11 research outputs found

    Defining the Force between Separated Sources on a Light Front

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    The Newtonian character of gauge theories on a light front requires that the longitudinal momentum P^+, which plays the role of Newtonian mass, be conserved. This requirement conflicts with the standard definition of the force between two sources in terms of the minimal energy of quantum gauge fields in the presence of a quark and anti-quark pinned to points separated by a distance R. We propose that, on a light front, the force be defined by minimizing the energy of gauge fields in the presence of a quark and an anti-quark pinned to lines (1-branes) oriented in the longitudinal direction singled out by the light front and separated by a transverse distance R. Such sources will have a limited 1+1 dimensional dynamics. We study this proposal for weak coupling gauge theories by showing how it leads to the Coulomb force law. For QCD we also show how asymptotic freedom emerges by evaluating the S-matrix through one loop for the scattering of a particle in the N_c representation of color SU(N_c) on a 1-brane by a particle in the \bar N_c representation of color on a parallel 1-brane separated from the first by a distance R<<1/Lambda_{QCD}. Potential applications to the problem of confinement on a light front are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, 12 figures; minor typos corrected; numerical correction in equation 3.

    Masses of the physical mesons from an effective QCD--Hamiltonian

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    The front form Hamiltonian for quantum chromodynamics, reduced to an effective Hamiltonian acting only in the qqˉq\bar q space, is solved approximately. After coordinate transformation to usual momentum space and Fourier transformation to configuration space a second order differential equation is derived. This retarded Schr\"odinger equation is solved by variational methods and semi-analytical expressions for the masses of all 30 pseudoscalar and vector mesons are derived. In view of the direct relation to quantum chromdynamics without free parameter, the agreement with experiment is remarkable, but the approximation scheme is not adequate for the mesons with one up or down quark. The crucial point is the use of a running coupling constant αs(Q2)\alpha_s(Q^2), in a manner similar but not equal to the one of Richardson in the equal usual-time quantization. Its value is fixed at the Z mass and the 5 flavor quark masses are determined by a fit to the vector meson quarkonia.Comment: 18 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Quantum Electrodynamics in the Light-Front Weyl Gauge

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    We examine QED(3+1) quantised in the `front form' with finite `volume' regularisation, namely in Discretised Light-Cone Quantisation. Instead of the light-cone or Coulomb gauges, we impose the light-front Weyl gauge A=0A^-=0. The Dirac method is used to arrive at the quantum commutation relations for the independent variables. We apply `quantum mechanical gauge fixing' to implement Gau{\ss}' law, and derive the physical Hamiltonian in terms of unconstrained variables. As in the instant form, this Hamiltonian is invariant under global residual gauge transformations, namely displacements. On the light-cone the symmetry manifests itself quite differently.Comment: LaTeX file, 30 pages (A4 size), no figures. Submitted to Physical review D. January 18, 1996. Originally posted, erroneously, with missing `Weyl' in title. Otherwise, paper is identica

    Zero Mode and Symmetry Breaking on the Light Front

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    We study the zero mode and the spontaneous symmetry breaking on the light front (LF). We use the discretized light-cone quantization (DLCQ) of Maskawa-Yamawaki to treat the zero mode in a clean separation from all other modes. It is then shown that the Nambu-Goldstone (NG) phase can be realized on the trivial LF vacuum only when an explicit symmetry-breaking mass of the NG boson mπm_{\pi} is introduced. The NG-boson zero mode integrated over the LF must exhibit singular behavior 1/mπ2 \sim 1/m_{\pi}^2 in the symmetric limit mπ0m_{\pi}\to 0, which implies that current conservation is violated at zero mode, or equivalently the LF charge is not conserved even in the symmetric limit. We demonstrate this peculiarity in a concrete model, the linear sigma model, where the role of zero-mode constraint is clarified. We further compare our result with the continuum theory. It is shown that in the continuum theory it is difficult to remove the zero mode which is not a single mode with measure zero but the accumulating point causing uncontrollable infrared singularity. A possible way out within the continuum theory is also suggested based on the ``ν\nu theory''. We finally discuss another problem of the zero mode in the continuum theory, i.e., no-go theorem of Nakanishi-Yamawaki on the non-existence of LF quantum field theory within the framework of Wightman axioms, which remains to be a challenge for DLCQ, ``ν\nu theory'' or any other framework of LF theory.Comment: 60 pages, the final section has been expanded. A few minor corrections; version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Towards Solving QCD - The Transverse Zero Modes in Light-Cone Quantization

