265 research outputs found
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KRAB zinc finger protein diversification drives mammalian interindividual methylation variability.
Most transposable elements (TEs) in the mouse genome are heavily modified by DNA methylation and repressive histone modifications. However, a subset of TEs exhibit variable methylation levels in genetically identical individuals, and this is associated with epigenetically conferred phenotypic differences, environmental adaptability, and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. The evolutionary origins and molecular mechanisms underlying interindividual epigenetic variability remain unknown. Using a repertoire of murine variably methylated intracisternal A-particle (VM-IAP) epialleles as a model, we demonstrate that variable DNA methylation states at TEs are highly susceptible to genetic background effects. Taking a classical genetics approach coupled with genome-wide analysis, we harness these effects and identify a cluster of KRAB zinc finger protein (KZFP) genes that modifies VM-IAPs in trans in a sequence-specific manner. Deletion of the cluster results in decreased DNA methylation levels and altered histone modifications at the targeted VM-IAPs. In some cases, these effects are accompanied by dysregulation of neighboring genes. We find that VM-IAPs cluster together phylogenetically and that this is linked to differential KZFP binding, suggestive of an ongoing evolutionary arms race between TEs and this large family of epigenetic regulators. These findings indicate that KZFP divergence and concomitant evolution of DNA binding capabilities are mechanistically linked to methylation variability in mammals, with implications for phenotypic variation and putative paradigms of mammalian epigenetic inheritance
On the Exponentials of Some Structured Matrices
In this note explicit algorithms for calculating the exponentials of
important structured 4 x 4 matrices are provided. These lead to closed form
formulae for these exponentials. The techniques rely on one particular Clifford
Algebra isomorphism and basic Lie theory. When used in conjunction with
structure preserving similarities, such as Givens rotations, these techniques
extend to dimensions bigger than four.Comment: 19 page
Isomorphisms between Quantum Group Covariant q-Oscillator Systems Defined for q and 1/q
It is shown that there exists an isomorphism between q-oscillator systems
covariant under and . By the isomorphism, the
defining relations of covariant q-oscillator system are
transmuted into those of . It is also shown that the similar
isomorphism exists for the system of q-oscillators covariant under the quantum
supergroup . Furthermore the cases of q-deformed Lie
(super)algebras constructed from covariant q-oscillator systems are considered.
The isomorphisms between q-deformed Lie (super)algebras can not obtained by the
direct generalization of the one for covariant q-oscillator systems.Comment: LaTeX 13pages, RCNP-07
Approach to the semiconductor cavity QED in high-Q regimes with q-deformed boson
The high density Frenkel exciton which interacts with a single mode
microcavity field is dealed with in the framework of the q-deformed boson. It
is shown that the q-defomation of bosonic commutation relations is satisfied
naturally by the exciton operators when the low density limit is deviated. An
analytical expression of the physical spectrum for the exciton is given by
using of the dressed states of the cavity field and the exciton. We also give
the numerical study and compare the theoretical results with the experimental
resultsComment: 6 pages, 2 figure
Large-Scale Spray Releases: Additional Aerosol Test Results
One of the events postulated in the hazard analysis for the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) and other U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear facilities is a breach in process piping that produces aerosols with droplet sizes in the respirable range. The current approach for predicting the size and concentration of aerosols produced in a spray leak event involves extrapolating from correlations reported in the literature. These correlations are based on results obtained from small engineered spray nozzles using pure liquids that behave as a Newtonian fluid. The narrow ranges of physical properties on which the correlations are based do not cover the wide range of slurries and viscous materials that will be processed in the WTP and in processing facilities across the DOE complex. To expand the data set upon which the WTP accident and safety analyses were based, an aerosol spray leak testing program was conducted by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). PNNL’s test program addressed two key technical areas to improve the WTP methodology (Larson and Allen 2010). The first technical area was to quantify the role of slurry particles in small breaches where slurry particles may plug the hole and prevent high-pressure sprays. The results from an effort to address this first technical area can be found in Mahoney et al. (2012a). The second technical area was to determine aerosol droplet size distribution and total droplet volume from prototypic breaches and fluids, including sprays from larger breaches and sprays of slurries for which literature data are mostly absent. To address the second technical area, the testing program collected aerosol generation data at two scales, commonly referred to as small-scale and large-scale testing. The small-scale testing and resultant data are described in Mahoney et al. (2012b), and the large-scale testing and resultant data are presented in Schonewill et al. (2012). In tests at both scales, simulants were used to mimic the relevant physical properties projected for actual WTP process streams
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