23 research outputs found

    Hair transplantation for the treatment of post-irradiation alopecia

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    Oportunities and limitations of instrumental diagnosis in trees statics assessment – Part 1

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    Wśród urzędników samorządów lokalnych odpowiedzialnych za zieleń, szerokiego grona społeczeństwa, a nawet wśród osób zawodowo zajmujących się drzewami, krążą często sprzeczne opinie na temat wykorzystania do ich diagnostyki nowoczesnych technologii. Znajomość możliwości ich stosowania ma kluczowe znaczenie w podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących drzew dojrzałych i sędziwych. Praca powstała w oparciu o wieloletnie doświadczenie autorów w diagnostyce drzew. Została poparta przykładami z praktyki a także zaprezentowano badania i opinie najlepszych specjalistów w tej dziedzinie na świecie. Każde urządzenie ma swoje mocne i słabe strony. Umiejętność jego zastosowania bez właściwej interpretacji uzyskanych wyników może prowadzić do błędnych wniosków a tym samym podejmowanych decyzji. W artykule omówiono stosowanie prostych sprzętów diagnostycznych. Diagnostyka instrumentalna wspomaga prawidłową ocenę drzew lecz wymaga dużej wiedzy i doświadczenia w interpretacji uzyskanych wyników.Among the officials of local governments responsible for urban forest, a wide range of society, and even among people professionally dealing with trees, there are often conflicting opinions about the use of modern technology for their diagnosis. Knowledge of its applicability is crucial in making decisions about mature and aged trees. The work was based on many years of experience of the authors in the diagnosis of trees. It was supported by examples from practice and also presented research and opinions of the best specialists in this field in the world. Each device has its strengths and weaknesses. The ability to use it without proper interpretation of the obtained results may lead to wrong conclusions and thus the decisions made. The use of simple diagnostic equipment has been discussed. Instrumental diagnosis supports the correct assessment of trees, but requires a sufficient knowledge and experience in interpreting obtained results

    Wzrost i plonowanie drzew czereśni szczepionych na nowych biotypach Prunus mahaleb (L.)

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    In the years 2011–2013 growth and yielding of four cultivars of sweet cherry trees: Burlat’, ‘Regina’, ‘Summit’ and ‘Vanda’ were evaluated. All of them were grafted on new Mahaleb rootstocks obtained through softwood cuttings selected from a population of German seedlings of ‘Alpruma’ type in comparison with Mazzard seedling. Additionally an analysis of genetic variability of newly studied biotypes of Mahaleb was conducted. The biggest trunk cross-sectional area had trees on seedlings of Mazzard and Mahaleb No.1, No.4 and No.5, and the smallest on Mahaleb No. 2, No. 3 and No. 6. The biggest volume of the crown had trees growing on Mazzard and the smallest on Mahaleb No. 2 and No. 6. Bigger crowns were also created by the trees of ‘Burlat’ and ‘Summit’ cultivars, and smaller ‘Regina’ and ‘Vanda’. Trees budded on Mazzard had fruits which were slightly lighter in comparison to Mahaleb rootstocks. Regina and Summit outstood other cultivars in terms of weight of fruits. The biggest sum of crops was obtained from trees budded on Mahaleb No. 6 and No. 2, and the smallest on Mazzard and Mahaleb No. 1 and No. 4. The most productive were ‘Vanda’ and ‘Summit’. The biggest productivity index was obtained for rootstocks of Mahaleb No. 6, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 5. For Mazzard and and Mahaleb No. 1 the value of this index was the smallest. Of all examined cultivars the best results was Vanda, then Summit. The analysis of electrophoretic profiles conducted with PCR-RAPD method showed a big genetic similarity between Mahaleb No. 2 and No. 6 and a big variability of the remaining biotypes of Mahaleb among each other. Out of six examined biotypes, Mahaleb No. 2 and No. 6 turned out to be the most productively valuable. Trees of sweet cherry on these rootstocks had the weakest growth, had relatively many flowers and fruits and were characterized with the biggest productivity index.W latach 2011–2013 oceniono wzrostu i plonowania drzew czterech odmian czereśni: Burlat, Regina, Summit i Vanda. Wszystkie one rosły na nowych podkładkach antypki otrzymanych za pomocą sadzonek pędowych zielnych wyselekcjonowanych z populacji siewek niemieckiej antypki ‘Alpruma’ w porównaniu z siewkami czereśni ptasiej. Dodatkowo wykonano analizę zmienności genetycznej nowo badanych biotypów antypki. Największym polem przekroju poprzecznego pnia charakteryzowały się drzewa na podkładkach czereśni ptasiej oraz antypki nr 1, 4 i 5, a najmniejszym antypki nr 2, 6 i 3. Największą objętośü korony uzyskały drzewa rosnące na czereśni ptasiej, a najmniejszą na antypkach nr 2 i 6. Największe korony tworzyły drzewa odmiany Burlat i Summit, a najmniejsze Regina i Vanda. Drzewa okulizowane na czereśni ptasiej miały owoce o trochę mniejszej wadze w porównaniu z podkładką antypki. Z odmian pod względem wagi owocu wyróżniały się Regina i Summit. Największą sumę plonów uzyskano z drzew okulizowanych na antypkach nr 6 i 2, najmniejszą na czereśni ptasiej, antypkach nr 1 i 4. Najbardziej plonotwórczą były odmiany Vanda i Summit. Najwyższy współczynnik intensywności plonowania uzyskano dla podkładek antypki nr 6, 2, 3 i 5. Dla czereśni ptasiej i antypki nr 1 uzyskano najmniejszą wartość badanego parametru. Z badanych odmian najlepsza była Vanda, a następnie Summit. Wykonana analiza profili elektroforetycznych metodą PCR-RAPD wykazała duże podobieństwo genetyczne pomiędzy antypkami nr 2 i 6 oraz duże zróżnicowanie pozostałych biotypów antypki pomiędzy sobą. Z sześciu przebadanych biotypów, antypki nr 2 i 6 okazały się najbardziej wartościowe. Drzewa czereśni na tych podkładkach najsłabiej rosły, zawiązywały stosunkowo dużo kwiatów i owoców oraz cechowały się największym współczynnikiem intensywności plonowania

