10,111 research outputs found

    Soft modes near the buckling transition of icosahedral shells

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    Icosahedral shells undergo a buckling transition as the ratio of Young's modulus to bending stiffness increases. Strong bending stiffness favors smooth, nearly spherical shapes, while weak bending stiffness leads to a sharply faceted icosahedral shape. Based on the phonon spectrum of a simplified mass-and-spring model of the shell, we interpret the transition from smooth to faceted as a soft-mode transition. In contrast to the case of a disclinated planar network where the transition is sharply defined, the mean curvature of the sphere smooths the transitition. We define elastic susceptibilities as the response to forces applied at vertices, edges and faces of an icosahedron. At the soft-mode transition the vertex susceptibility is the largest, but as the shell becomes more faceted the edge and face susceptibilities greatly exceed the vertex susceptibility. Limiting behaviors of the susceptibilities are analyzed and related to the ridge-scaling behavior of elastic sheets. Our results apply to virus capsids, liposomes with crystalline order and other shell-like structures with icosahedral symmetry.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Synaptic protein levels altered in vascular dementia

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    Synaptic protein levels altered in vascular dementi

    Cross sections for the excitation of isovector charge-exchange resonances in 208Tl

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    The Glauber approximation for the treatment of heavy-ion scattering, has already been shown to give reliable predictions for the reaction cross section in the particular case of intermediate energy charge-exchange processes. In the present work, we couple a Glauber-type model to microscopic Random Phase Approximation calculations of the charge-exchange excitations of 208^{208}Pb. The aim is to solve the longstanding question whether the very elusive charge-exchange isovector monopole has been really identified in the past experiments, or other multipoles were prevalent in the observed spectra.Comment: text + 4 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Semi-classical buckling of stiff polymers

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    A quantitative theory of the buckling of a worm like chain based on a semi-classical approximation of the partition function is presented. The contribution of thermal fluctuations to the force-extension relation that allows to go beyond the classical Euler buckling is derived in the linear and non-linear regime as well. It is shown that the thermal fluctuations in the nonlinear buckling regime increase the end-to-end distance of the semiflexible rod if it is confined to 2 dimensions as opposed to the 3 dimensional case. Our approach allows a complete physical understanding of buckling in D=2 and in D=3 below and above the Euler transition.Comment: Revtex, 17 pages, 4 figure

    Lagrangian formulation of classical fields within Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives

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    The classical fields with fractional derivatives are investigated by using the fractional Lagrangian formulation.The fractional Euler-Lagrange equations were obtained and two examples were studied.Comment: 9 page

    Conformal invariance: from Weyl to SO(2,d)

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    The present work deals with two different but subtilely related kinds of conformal mappings: Weyl rescaling in d>2d>2 dimensional spaces and SO(2,d) transformations. We express how the difference between the two can be compensated by diffeomorphic transformations. This is well known in the framework of String Theory but in the particular case of d=2d=2 spaces. Indeed, the Polyakov formalism describes world-sheets in terms of two-dimensional conformal field theory. On the other hand, B. Zumino had shown that a classical four-dimensional Weyl-invariant field theory restricted to live in Minkowski space leads to an SO(2,4)-invariant field theory. We extend Zumino's result to relate Weyl and SO(2,d) symmetries in arbitrary conformally flat spaces (CFS). This allows us to assert that a classical SO(2,d)SO(2,d)-invariant field does not distinguish, at least locally, between two different dd-dimensional CFSs.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. There are slight modifications to match with the published versio

    Probing Correlated Ground States with Microscopic Optical Model for Nucleon Scattering off Doubly-Closed-Shell Nuclei

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    The RPA long range correlations are known to play a significant role in understanding the depletion of single particle-hole states observed in (e, e') and (e, e'p) measurements. Here the Random Phase Approximation (RPA) theory, implemented using the D1S force is considered for the specific purpose of building correlated ground states and related one-body density matrix elements. These may be implemented and tested in a fully microscopic optical model for NA scattering off doubly-closed-shell nuclei. A method is presented to correct for the correlations overcounting inherent to the RPA formalism. One-body density matrix elements in the uncorrelated (i.e. Hartree-Fock) and correlated (i.e. RPA) ground states are then challenged in proton scattering studies based on the Melbourne microscopic optical model to highlight the role played by the RPA correlations. Effects of such correlations which deplete the nuclear matter at small radial distance (r << 2 fm) and enhance its surface region, are getting more and more sizeable as the incident energy increases. Illustrations are given for proton scattering observables measured up to 201 MeV for the 16^{16}O, 40^{40}Ca, 48^{48}Ca and 208^{208}Pb target nuclei. Handling the RPA correlations systematically improves the agreement between scattering predictions and data for energies higher than 150 MeV.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Analytical Solution for the Deformation of a Cylinder under Tidal Gravitational Forces

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    Quite a few future high precision space missions for testing Special and General Relativity will use optical resonators which are used for laser frequency stabilization. These devices are used for carrying out tests of the isotropy of light (Michelson-Morley experiment) and of the universality of the gravitational redshift. As the resonator frequency not only depends on the speed of light but also on the resonator length, the quality of these measurements is very sensitive to elastic deformations of the optical resonator itself. As a consequence, a detailed knowledge about the deformations of the cavity is necessary. Therefore in this article we investigate the modeling of optical resonators in a space environment. Usually for simulation issues the Finite Element Method (FEM) is applied in order to investigate the influence of disturbances on the resonator measurements. However, for a careful control of the numerical quality of FEM simulations a comparison with an analytical solution of a simplified resonator model is beneficial. In this article we present an analytical solution for the problem of an elastic, isotropic, homogeneous free-flying cylinder in space under the influence of a tidal gravitational force. The solution is gained by solving the linear equations of elasticity for special boundary conditions. The applicability of using FEM codes for these simulations shall be verified through the comparison of the analytical solution with the results gained within the FEM code.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure
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