799 research outputs found

    Exotic roton excitations in quadrupolar Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We investigate the occurrence of rotons in a quadrupolar Bose-Einstein condensate confined to two dimensions. Depending on the particle density, the ratio of the contact and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions, and the alignment of the quadrupole moments with respect to the confinement plane, the dispersion relation features two or four point-like roton minima, or one ring-shaped minimum. We map out the entire parameter space of the roton behavior and identify the instability regions. We propose to observe the exotic rotons by monitoring the characteristic density wave dynamics resulting from a short local perturbation, and discuss the possibilities to detect the predicted effects in state-of-the-art experiments with ultracold homonuclear molecules

    Detecting paired and counterflow superfluidity via dipole oscillations

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    We suggest an experimentally feasible procedure to observe paired and counterflow superfluidity in ultra-cold atom systems. We study the time evolution of one-dimensional mixtures of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice following an abrupt displacement of an additional weak confining potential. We find that the dynamic responses of the paired superfluid phase for attractive inter-species interactions and the counterflow superfluid phase for repulsive interactions are qualitatively distinct and reflect the quasi long-range order that characterizes these states. These findings suggest a clear experimental procedure to detect these phases, and give an intuitive insight into their dynamics.Comment: 4 pages,5 figure

    Mixing-Demixing transition in 1D boson-fermion mixture at low fermion densities

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    We numerically investigated the mixing-demixing transition of the boson-fermion mixture on a 1D lattice at an incommensurate filling with the fermion density being kept below the boson density. The phase diagram we obtained suggested that the decrease of the number of the fermions drove the system into the demixing phase
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