    Influence of rootstocks and the time of grafting procedure on the efficiency of propagation by grafting two cultivars of mountain pine (Pinus mugo Turra) and estimation of chloroplast pigments level in the needles

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    The experimental studies were conducted from 2015–2017 years in two cycles. The aim of the research was to determine a better grafting time and a choice of an appropriate rootstock for the propagation of two cultivars of mountain pine (Pinus mugo Turra). The influence of the grafted cultivar and rootstock used on the level of chloroplast pigments in the needles was also checked. The studies concerned two cultivars of mountain pine (Pinus mugo) ‘Grześ’ and ‘Zundert’, which were grafted on four different rootstocks: Pinus contorta (Dougl. ex Loud.), Pinus nigra (Arn.), Pinus sylvestris (L.) and Pinus mugo subsp. uncinata (Ramond Domin) in two dates: 20 January and 15 March. The highest percentage of graft success was obtained for the two cultivars on Pinus uncinata and Pinus contorta rootstocks. A later term of grafting procedure affected bigger effectiveness of grafting of the two studied cultivars, except for the graft success on Pinus sylvestris rootstock. The highest increments of side shoots and lengths of main stems for ‘Grześ’ cultivar were obtained on Pinus nigra, and for ‘Zundert’ the influence of the rootstock on the above mentioned parameters was not evident. No significant differences in the number of increments in the first and second year of studies were observed. The highest level of chlorophyll A and B was found in the needles of ‘Grześ’ cultivar, independently from the rootstock used. Among tested rootstocks, only Pinus nigra had a significant impact on a higher content of chlorophyll B in the needles of the studied cultivars of mountain pine trees

    Influence of rootstock and grafting method on the grafts success and growth of Cedrus deodara (Roxb. ex Lamb.) ‘Karl Fuchs’ plants

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    Experimental studies were conducted in 2015–2017 in the Department of Dendrology, Pomology and Nursery of Poznan University of Life Sciences. The aim of the research was to study the usefulness of three rootstocks: Larix decidua, Pinus armandii, Cedrus deodara and two grafting methods: side grafting and split grafting for propagation purposes of Cedrus deodara ‘Karl Fuchs’. In addition, it was evaluated how the rootstock and the age of cultivar shoots influenced the level of chloroplast pigments in the needles. A higher percentage of grafts success was obtained on Pinus armandii and Cedrus deodara using the side grafting method. Grafted scions of ‘Karl Fuchs’ produced the greatest number of lateral buds and the longest lateral increments of growth on Cedrus deodara root stock. Side grafting significantly improved the percentage of plants that restarted their growth in the second year of cultivation. The largest number of buds on two-year-old shoots were counted on plants grafted on Cedrus deodara using split grafting method. The rootstocks used in this experiment had a slight effect on the content of chloroplast pigments in the needles. Plants grafted on Pinus armandii had the highest level of chlorophyll B, and those grafted on Larix decidua – chlorophyll A/B ratio. The content of chloroplast pigments in the needles depended on the age of shoots. The highest level of chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B and carotenoids was observed when needles were collected from the last year’s growth

    Imaging of double slit interference by scanning gate microscopy

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