43 research outputs found

    Acquired erythroderma in adults: a clinical and prognostic study

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    Abstract Background Erythroderma is a severe syndrome and prognostic studies are rare in the literature

    Latex Allergy When Uncertainty Remains the Only Certainty

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    peer reviewedLatex devices release allergenic proteins which are responsible for immune IgE mediated reactions. Casual surgical gloves are most often responsible for contact urticaria. Other allergic manifestations include conjunctivitis, rhinitis, asthmatiform dyspnoea and diverse gastro-intestinal troubles. Cardiovascular collapse and anaphylactic shock are possible. Physicians and the paramedical staff are particularly affected by the allergy to latex proteins. Multi-operated patients and those under prolonged health care using latex-made medical probes also present a high-risk group for this type of allergy

    Complete recovery from juvenile pemphigus vulgaris

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    Undesirable Reactions from Contact with Marine Organisms

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    The contact of some marine organisms with the skin may prove to be traumatic and sometimes very dangerous. Some coelenterates, fishes, urchins, sea snakes, cephalopods, molluscs and other sea organisms are responsible for dermatological lesions, associated or not with toxic or allergic reactions exhibiting systemic effects

    Complete Recovery From Juvenile Pemphigus Vulgaris

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    Aging of epidermis

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    Le vieillissement cutané est défini par la perte progressive de l'organisation structurelle et fonctionnelle de l'épiderme et du derme. Le photovieillissement en est un type particulier qui dépend en majeure partie de l'exposition chronique aux rayons ultraviolets. Nous présentons une synthèse des changements structurels et fonctionnels de l'épiderme en relation avec l'origine du vieillissement.Skin aging is defined by the progressive loss in homeostatic capacity of the epidermis and dermis to respond to various stimuli. Photoaging is a peculiar type of aging which occurs on sun exposed areas. We review the structural and functional alterations of the epidermis in relation to the origin of aging

    Itracoanzole in human aspergillosis revisited.

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    Itraconazole is a broad spectrum antifungal agent of the bis-triazole class. The drug is an important option in the management of many human mycoses including various clinical presentations of aspergillosis. Indeed, the compound exhibits potent in vitro antifungal activity against Aspergillus spp. and shows variable fungicidal effect against the different species and strains. After amphotericin B, itraconazole has been the very first agent, and the first azole antifungal to have demonstrated clinical efficacy in aspergillosis. In vivo, the antifungal efficacy of itraconazole has been demonstrated in several types of aspergillosis both in immunocompetent and immunocompromised animal models. The drug administered in its oral or intravenous formulations displays non-linear plasma pharmacokinetics. Despite best current therapies, the outcome of invasive aspergillosis may remain dismal. Fungal cells can induce enormous damage on a background of immunosuppression. Medical help comes often too slow or is too weak. It will be a long time before the ideal strategy is found for an effective prophylaxis or for the optimal therapy of disseminated and invasive aspergillosis. In spite of this limitation, itraconazole has a definite chemotherapeutic effect in experimental aspergillosis. Non-comparative clinical data of itraconazole in the treatment of suspected or proven invasive aspergillosis indicate response rates at least similar and possibly superior to those of amphotericin B. Itraconazole has clearly improved the clinical outcome in some of the less immunosuppressed patients with invasive aspergillosis. The experience with itraconazole for induction therapy of invasive aspergillosis is more limited in profoundly neutropenic patients. Itraconazole has an important role for consolidation and maintenance therapy of patients with invasive aspegillosis. Itraconazole oral cyclodextrin solution is particularly suitable in these indications. Novel combination and sequential therapies involving itraconazole with other antifungals are promising. Itraconazole is usually well tolerated, but a potential for drug interactions exists, mediated through the cytochrome P450 3A4 system. This possibility should be considered when itraconazole is used as part of a multi-drug regimen

    Congenital sebaceous trichofolliculoma

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    peer reviewedWe report the clinical and histological presentation of a sebaceous trichofolliculoma present on the dorsum of the nose of a 1-year-old boy. This lesion was present since birth and appears to be the forst reported cas of a congenital sebaceous trichofolliculoma