245 research outputs found

    Combination therapy improves survival after acute myocardial infarction in the elderly with chronic kidney disease

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    Background: Individuals with chronic kidney disease have a high mortality rate after acute myocardial infarction. It is not known how frequently these individuals are prescribed combination cardioprotective therapy and if survival is affected by such therapy after acute myocardial infarction. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of 1,342 Medicare recipients with acute myocardial infarction. Data were collected by medical chart abstraction as part of the Cooperative Cardiovascular Project in 60 hospitals in North Carolina during 5/30/1996-12/28/1997. We categorized cardioprotective medication use as aspirin alone, aspirin with beta-blockers, and aspirin with beta-blockers and ace-inhibitors. Chronic kidney disease was defined as a derived glomerular filtration rate (GFR) ranging from 15-89 mL/min/1.73 m2. Cox proportional hazards regression analyses were performed to determine the effect of cardioprotective medication use on survival while controlling for potential explanatory variables. Results: The prevalence of cardioprotective medication use differed among levels of chronic kidney disease. Those with severe kidney disease (GFR 15-29 mL/min/1.73 m2) were less frequently prescribed aspirin with beta-blockers, 27.1%, and only 8.6% were prescribed aspirin with beta-blockers and ace-inhibitors. Survival was improved with prescribed cardioprotective medication use. In severe kidney disease (GFR 15-29 mL/min/1.73 m2), the hazards risk for death was 0.21 (0.08, 0.53) for aspirin alone, 0.17 (0.06, 0.51) for aspirin with beta-blockers, and 0.35 (0.09, 1.42) for aspirin with beta-blockers and ace-inhibitors. Conclusions: Individuals with chronic kidney disease benefit from combination cardioprotective therapy, but are less likely to be prescribed them after acute myocardial infarction. Further investigation is warranted to identify possible reasons for these observed treatment disparities

    Premature Ventricular Complexes and the Risk of Incident Stroke: The Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) Study

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    Ventricular premature complexes (PVCs) on a 2-minute electrocardiogram (ECG) are a common, largely asymptomatic finding, associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and death. They may reflect atherosclerosis or other pathogenic pathways that predispose to arrhythmias and stroke

    Impact of Disease Management on Utilization and Adherence With Drugs and Tests: The case of diabetes treatment in the Florida: A Healthy State (FAHS) program

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    OBJECTIVE—The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of telephonic care management within a diabetes disease management program on adherence to treatment with hypoglycemic agents, ACE inhibitors (ACEIs), angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), statins, and recommended laboratory tests in a Medicaid population

    Different distribution of cardiovascular risk factors according to ethnicity: A study in a high risk population

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    This study compares the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors in different ethnic groups at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases within general practices. A total of 430 patients (179 Dutch, 126 Turks, 50 Surinamese, 23 Moroccans, 23 Antilleans and 29 from other ethnic groups) were included in the study. Data collection consisted of questionnaires and physical and clinical examinations. 54% was female. The mean age was 53.1 (sd 9.9) years. There were important ethnic differences in the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors. Compared to the Dutch, ethnic minorities had significantly greater odds of being diabetic (OR = 3.2-19.4); but were less likely to smoke (OR = 0.10-0.53). Turkish individuals had a lower prevalence of hypercholesterolemia but were 2.4 times more likely to be obese than the Dutch. Hypertension was very common in all ethnic groups and no significant ethnic differences were found. These findings provide additional evidence of the need for tailored interventions for different ethnic groups in general practices

