394 research outputs found

    Spin polarization of exciton-polariton condensate in a photonic synthetic effective magnetic field

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    We investigate the spin polarization of localized exciton-polariton condensates. We demonstrate the presence of an effective magnetic field leading to the formation of elliptically polarized condensates. We show that this synthetic field has an entirely photonic origin, which we believe is unique for the CdTe-based microcavities. Moreover, the degree of spin polarization of localized polariton condensates in samples with magnetic ions depends on the excitation power or polarization of the non-resonant excitation laser. In an external magnetic field, the semimagnetic condensate spontaneously builds up strong spin polarization. Based on the magnetic field behavior of the condensate in the presence of magnetic ions, we apply a model that allows us to estimate the polariton-polariton interaction strength in a CdTe-system to approx. 0.8 μeV ⁣ ⁣μm2\mu \text{eV}\!\cdot\!\mu \text{m}^2