67 research outputs found

    Jembatan Transmisi Keilmuan Islam ke Eropa

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    This article attempts to unravel the role of a city drowning in a sea of history in the process of transition Islamic sciences in Europe. The analysis shows that the Sicilian town does not contribute less important than Andalusia and Granada in the transformation of science. This is because the attitude that Christian leaders built tends to differ with the leaders of Andalusia and Granada. Religious tolerance attitude and glorification of science are the mark of Christian leaders in Sicily. Therefore, although the city is no longer led by Sicilia Muslims, Islamic education remained in this prestigious Sicilia community. Theoretically, this study shows that a decision in favor of the development of the teaching of science can give back and forth, and it is not because of a problem of religion that is embraced by the authorities

    Pengaruh terapi murottal al-Qur’an terhadap perkembangan kognitif tahap pra-operasi pada anak berkebutuhan khusus hiperaktif di PKBM Star Of Tomorrow Kota Tegal

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    Tahap perkembangan pra-operasi merupakan salah satu tahap perkembangan kognitif anak dalam teori yang dicetuskan oleh Jean Piaget. Dalam proses perkembangan kognitif ini tidak sedikit yang mengalami gangguan atau keterlambatan, salah satunya ialah anak yang mengalami gangguan perilaku berupa hiperaktif. Hiperaktif adalah anak yang memiliki permasalahan dalam memperhatikan intruksi karena sulit atau mempunyai gangguan dalam memusatkan perhatiannya sehingga mempunyai kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan tugas, berinteraksi dengan temannya atau susah melakukan interaksi sosial, dan duduk tenang, hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena beberapa faktor internal dan eksternal yang dialami seorang anak dalam masa perkembangan kognitifnya. Penanganan gangguan hiperaktif dapat berupa penanganan psikologis, salah satunya ialah terapi murottal al- qur’an. Terapi murottal al-qur’an ini sama halnya dengan terapi musik yang terdapat dalam terapi psikologi karena keduanya sama-sama menggunakan suara dalam aplikasi terapinya, hanya saja dalam terapi murottal suara yang digunakan adalah audio atau lantunan ayat suci al-qur’an dengan menggunakan tempo yang konstan. Suara dapat merangsang pengeluaran endhorphin, menurunkan hormon-hormon stress, dan memproduksi zat kimia yang disebut zat neuropeoptide yaitu zat yang mempengaruhi aktifitas otak menjadi kenikmatan dan kenyamanan. Dengan dasar ini peneliti ingin meneliti secara empiris bahwa ada atau tidaknya “Pengaruh Terapi Murottal Al-qur’an Terhadap Perkembangan Kognitif Tahap Pra-Operasi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Hiperaktif di PKBM Star Of Tomorrow Kota Tegal”. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksperimen dan dengan desain single case study (kasus tunggal) menggunakan pola A-B-A yaitu sebuah desain penelitian untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh dari perlakuan atau intervensi pada kasus tunggal. Variabel bebasnya adalah Murottal Al-qur’an (X) dan variabel terikatnya adalah perkembangan kognitif tahap pra-operasi (Y). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa atau klien PKBM Star Of Tomorrow Kota Tegal yang mengalami gangguan hiperaktif dan berada ditahap perkembangan kognitif pra-operasi. Dalam penelitian ini di dapatkan subjek penelitian dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menetapkan ciri-ciri khusus yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Pengambilan data penelitian ini menggunakan metode skoring atau pemberian nilai dalam observasional checklist yang sudah ditentukan. Sedangkan untuk metode analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis grafik yang berfungsi untuk penilaian terhadap pengaruh perlakuan (intervensi). Kemudian data observasional checklist perkembangan kognitif tahap pra-operasi dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hipotesis penelitian ini diterima yaitu adanya pengaruh terapi murottal Al-Qur’an terhadap perkembangan kognitif tahap pra-operasi pada anak berkebutuhan khusus hiepraktif di PKBM Star Of Tomorrow Kota Tegal, hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil peningkatan jumlah skor observasional chechklist pada grafik yang disajikan. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap subjek AQ, NY, dan AF yaitu anak berkebutuhan khusus hiperaktif pada tahap perkembangan kognitif pra-operasi. Secara berurutan hasil jumlah skor subjek AQ disetiap sesinya ialah 59, 59, 67, 74, 87, 90, 100, 101, kemudian hasil jumlah skor subjek NY pada sesi 1 sampai 8 ialah 66, 68, 74, 88, 88, 97, 101, 102, dan pada subjek AF di sesi 1 sampai 8 secara berurutan ialah 63, 63, 75, 84, 92, 97, 102, dan 103

