28 research outputs found

    Modified Appleby Procedure with Arterial Reconstruction for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: A Literature Review and Report of Three Unusual Cases.

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    BACKGROUND: Pancreatic body and tail ductal adenocarcinomas are often diagnosed with local vascular invasion of the celiac axis (CA) and its various branches. With such involvement, these tumors have traditionally been considered unresectable. The modified Appleby procedure allows for margin negative resection of some such locally advanced tumors. This procedure involves distal pancreatectomy with en bloc splenectomy and CA resection and relies on the presence of collateral arterial circulation via an intact pancreaticoduodenal arcade and the gastroduodenal artery to maintain prograde hepatic arterial perfusion. When the resultant collateral circulation is inadequate to provide sufficient hepatic and gastric arterial inflow, arterial reconstruction (AR) is necessary to supercharge the inflow. Herein, we review all reported cases of AR with modified Appleby procedures that we have identified in the literature, and we report our experience of three recent cases with arterial reconstruction including two cases with arterial bypasses not requiring interposition grafting. METHODS: Perioperative and oncologic outcomes from our Institutional Review Board-approved database of pancreatic resections at the Thomas Jefferson University were reviewed. Additionally, PubMed search for cases of distal or total pancreatectomy with celiac axis resection and concurrent AR was performed. RESULTS: From the literature, 12 reports involving 28 patients were identified of distal and total pancreatectomy with AR after CA resection. The most common AR in the literature, performed in 12 patients, was a bypass from the aorta to the common hepatic artery (CHA) using a variety of interposition conduits. In our institutional experience, patient #1 had a primary side-to-end aorto-CHA bypass, patient #2 had a primary end-to-end bypass of the transected distal CHA to the left gastric artery in the setting a replaced left hepatic artery, and patient #3 required an aortic to proper hepatic artery bypass with saphenous vein graft and portal venous reconstruction. All patients recovered from their operations without ischemic complications, and they are currently 16, 15, and 13 months post-op, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The criteria for resectability in patients with locally advanced pancreatic body and tail neoplasms are expanding due to increasing experience with AR in the setting of the modified Appleby procedure. When performing AR, primary arterial re-anastomosis may be considered preferable to interposition grafting as it decreases the potential for the infectious and thrombotic complications associated with conduits and it reduces the number of vascular anastomoses from two to one. Consideration must also be given to normal variant anatomy of the hepatic circulation during operative planning as the origin of the left gastric artery is resected with the CA. The modified Appleby procedure with AR, when used in appropriately selected patients, offers the potential for safe, margin negative resection of locally advanced pancreatic body and tail tumors

    Patient Attitudes Toward a Physician Led Radiology Review: Improved Understanding of Medical Conditions and a Potential New Quality Metric

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    Objectives: We were interested in understanding patient perspectives regarding the importance of reviewing their imaging studies with a surgeon. Specific Aims: 1. What value do patients place on viewing their imaging? 2. Do patients have a better understanding of their disease and planned operation after a surgeon led review of imaging studies? 3. Do patients find viewing images an accessible educational tool?https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Surgeon-Led Imaging Review for Patients with Periampullary Disease: An Important Aspect of the Preoperative Consultation

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    Background: The perceived benefit of utilizing patients' own imaging studies as a preoperative educational tool has not been studied. Methods: Pancreaticobiliary surgeons reviewed key findings of imaging studies with patients to educate about their diagnosis and inform treatment recommendations. Patient surveys were administered pre- and postvisit by an independent researcher to assess the impact of this practice. Results: Only 55% of patients stated that it was important to see their imaging studies before the consultation. However, after the visit, 90% of patients understood their disease process better, and 86% of patients had a clearer understanding of their planned operation having seen their imaging studies. This represents significant improvement in patients' understanding of their medical condition (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Reviewing imaging findings with patients is an underappreciated aspect of the surgical consultation. It is a powerful educational tool that takes little time, improves patient understanding, and enhances patient experience

    Human Nasal Epithelial Organoids for Therapeutic Development in Cystic Fibrosis

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    We describe a human nasal epithelial (HNE) organoid model derived directly from patient samples that is well-differentiated and recapitulates the airway epithelium, including the expression of cilia, mucins, tight junctions, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), and ionocytes. This model requires few cells compared to airway epithelial monolayer cultures, with multiple outcome measurements depending on the application. A novel feature of the model is the predictive capacity of lumen formation, a marker of baseline CFTR function that correlates with short-circuit current activation of CFTR in monolayers and discriminates the cystic fibrosis (CF) phenotype from non-CF. Our HNE organoid model is amenable to automated measurements of forskolin-induced swelling (FIS), which distinguishes levels of CFTR activity. While the apical side is not easily accessible, RNA- and DNA-based therapies intended for systemic administration could be evaluated in vitro, or it could be used as an ex vivo biomarker of successful repair of a mutant gene. In conclusion, this highly differentiated airway epithelial model could serve as a surrogate biomarker to assess correction of the mutant gene in CF or other diseases, recapitulating the phenotypic and genotypic diversity of the population

    Improving the echocardiographic assessment of pulmonary pressure using the tricuspid regurgitant signal- the "chin" vs the "beard"

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    Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is a fundamental investigation for the noninvasive assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics and right heart function. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation and agreement of Doppler calculation of right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) using "chin" and "beard" measurements of tricuspid regurgitant velocity (TRV ), with invasive pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) and PVR.One hundred patients undergoing right heart catheterisation (RHC) and near simultaneous transthoracic echocardiography were studied. TRV was recorded for "chin" measurement (distinct peak TRV signal) and where available (63 patients), "beard" measurement (higher indistinct peak TRV signal).Measurable TRV signal was obtained in 96 patients. Mean RVSP 54.7\ua0±\ua022.7\ua0mm\ua0Hg and RVSP 68.6\ua0=\ua023\ua0±\ua026.3\ua0mm\ua0Hg (P\ua