293 research outputs found

    Buerger's disease manifesting nodular erythema with livedo reticularis

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    ArticleINTERNAL MEDICINE. 46(21):1815-1819(2007)journal articl

    Dissecting early regulatory relationships in the lamprey neural crest gene network

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    The neural crest, a multipotent embryonic cell type, originates at the border between neural and nonneural ectoderm. After neural tube closure, these cells undergo an epithelial–mesenchymal transition, migrate to precise, often distant locations, and differentiate into diverse derivatives. Analyses of expression and function of signaling and transcription factors in higher vertebrates has led to the proposal that a neural crest gene regulatory network (NC-GRN) orchestrates neural crest formation. Here, we interrogate the NC-GRN in the lamprey, taking advantage of its slow development and basal phylogenetic position to resolve early inductive events, 1 regulatory step at the time. To establish regulatory relationships at the neural plate border, we assess relative expression of 6 neural crest network genes and effects of individually perturbing each on the remaining 5. The results refine an upstream portion of the NC-GRN and reveal unexpected order and linkages therein; e.g., lamprey AP-2 appears to function early as a neural plate border rather than a neural crest specifier and in a pathway linked to MsxA but independent of ZicA. These findings provide an ancestral framework for performing comparative tests in higher vertebrates in which network linkages may be more difficult to resolve because of their rapid development

    The Chiral Model of Sakai-Sugimoto at Finite Baryon Density

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    In the context of holographic QCD we analyze Sakai-Sugimoto's chiral model at finite baryon density and zero temperature. The baryon number density is introduced through compact D4 wrapping S^4 at the tip of D8-\bar{D8}. Each baryon acts as a chiral point-like source distributed uniformly over R^3, and leads a non-vanishing U(1)_V potential on the brane. For fixed baryon charge density n_B we analyze the bulk energy density and pressure using the canonical formalism. The baryonic matter with point like sources is always in the spontaneously broken phase of chiral symmetry, whatever the density. The point-like nature of the sources and large N_c cause the matter to be repulsive as all baryon interactions are omega mediated. Through the induced DBI action on D8-\bar{D8}, we study the effects of the fixed baryon charge density n_B on the pion and vector meson masses and couplings. Issues related to vector dominance in matter in the context of holographic QCD are also discussed.Comment: V3: 39 pages, 16 figures, minor corrections, version to appear in JHEP. V2: references added, typos correcte

    Stringy NJL and Gross-Neveu models at finite density and temperature

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    Nonlocal stringy versions of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio and Gross-Neveu models arise in a certain limit of holographic QCD. We analyze the phase structure at finite density and temperature at strong coupling in terms of probe branes in the gravity dual. Comparison with the phase structure of the local field theory models shows qualitative agreement with some aspects, and disagreement with others. Finally, we explain how to construct the Landau potentials for these models by taking the probe branes off-shell.Comment: 32 pages, uses JHEP3.cls; v2, references added, version to be submitted to JHE

    Holographic Thermodynamics at Finite Baryon Density: Some Exact Results

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    We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to study the thermodynamics of massive N=2 supersymmetric hypermultiplets coupled to N=4 supersymmetric SU(Nc) Yang-Mills theory in the limits of large Nc and large 't Hooft coupling. In particular, we study the theory at finite baryon number density. At zero temperature, we present an exact expression for the hypermultiplets' leading-order contribution to the free energy, and in the supergravity description we clarify which D-brane configuration is appropriate for any given value of the chemical potential. We find a second-order phase transition when the chemical potential equals the mass. At finite temperature, we present an exact expression for the hypermultiplets' leading-order contribution to the free energy at zero mass.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure; v2 corrected typos, added comments to sections 2.2 and 2.

    Notes on Properties of Holographic Matter

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    Probe branes with finite worldvolume electric flux in the background created by a stack of Dp branes describe holographically strongly interacting fundamental matter at finite density. We identify two quantities whose leading low temperature behavior is independent of the dimensionality of the probe branes: specific heat and DC conductivity. This behavior can be inferred from the dynamics of the fundamental strings which provide a good description of the probe branes in the regime of low temperatures and finite densities. We also comment on the speed of sound on the branes and the temperature dependence of DC conductivity at vanishing charge density.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; v2: corrected error in Section 6, conclusions unchanged; v3: improved figures and added clarifying comment

    Holographic phase transitions at finite baryon density

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    We use holographic techniques to study SU(Nc) super Yang-Mills theory coupled to Nf << Nc flavours of fundamental matter at finite temperature and baryon density. We focus on four dimensions, for which the dual description consists of Nf D7-branes in the background of Nc black D3-branes, but our results apply in other dimensions as well. A non-zero chemical potential mu or baryon number density n is introduced via a nonvanishing worldvolume gauge field on the D7-branes. Ref. [1] identified a first order phase transition at zero density associated with `melting' of the mesons. This extends to a line of phase transitions for small n, which terminates at a critical point at finite n. Investigation of the D7-branes' thermodynamics reveals that (d mu / dn)_T <0 in a small region of the phase diagram, indicating an instability. We comment on a possible new phase which may appear in this region.Comment: 33 pages, 22 figure

    Criticality, Scaling and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in External Magnetic Field

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    We consider a D7-brane probe of AdS5Ă—S5AdS_{5}\times S^5 in the presence of pure gauge BB-field. The dual gauge theory is flavored Yang-Mills theory in external magnetic field. We explore the dependence of the fermionic condensate on the bare quark mass mqm_{q} and study the discrete self-similar behavior of the theory near the origin of the parametric space. We calculate the critical exponents of the bare quark mass and the fermionic condensate. A study of the meson spectrum supports the expectation based on thermodynamic considerations that at zero bare quark mass the stable phase of the theory is a chiral symmetry breaking one. Our study reveals the self-similar structure of the spectrum near the critical phase of the theory, characterized by zero fermionic condensate and we calculate the corresponding critical exponent of the meson spectrum.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in JHEP. Updated to mach the published version. One figure added, some definitions improve

    Baryonic Response of Dense Holographic QCD

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    The response function of a homogeneous and dense hadronic system to a time-dependent (baryon) vector potential is discussed for holographic dense QCD (D4/D8 embedding) both in the confined and deconfined phases. Confined holographic QCD is an uncompressible and static baryonic insulator at large N_c and large \lambda, with a gapped vector spectrum and a massless pion. Deconfined holographic QCD is a diffusive conductor with restored chiral symmetry and a gapped transverse baryonic current. Similarly, dense D3/D7 is diffusive for any non-zero temperature at large N_c and large \lambda. At zero temperature dense D3/D7 exhibits a baryonic longitudinal visco-elastic mode with a first sound speed \lambda/\sqrt{3} and a small width due to a shear viscosity to baryon ratio \eta/n_B=\hbar/4. This mode is turned diffusive by arbitrarily small temperatures, a hallmark of holography.Comment: V2: 47 pages, 7 figures, references added, typos correcte
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