    Therapeutic effects of co-inhaled roflumilast or formoterol and fluticasone on asthma-induced ultrastructural changes in murine airways

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    Purpose: To investigate the therapeutic effects of "inhaled" roflumilast and formoterol separately or combined with fluticasone on the ultrastructural airway changes in ovalbumin-induced asthmatic mice.Methods: The asthmatic mice were divided randomly into seven groups (n = 8): positive control, vehicle, and five treated groups. The following treatments were given by inhalation (15 min once/day) for seven days: roflumilast (500 ÎŒg/kg), formoterol (50 ÎŒg/kg), fluticasone (1000 ÎŒg/kg), roflumilast + fluticasone (500 + 1000 ÎŒg/kg), and formoterol + fluticasone (50 + 1000 ÎŒg/kg). Ultrathin lung sections (50 - 70 nm thick) were examined by transmission electron microscopy.Results: The asthmatic mice showed marked degenerative changes in bronchiolar epithelial cells. The alveolar septal walls were thickened with cellular changes and capillary congestion. The basement membranes showed marked thickening and the airway lumens contained abundant mucinous secretions. These ovalbumin-induced ultrastructural airway changes were markedly-reversed in the roflumilast + fluticasone group, moderately-reversed in the roflumilast, fluticasone, and formoterol + fluticasone groups, but were not affected in the formoterol group.Conclusion: Co-inhalation of roflumilast + fluticasone significantly improved the ultrastructural airway changes than co-inhalation of formoterol + fluticasone in ovalbumin-asthmatic mice due to its antiinflammatory and antifibrotic effects.Keywords: Asthma, Fluticasone Propionate, Formoterol, Roflumilast, Ovalbumin, Remodeling, Bronchiolar epitheliu

    Target-based virtual screening and molecular dynamics approach to identify potential antileishmanial agents through targeting UvrD-like helicase ATP-binding domain

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    Background: About 0.7-1.0 million people worldwide have been suffering from Leishmaniasis. It falls under a neglected tropical disease (NTD) and is transmitted by biting infected female phlebotomine sandflies. The implication of “the NTD road map: together towards 2030” in the infection-prone regions worldwide has curtailed morbidity to a greater extent. However, limited options in antileishmanial oral and topical drugs must decipher more therapeutically efficacious agents to cure and eradicate the disease. Methods: Virtual screening based on structure, docking, & molecular dynamics approaches were adopted to identify potential lead molecules against UvrD-like helicase of Leishmania donovani from the MCULE database. Lipinski rule of five, N/O atoms (1-15), number of rings (1-2), HBDs (4-5), and HBAs (5-10) were applied as initial filters of SBVS. AutoDock Vina and GROMACS packages were used for docking and MD simulations, respectively. Results: Initial filters of SBVS workflow yielded 93885 ligand hits out of 100 plus million investigational ligands. Following the toxicology test, 28 ligands were gotten that were additional reduced to molecules (17) when accepted done the BOILED Egg model of the ADME. Six molecules were shortlisted with zero violation compliance of drug-likeness further than Lipinski RO5 viz., Egan, Veber, Muegge, Ghose, & bioavailability score having ΔG (-6.7 to -7.4 kcalmol-1) lesser than reference inhibitor miltefosine (-4.9 kcalmol-1). The stability of MCULE-5754880195-0-2 was found to be greater than the known inhibitor and ligand molecules mentioned above.Conclusion:  MCULE-5754880195-0-2 has all therapeutic features by way of an admirable oral drug molecule & could be encouraging in Leishmaniasis prevention & treatment.Keywords: UvrD-like helicase; ADME; Leishmaniasis; MCULE database; SBVS; Docking; BOILED Egg; MD simulation; ATP-binding domain