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    We formulate QCD in (d+1) dimensions using Dirac's front form with periodic boundary conditions, that is, within Discretized Light-Cone Quantization. The formalism is worked out in detail for SU(2) pure glue theory in (2+1) dimensions which is approximated by restriction to the lowest {\it transverse} momentum gluons. The dimensionally-reduced theory turns out to be SU(2) gauge theory coupled to adjoint scalar matter in (1+1) dimensions. The scalar field is the remnant of the transverse gluon. This field has modes of both non-zero and zero {\it longitudinal} momentum. We categorize the types of zero modes that occur into three classes, dynamical, topological, and constrained, each well known in separate contexts. The equation for the constrained mode is explicitly worked out. The Gauss law is rather simply resolved to extract physical, namely color singlet states. The topological gauge mode is treated according to two alternative scenarios related to the In the one, a spectrum is found consistent with pure SU(2) gluons in (1+1) dimensions. In the other, the gauge mode excitations are estimated and their role in the spectrum with genuine Fock excitations is explored. A color singlet state is given which satisfies Gauss' law. Its invariant mass is estimated and discussed in the physical limit.Comment: LaTex document, 26 pages, one figure (obtainable by contacting authors). To appear in Physical. Review

    A Model Study of Discrete Scale Invariance and Long-Range Interactions

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    We investigate the modification of discrete scale invariance in the bound state spectrum by long-range interactions. This problem is relevant for effective field theory descriptions of nuclear cluster states and manifestations of the Efimov effect in nuclei. As a model system, we choose a one dimensional inverse square potential supplemented with a long-range Coulomb interaction. We study the renormalization and bound-state spectrum of the system as a function of the Coulomb interaction strength. Our results indicate, that the counterterm required to renormalize the inverse square potential alone is sufficient to renormalize the full problem. However, the breaking of the discrete scale invariance through the Coulomb interaction leads to a modified bound state spectrum. The shallow bound states are strongly influenced by the Coulomb interaction while the deep bound states are dominated by the inverse square potential.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, EPJ style, published versio

    Light-Cone Quantization and Hadron Structure

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    In this talk, I review the use of the light-cone Fock expansion as a tractable and consistent description of relativistic many-body systems and bound states in quantum field theory and as a frame-independent representation of the physics of the QCD parton model. Nonperturbative methods for computing the spectrum and LC wavefunctions are briefly discussed. The light-cone Fock state representation of hadrons also describes quantum fluctuations containing intrinsic gluons, strangeness, and charm, and, in the case of nuclei, "hidden color". Fock state components of hadrons with small transverse size, such as those which dominate hard exclusive reactions, have small color dipole moments and thus diminished hadronic interactions; i.e., "color transparency". The use of light-cone Fock methods to compute loop amplitudes is illustrated by the example of the electron anomalous moment in QED. In other applications, such as the computation of the axial, magnetic, and quadrupole moments of light nuclei, the QCD relativistic Fock state description provides new insights which go well beyond the usual assumptions of traditional hadronic and nuclear physics.Comment: LaTex 36 pages, 3 figures. To obtain a copy, send e-mail to [email protected]

    Application of Pauli-Villars Regularization and Discretized Light-Cone Quantization to a (3+1)-Dimensional Model

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    We apply Pauli-Villars regularization and discrete light-cone quantization to the nonperturbative solution of a (3+1)-dimensional model field theory. The matrix eigenvalue problem is solved for the lowest-mass state with use of the complex symmetric Lanczos algorithm. This permits the calculation of each Fock-sector wave function, and from these we obtain values for various quantities, such as average multiplicities and average momenta of constituents, structure functions, and a form factor slope.Comment: RevTex, 27 page