    The link between rejection sensitivity and borderline personality disorder:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) may experience heightened rejection sensitivity (RS), a disposition developing from repeated childhood rejecting experiences. It is not known whether the full RS model accounts for the cognitive-affective experiences common in BPD. This systematic review extends upon previous reviews, firstly by assessing the link between childhood rejecting experiences and adult RS, and secondly by considering the link between BPD and RS in both non-clinical and clinical samples.METHOD: Two research questions were devised, and searches based on predetermined criteria were conducted using PsycNET, PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science. Data were extracted by one researcher and 20% was inter-rated, with high levels of agreement. Forty-three papers were systematically reviewed, and 31 included in meta-analysis and meta-regression.RESULTS: Studies assessing the link between childhood rejection and RS are limited; however, emotional abuse and neglect appears linked with RS. Pooled effect sizes suggest RS is linked with BPD (r = .326), with strong effect sizes when comparing clinical and control samples (r = .655). Qualitative synthesis suggests this may be mediated by executive control, although further research is required. The small number of studies considering the full RS model with regard to BPD suggests the interaction between emotional abuse and neglect affects rejection sensitivity; however, outcomes are inconsistent.CONCLUSIONS: Childhood rejection, particularly emotional abuse and neglect, appears to be linked to rejection sensitivity, and rejection sensitivity is linked to BPD. However, this may not be linear. Implications for clinical practice and research are discussed.PRACTITIONER POINTS: Rejection sensitivity is consistently linked with BPD, in clinical and non-clinical samples. Supporting mentalization or improved theory of mind may offer a therapeutic target for this disposition. Considering the causes and effects of rejection sensitivity may offer a non-blaming explanation of interpersonal difficulties in BPD and could be utilized as part of formulation and the therapeutic relationship. However, the possible interaction between emotional abuse and neglect and rejection sensitivity suggests rejection sensitivity is not always apparent for people with BPD. Idiosyncratic formulation should consider this. The literature included in the review is limited to Western populations with a high proportion of females, which may limit generalizability. Measures of rejection sensitivity included in the review were restricted to self-report, which may be subject to bias. Furthermore, measures of childhood rejection were retrospective in nature due to the exclusion of child samples. Further research should consider longitudinal and observational study designs.</p

    Neurosteroids and Self-Reported Pain in Veterans Who Served in the U.S. Military after September 11, 2001

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    Nearly half of Operation Enduring Freedom / Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) veterans experience continued pain post-deployment. Several investigations report analgesic effects of allopregnanolone and other neurosteroids in animal models, but few data are currently available focusing on neurosteroids in clinical populations. Allopregnanolone positively modulates GABAA receptors and demonstrates pronounced analgesic and anxiolytic effects in rodents, yet studies examining the relationship between pain and allopregnanolone in humans are limited. We thus hypothesized that endogenous allopregnanolone and other neurosteroid levels may be negatively correlated with self-reported pain symptoms in humans

    Geographic and Racial Variation in Premature Mortality in the U.S.: Analyzing the Disparities

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    Life expectancy at birth, estimated from United States period life tables, has been shown to vary systematically and widely by region and race. We use the same tables to estimate the probability of survival from birth to age 70 (S70), a measure of mortality more sensitive to disparities and more reliably calculated for small populations, to describe the variation and identify its sources in greater detail to assess the patterns of this variation. Examination of the unadjusted probability of S70 for each US county with a sufficient population of whites and blacks reveals large geographic differences for each race-sex group. For example, white males born in the ten percent healthiest counties have a 77 percent probability of survival to age 70, but only a 61 percent chance if born in the ten percent least healthy counties. Similar geographical disparities face white women and blacks of each sex. Moreover, within each county, large differences in S70 prevail between blacks and whites, on average 17 percentage points for men and 12 percentage points for women. In linear regressions for each race-sex group, nearly all of the geographic variation is accounted for by a common set of 22 socio-economic and environmental variables, selected for previously suspected impact on mortality; R2 ranges from 0.86 for white males to 0.72 for black females. Analysis of black-white survival chances within each county reveals that the same variables account for most of the race gap in S70 as well. When actual white male values for each explanatory variable are substituted for black in the black male prediction equation to assess the role explanatory variables play in the black-white survival difference, residual black-white differences at the county level shrink markedly to a mean of −2.4% (+/−2.4); for women the mean difference is −3.7% (+/−2.3)