    Diseminasi Long Range (LoRa)Sebagai Perangkat Nirkabel Pada Jaringan Lokal Internet Of Things di SMK 2 Praya Lombok Tengah

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    Internet of Things atau dikenal juga dengan singkatan IoT, merupakan wujud perkembangan teknologi internet yang memungkinkan setiap barang (things) yang dimiliki dapat terhubung ke internet sehingga dapat dikendalikan dari jarak jauh menggunakan smartphone atau bahkan dengan perintah suara. Saat ini pemerintah sedang giat mengembangkan teknologi IoT untuk mendukung penerapan konsep Smart City. Salah satu himbauan pemerintah adalah meminta peran generasi muda khususnya yang berada pada jenjang Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) untuk mengenal, mempelajari dan mengimplementasikan produk IoT yang mampu bersaing pada era globalisasi. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan, para guru dan siswa SMKN 2 Praya Tengah, belum mengerti mengenai IoT. Pengetahuan dan kompetensi IoT juga masih dirasa sangat rendah dikarenakan kurikulum belum secara langsung mengakomodir pada pembelajaran IoT. Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kompetensi di kalangan siswa terutama tentang IoT, diperlukan pelatihan bagi guru dan siswa SMKN 2 Praya Tengah terutama yang memiliki kompetensi Elektronika. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan memberikan ceramah mengenai IoT dan komunikasi LoRa, dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan dan perakitan modul penggunaan LoRa berbasis IoT. Dengan Pelatihan tersebut, para guru dan siswa khususnya kompetensi elektronika, mengerti dan memahami pemanfaatan IoT serta mampu mengimplementasikan IoT menggunakan jaringan komunikasi LoRa.

    Case report: A novel de novo loss of function variant in the DNA-binding domain of TBX2 causes severe osteochondrodysplasia

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    Background: T-box family members are transcription factors characterized by highly conserved residues corresponding to the DNA-binding domain known as the T-box. TBX2 has been implicated in several developmental processes, such as coordinating cell fate, patterning, and morphogenesis of a wide range of tissues and organs, including lungs, limbs, heart, kidneys, craniofacial structures, and mammary glands.Methods: In the present study, we have clinically and genetically characterized a proband showing a severe form of chondrodysplasia with developmental delay. Whole-exome sequencing (WES), Sanger sequencing, and 3D protein modeling were performed in the present investigation.Results: Whole-exome sequencing revealed a novel nonsense variant (c.529A>T; p.Lys177*; NM_005994.4) in TBX2. 3D-TBX2 protein modeling revealed a substantial reduction of the mutated protein, which might lead to a loss of function (LOF) or nonsense-mediated decay (NMD).Conclusion: This study has not only expanded the mutation spectrum in the gene TBX2 but also facilitated the diagnosis and genetic counseling of related features in affected families

    Targeting Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus encoded protease (ORF17) by a lysophosphatidic acid molecule for treating KSHV associated diseases

