6 menit dan H3 = 8 menit). Parameter yang diamati meliputi nilai pH, total padatan terlarut dan total fenol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pulp kopi dan lama seduhan berpengaruh terhadap nilai pH dan total padatan terlarut. Nilai total fenol seduhan cascara hanya dipengaruhi oleh lama penyeduhan cascara. Cascara dengan total fenol tertinggi diperoleh pada pembuatan cascara dari pulp secara natural dengan penyeduhan 8 menit.
Pembuatan CMC (Carboximethyl Cellulose) dari Sellulosa Bakterial (Nata De Coco)
Production of CMC (Carboximethyl Cellulose) from Bacterial Cellulose (Nata de Coco)ABSTRACT. Bacterial cellulose (nata de coco) has been used as source of cellulose in CMC (Carboximethyl Cellulose) production. This research has been conducted to study the optimum formulation of CMC production from nata de coco. Factorial Randomized Completely Design was employed with two factors that were concentration of NaOH (10%, 15%, and 20%) and amount of NaMCA (10g, 3g and 16g). The result showed that concentration of NaOH and amount NaMCA significantly affected moisture content, degree of eterification (DE), yield, and viscosity. The combination of NaMCA at 16 g and NaOH at 15% produced the best treatment with characteristics: 10,12% of moisture content, 0,9 of degree of eterifiication, 40,40% of yield and 25,41 of viscosity