27,049 research outputs found

    Is MS1054-03 an exceptional cluster? A new investigation of ROSAT/HRI X-ray data

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    We reanalyzed the ROSAT/HRI observation of MS1054-03, optimizing the channel HRI selection and including a new exposure of 68 ksec. From a wavelet analysis of the HRI image we identify the main cluster component and find evidence for substructure in the west, which might either be a group of galaxies falling onto the cluster or a foreground source. Our 1-D and 2-D analysis of the data show that the cluster can be fitted well by a classical betamodel centered only 20arcsec away from the central cD galaxy. The core radius and beta values derived from the spherical model(beta = 0.96_-0.22^+0.48) and the elliptical model (beta = 0.73+/-0.18) are consistent. We derived the gas mass and total mass of the cluster from the betamodel fit and the previously published ASCA temperature (12.3^{+3.1}_{-2.2} keV). The gas mass fraction at the virial radius is fgas = (14[-3,+2.5]+/-3)% for Omega_0=1, where the errors in brackets come from the uncertainty on the temperature and the remaining errors from the HRI imaging data. The gas mass fraction computed for the best fit ASCA temperature is significantly lower than found for nearby hot clusters, fgas=20.1pm 1.6%. This local value can be matched if the actual virial temperature of MS1054-032 were close to the lower ASCA limit (~10keV) with an even lower value of 8 keV giving the best agreement. Such a bias between the virial and measured temperature could be due to the presence of shock waves in the intracluster medium stemming from recent mergers. Another possibility, that reconciles a high temperature with the local gas mass fraction, is the existence of a non zero cosmological constant.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Pseudo-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics with Unbounded Metric Operators

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    We extend the formulation of pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics to eta-pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian operators H with an unbounded metric operator eta. In particular, we give the details of the construction of the physical Hilbert space, observables, and equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian for the case that H has a real and discrete spectrum and its eigenvectors belong to the domain of eta and consequently its positive square root.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in Phil. Trans. R. Soc.

    Quantum-Mechanical Dualities on the Torus

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    On classical phase spaces admitting just one complex-differentiable structure, there is no indeterminacy in the choice of the creation operators that create quanta out of a given vacuum. In these cases the notion of a quantum is universal, i.e., independent of the observer on classical phase space. Such is the case in all standard applications of quantum mechanics. However, recent developments suggest that the notion of a quantum may not be universal. Transformations between observers that do not agree on the notion of an elementary quantum are called dualities. Classical phase spaces admitting more than one complex-differentiable structure thus provide a natural framework to study dualities in quantum mechanics. As an example we quantise a classical mechanics whose phase space is a torus and prove explicitly that it exhibits dualities.Comment: New examples added, some precisions mad

    Universal Uncertainty Principle in the Measurement Operator Formalism

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    Heisenberg's uncertainty principle has been understood to set a limitation on measurements; however, the long-standing mathematical formulation established by Heisenberg, Kennard, and Robertson does not allow such an interpretation. Recently, a new relation was found to give a universally valid relation between noise and disturbance in general quantum measurements, and it has become clear that the new relation plays a role of the first principle to derive various quantum limits on measurement and information processing in a unified treatment. This paper examines the above development on the noise-disturbance uncertainty principle in the model-independent approach based on the measurement operator formalism, which is widely accepted to describe a class of generalized measurements in the field of quantum information. We obtain explicit formulas for the noise and disturbance of measurements given by the measurement operators, and show that projective measurements do not satisfy the Heisenberg-type noise-disturbance relation that is typical in the gamma-ray microscope thought experiments. We also show that the disturbance on a Pauli operator of a projective measurement of another Pauli operator constantly equals the square root of 2, and examine how this measurement violates the Heisenberg-type relation but satisfies the new noise-disturbance relation.Comment: 11 pages. Based on the author's invited talk at the 9th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR'2005), Besancon, France, May 2-6, 200

    Alfalfa Snout Beetle, \u3ci\u3eOtiorhynchus Ligustici\u3c/i\u3e L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): Methods for Egg Collection and Larval Rearing

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    The alfalfa snout beetle, Otiorhynchus ligustici L., is the most serious pest of alfalfa in northern New York State. Recent research efforts focused on the biological control of this insect require the availability of all life stages. With a 2-year lifecycle and a mandatory diapause, the artificial rearing of a laboratory culture appears to be a non-viable option at present, but methods described here can be used to obtain sufficient numbers of eggs and larvae over an extended period of time for research purposes. The crowding of adult beetles in egg production units (cups) had a significant, negative effect on egg production per beetle but the total egg production per cup was still higher with higher number of beetles per cup resulting in a significant saving of labor per egg produced. Larval survival rates in alfalfa-planted cans were surprisingly low given the protected conditions of the greenhouse. The larval survival rates were not significantly different among the dates for the second instar and later instars, suggesting that larval mortality occurs in the first instar in alfalfa-planted cans

    Strong entanglement causes low gate fidelity in inaccurate one-way quantum computation

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    We study how entanglement among the register qubits affects the gate fidelity in the one-way quantum computation if a measurement is inaccurate. We derive an inequality which shows that the mean gate fidelity is upper bounded by a decreasing function of the magnitude of the error of the measurement and the amount of the entanglement between the measured qubit and other register qubits. The consequence of this inequality is that, for a given amount of entanglement, which is theoretically calculated once the algorithm is fixed, we can estimate from this inequality how small the magnitude of the error should be in order not to make the gate fidelity below a threshold, which is specified by a technical requirement in a particular experimental setup or by the threshold theorem of the fault-tolerant quantum computation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Does inflation targeting matter?

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    This paper studies the inflation and interest rate performances since the late 1970s for six former highinflation countries that adopted inflation targeting (IT) in the early 1990’s. Using Germany, Switzerland and the US for comparison, we look at various aspects of central bank performance in a pre-IT period (1978-92) and a post-IT period (1993-01). The results of all types of evidence considered uniformly lead to the general conclusion that IT has proven a useful strategy for reducing the level and volatility of inflation. However, IT central banks did not outperform the central banks used as reference cases during the second period. We then present an event study of monetary policy comparing inflation and interest rate developments after the 1978 and the 1998 oil price shocks. Here we find that IT central banks realized significantly larger gains in credibility than the central banks in the reference group. . This result corroborates the conclusion that IT is a useful framework for communicating a monetary policy strategy aiming at low inflation rates. --

    Direct Numerical Simulation of a separated channel flow with a smooth profile

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    A direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a channel flow with one curved surface was performed at moderate Reynolds number (Re_tau = 395 at the inlet). The adverse pressure gradient was obtained by a wall curvature through a mathematical mapping from physical coordinates to Cartesian ones. The code, using spectral spanwise and normal discretization, combines the advantage of a good accuracy with a fast integration procedure compared to standard numerical procedures for complex geometries. The turbulent flow slightly separates on the profile at the lower curved wall and is at the onset of separation at the opposite flat wall. The thin separation bubble is characterized with a reversal flow fraction. Intense vortices are generated near the separation line on the lower wall but also at the upper wall. Turbulent normal stresses and kinetic energy budget are investigated along the channel.Comment: 23 pages, submitted to Journal of Turbulenc
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