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    Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is causative agent of Kaposi’s sarcoma, Multicentric Castleman Disease and Pleural effusion lymphoma. KSHV-encoded ORF17 encodes a protease which cleaves -Ala-Ala-, -Ala-Ser- or -Ala-Thr-bonds. The protease plays an important role in assembly and maturation of new infective virions. In the present study, we investigated expression pattern of KSHV-encoded protease during physiologically allowed as well as chemically induced reactivation condition. The results showed a direct and proportionate relationship between ORF17 expression with reactivation time. We employed virtual screening on a large database of natural products to identify an inhibitor of ORF17 for its plausible targeting and restricting Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus assembly/maturation. A library of 307,814 compounds of biological origin (A total 481,799 structures) has been used as a screen library. 1-oleoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1â€Č-myo-inositol) was highly effective against ORF17 in in-vitro experiments. The screened compound was tested for the cytotoxic effect and potential for inhibiting Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus production upon induced reactivation by hypoxia, TPA and butyric acid. Treatment of reactivated KSHV-positive cells with 1-oleoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1â€Č-myo-inositol) resulted in significant reduction in the production of Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus. The study identified a lysophosphatidic acid molecule for alternate strategy to inhibit KSHV-encoded protease and target Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus associated malignancies

    Structuring heterogeneous biological information using fuzzy clustering of k-partite graphs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Extensive and automated data integration in bioinformatics facilitates the construction of large, complex biological networks. However, the challenge lies in the interpretation of these networks. While most research focuses on the unipartite or bipartite case, we address the more general but common situation of <it>k</it>-partite graphs. These graphs contain <it>k </it>different node types and links are only allowed between nodes of different types. In order to reveal their structural organization and describe the contained information in a more coarse-grained fashion, we ask how to detect clusters within each node type.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Since entities in biological networks regularly have more than one function and hence participate in more than one cluster, we developed a <it>k</it>-partite graph partitioning algorithm that allows for overlapping (fuzzy) clusters. It determines for each node a degree of membership to each cluster. Moreover, the algorithm estimates a weighted <it>k</it>-partite graph that connects the extracted clusters. Our method is fast and efficient, mimicking the multiplicative update rules commonly employed in algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization. It facilitates the decomposition of networks on a chosen scale and therefore allows for analysis and interpretation of structures on various resolution levels. Applying our algorithm to a tripartite disease-gene-protein complex network, we were able to structure this graph on a large scale into clusters that are functionally correlated and biologically meaningful. Locally, smaller clusters enabled reclassification or annotation of the clusters' elements. We exemplified this for the transcription factor MECP2.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In order to cope with the overwhelming amount of information available from biomedical literature, we need to tackle the challenge of finding structures in large networks with nodes of multiple types. To this end, we presented a novel fuzzy <it>k</it>-partite graph partitioning algorithm that allows the decomposition of these objects in a comprehensive fashion. We validated our approach both on artificial and real-world data. It is readily applicable to any further problem.</p

    Alteration of Striatal Dopaminergic Neurotransmission in a Mouse Model of DYT11 Myoclonus-Dystonia

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    Background: DYT11 myoclonus-dystonia (M-D) syndrome is a neurological movement disorder characterized by myoclonic jerks and dystonic postures or movement that can be alleviated by alcohol. It is caused by mutations in SGCE encoding e-sarcoglycan (e-SG); the mouse homolog of this gene is Sgce. Paternally-inherited Sgce heterozygous knockout (Sgce KO) mice exhibit myoclonus, motor impairment and anxiety- and depression-like behaviors, modeling several clinical symptoms observed in DYT11 M-D patients. The behavioral deficits are accompanied by abnormally high levels of dopamine and its metabolites in the striatum of Sgce KO mice. Neuroimaging studies of DYT11 M-D patients show reduced dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) availability, although the possibility of increased endogenous dopamine, and consequently, competitive D2R occupancy cannot be ruled out. Methodology/Principal Findings: The protein levels of striatal D2R, dopamine transporter (DAT), and dopamine D1 receptor (D1R) in Sgce KO mice were analyzed by Western blot. The striatal dopamine release after amphetamine injection in Sgce KO mice were analyzed by microdialysis in vivo. The striatal D2R was significantly decreased in Sgce KO mice without altering DAT and D1R. Sgce KO mice also exhibited a significant increase of dopamine release after amphetamine injection in comparison to wild-type (WT) littermates. Conclusion/Significance: The results suggest e-SG may have a role in the regulation of D2R expression. The loss of e-S
