39 research outputs found

    Taurine, an osteocyte metabolite, protects against oxidative stress-induced cell death and decreases inhibitors of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway

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    Taurine has been shown to have positive effects on bone mass, which are thought to be due in part to its cytoprotective effects on osteoblasts and here we show that taurine also protects osteocytes against cell death due to reactive oxygen species. Using the IDG-SW3 cell line, the expression of the taurine uptake transporter Taut/Slc6a6 is increased during osteoblast to osteocyte differentiation. Taurine had no effect on genes associated with osteoblast to osteocyte differentiation such as Dmp1, Phex or osteocalcin, even at high doses, but a slight yet significant inhibition of alkaline phosphatase was observed at the highest dose (50 mM). No effect was seen on the osteoclast regulatory genes Rankl and Opg, however the wnt antagonist Sost/sclerostin was potently and dose-dependently downregulated in response to taurine supplementation. Taurine also significantly inhibited Dkk1 mRNA expression, but only at 50 mM. Interestingly, osteocytes were found to also be able to synthesize taurine intracellularly, potentially as a self-protective mechanism, but do not secrete the metabolite. A highly significant increase in the expression of cysteine dioxygenase (Cdo), a key enzyme necessary for the production of taurine, was observed with osteoblast to osteocyte differentiation along with a decrease in methionine, the precursor of taurine. For the first time, we describe the synthesis of taurine by osteocytes, potentially to preserve viability and to regulate bone formation through inhibition of sclerostin

    ACVR2B/Fc counteracts chemotherapy-induced loss of muscle and bone mass

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    Chemotherapy promotes the development of cachexia, a debilitating condition characterized by muscle and fat loss. ACVR2B/Fc, an inhibitor of the Activin Receptor 2B signaling, has been shown to preserve muscle mass and prolong survival in tumor hosts, and to increase bone mass in models of osteogenesis imperfecta and muscular dystrophy. We compared the effects of ACVR2B/Fc on muscle and bone mass in mice exposed to Folfiri. In addition to impairing muscle mass and function, Folfiri had severe negative effects on bone, as shown by reduced trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TV), thickness (Tb.Th), number (Tb.N), connectivity density (Conn.Dn), and by increased separation (Tb.Sp) in trabecular bone of the femur and vertebra. ACVR2B/Fc prevented the loss of muscle mass and strength, and the loss of trabecular bone in femurs and vertebrae following Folfiri administration. Neither Folfiri nor ACVR2B/Fc had effects on femoral cortical bone, as shown by unchanged cortical bone volume fraction (Ct.BV/TV), thickness (Ct.Th) and porosity. Our results suggest that Folfiri is responsible for concomitant muscle and bone degeneration, and that ACVR2B/Fc prevents these derangements. Future studies are required to determine if the same protective effects are observed in combination with other anticancer regimens or in the presence of cancer

    Historical atmospheric pollution trends in Southeast Asia inferred from lake sediment records

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    Fossil fuel combustion leads to increased levels of air pollution, which negatively affects human health as well as the environment. Documented data for Southeast Asia (SEA) show a strong increase in fossil fuel consumption since 1980, but information on coal and oil combustion before 1980 is not widely available. Spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs) and heavy metals, such as mercury (Hg), are emitted as by-products of fossil fuel combustion and may accumulate in sediments following atmospheric fallout. Here we use sediment SCP and Hg records from several freshwater lentic ecosystems in SEA (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore) to reconstruct long-term, region-wide variations in levels of these two key atmospheric pollution indicators. The age-depth models of Philippine sediment cores do not reach back far enough to date first SCP presence, but single SCP occurrences are first observed between 1925 and 1950 for a Malaysian site. Increasing SCP flux is observed at our sites from 1960 onward, although individual sites show minor differences in trends. SCP fluxes show a general decline after 2000 at each of our study sites. While the records show broadly similar temporal trends across SEA, absolute SCP fluxes differ between sites, with a record from Malaysia showing SCP fluxes that are two orders of magnitude lower than records from the Philippines. Similar trends in records from China and Japan represent the emergence of atmospheric pollution as a broadly-based inter-region environmental problem during the 20th century. Hg fluxes were relatively stable from the second half of the 20th century onward. As catchment soils are also contaminated with atmospheric Hg, future soil erosion can be expected to lead to enhanced Hg flux into surface waters

    Stat3 in osteocytes mediates osteogenic response to loading

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    Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) is a member of the Stat family of proteins involved in signaling in many different cell types, including osteocytes. Osteocytes are considered major mechanosensing cells in bone due to their intricate dendritic networks able to sense changes in physical force and to orchestrate the response of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. We examined the role of Stat3 in osteocytes by generating mice lacking Stat3 in these cells using the Dmp-1(8kb)-Cre promoter (Stat3cKO mice). Compared to age-matched littermate controls, Stat3cKO mice of either sex (18 weeks old) exhibit reduced bone formation indices, decreased osteoblasts and increased osteoclasts, and altered material properties, without detectable changes in bone mineral density (BMD) or content of either trabecular or cortical bone. In addition, Stat3cKO mice of either sex show significantly decreased load-induced bone formation. Furthermore, pharmacologic inhibition of Stat3 in osteocytes in vitro with WP1066 blocked the increase in cytosolic calcium induced by ATP, a mediator of the cellular responses to sheer stress. WP1066 also increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in cultured MLO-Y4 osteocytes. These data demonstrate that Stat3 is a critical mediator of mechanical signals received by osteocytes and suggest that osteocytic Stat3 is a potential therapeutic target to stimulate bone anabolism

    Irisin Mediates Effects on Bone and Fat via αV Integrin Receptors

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    © 2018 Irisin is secreted by muscle, increases with exercise, and mediates certain favorable effects of physical activity. In particular, irisin has been shown to have beneficial effects in adipose tissues, brain, and bone. However, the skeletal response to exercise is less clear, and the receptor for irisin has not been identified. Here we show that irisin binds to proteins of the αV class of integrins, and biophysical studies identify interacting surfaces between irisin and αV/β5 integrin. Chemical inhibition of the αV integrins blocks signaling and function by irisin in osteocytes and fat cells. Irisin increases both osteocytic survival and production of sclerostin, a local modulator of bone remodeling. Genetic ablation of FNDC5 (or irisin) completely blocks osteocytic osteolysis induced by ovariectomy, preventing bone loss and supporting an important role of irisin in skeletal remodeling. Identification of the irisin receptor should greatly facilitate our understanding of irisin's function in exercise and human health. Irisin, through its integrin receptor, promotes skeletal remodeling with implications for stemming bone loss