7 research outputs found

    Unified Defense against DDoS Attacks

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    Abstract. With DoS/DDoS attacks emerging as one of the primary security threats in today's Internet, the search is on for an efficient DDoS defense mechanism that would provide attack prevention, mitigation and traceback features, in as few packets as possible and with no collateral damage. Although several techniques have been proposed to tackle this growing menace, there exists no effective solution to date, due to the growing sophistication of the attacks and also the increasingly complex Internet architecture. In this paper, we propose an unified framework that integrates traceback and mitigation capabilities for an effective attack defense. Some significant aspects of our approach include: (1) a novel data cube model to represent the traceback information, and its slicing along the lines of path signatures rather than router signatures, (2) characterizing traceback as a transmission scheduling problem on the data cube representation, and achieving scheduling optimality using a novel metric called utility, (3) and finally an information delivery architecture employing both packet marking and data logging in a distributed manner to achieve faster response times. The proposed scheme can thus provide both per-packet mitigation and multi-packet traceback capabilities due to effective data slicing of the cube, and can attain higher detection speeds due to novel utility rate analysis. We also contrast this unified scheme with other well-known schemes in literature to understand the performance tradeoffs, while providing an experimental evaluation of the proposed scheme on real data sets

    Coloring the Internet: IP Traceback

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    Several IP Traceback schemes employing packet marking have been proposed to trace DoS/DDoS attacks that use source address spoofing. The major challenges in the design of an efficient traceback technique are to minimize the number of packets required for successful traceback, and also to reduce the number of bits marked per packet by any router along the attack path. We propose a graph-coloring approach here that specifically addresses these issues. We propose to view the deployment of the traceback-enabled routers as an Internet Traceback Overlay Network, which not only provides easy scalability and incremental deployment, but also allows for the spatial reuse of the router labels used for packet marking, directly resulting in a reduced bit-space, and hence in fewer packets required for successful traceback. We additionally propose an enhanced (logical) partitioned coloring technique to achieve an order of magnitude improvement over the best known schemes today. We also propose a 2-tier architecture that provides greater incentives for deployment to different ISP networks worldwide. We analyze the proposed techniques using real Internet AS-level topologies obtained from various sources. 1

    Preventing SQL Injection Attacks in Stored Procedures

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    An SQL injection attack targets interactive web applications that employ database services. These applications accept user inputs and use them to form SQL statements at runtime. During an SQL injection attack, an attacker might provide malicious SQL query segments as user input which could result in a different database request. By using SQL injection attacks, an attacker could thus obtain and/or modify confidential/sensitive information. An attacker could even use a SQL injection vulnerability as a rudimentary IP/Port scanner of the internal corporate network. Several papers in literature have proposed ways to prevent SQL injection attacks in the application layer by examining dynamic SQL query semantics at runtime. However, very little emphasis is laid on securing stored procedures in the database layer which could also suffer from SQL injection attacks. Some papers in literature even refer to stored procedures as a remedy against SQL injection attacks. As stored procedures reside on the database front, the methods proposed by them cannot be applied to secure stored procedures themselves. In this paper, we propose a novel technique to defend against the attacks targeted at stored procedures. This technique combines static application code analysis with runtime validation to eliminate the occurrence of such attacks. In the static part, we design a stored procedure parser, and for any SQL statement which depends on user inputs, we use this parser to instrument the necessary statements in order to compare the original SQL statement structure to that including user inputs. The deployment of this technique can be automated and used on a need-only basis. We also provide a preliminary evaluation of the results of the technique proposed, as performed on several stored procedures in th

    Unified Defense against DDoS Attacks

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    Abstract. With DoS/DDoS attacks emerging as one of the primary security threats in today’s Internet, the search is on for an efficient DDoS defense mechanism that would provide attack prevention, mitigation and traceback features, in as few packets as possible and with no collateral damage. Although several techniques have been proposed to tackle this growing menace, there exists no effective solution to date, due to the growing sophistication of the attacks and also the increasingly complex Internet architecture. In this paper, we propose an unified framework that integrates traceback and mitigation capabilities for an effective attack defense. Some significant aspects of our approach include: (1) a novel data cube model to represent the traceback information, and its slicing along the lines of path signatures rather than router signatures, (2) characterizing traceback as a transmission scheduling problem on the data cube representation, and achieving scheduling optimality using a novel metric called utility, (3) and finally an information delivery architecture employing both packet marking and data logging in a distributed manner to achieve faster response times. The proposed scheme can thus provide both per-packet mitigation and multi-packet traceback capabilities due to effective data slicing of the cube, and can attain higher detection speeds due to novel utility rate analysis. We also contrast this unified scheme with other well-known schemes in literature to understand the performance tradeoffs, while providing an experimental evaluation of the proposed scheme on real data sets.