2,179 research outputs found

    Mystery Shopping: In-depth measurement of customer satisfaction

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    This paper will discuss the phenomenon Mystery Shopping in the fieldof customer satisfaction measurement techniques. By using theliterature about Mystery Shopping definitions and restrictions of thisinstrument will be presented. Also, possible ways to present and usethe gathered data will be shown. After the literature part of thepaper some practical research will be presented. A Dutch Flexcompanyintroduced the instrument Mystery Shopping in addition to the alreadyused measurement methods like customer satisfaction measurement withuse of questionnaires. Some of the first results of the MysteryShopping visits will be presented.customer satisfaction;mystery guest;service quality

    Empirical Evidence for the Relation between Customer Satisfaction and Business Performance

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    This paper focuses on the analysis of empirical data on customer satisfaction and the relationship with hard organisational performance data. The organisation is a Flexcompany with its headquarters in The Netherlands, but also operating in other countries in Europe. The empirical data on customer satisfaction and business performances stem from 1998 and 1999. Based on the empirical data it can be concluded that it is possible to find evidence for the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and organisational performance indicators, although the relationship is not very strong. Various factors might influence the timelag between a change in customer satisfaction and an expected effect in sales, margin, or other output indicators. However, the analyses do give answers to questions related to the quality dimensions as underlying factors behind the items in the customer satisfaction questionnaire and some indications for the changing behaviour of the customer in relation to his perception.customer satisfaction;business performance improvement;customer behaviour

    Employee Perception on Commitment Oriented Work Systems

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    Human resource management (HRM) does matter! Prior empirical research, summarized and classified in the work of Delery and Doty (1996), Guest (1997) and Boselie et al. (2000), suggests significant impact of HRM on the competitive advantage of organizations. The mainstream research on this topic reveals encouraging results on organizational level. Further research on the perception of the individual employee may reveal new insights in the effectiveness of HRM in organizations. Now we have the opportunity to study recent empirical data of a Dutch employment agency. These data on individual employee level provide us new insights in the perception of commitment oriented HR systems and their relationship with perceived job security and employee trust. High scores on employee participation, payment system, training and development, information sharing, and support of the direct supervisor result in employee trust and high scores on perceived job security.human resource management;performance;commitment (versus control) systems;employee trust;perceived job security

    Intramyocellular lipids and insulin sensitivity: does size really matter?

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    Mystery Shopping: In-depth measurement of customer satisfaction

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    This paper will discuss the phenomenon Mystery Shopping in the field of customer satisfaction measurement techniques. By using the literature about Mystery Shopping definitions and restrictions of this instrument will be presented. Also, possible ways to present and use the gathered data will be shown. After the literature part of the paper some practical research will be presented. A Dutch Flexcompany introduced the instrument Mystery Shopping in addition to the already used measurement methods like customer satisfaction measurement with use of questionnaires. Some of the first results of the Mystery Shopping visits will be presented

    Skeletal muscle fiber-type distribution and habitual physical activity in daily life.

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    The capacity to perform physical activity largely depends on physical fitness. Muscle fiber-type distribution (Muscle(FTD)) is associated with physical fitness and may influence the capacity to perform physical activity. The purpose of this study was to determine whether habitual physical activity in daily life (PA(DL)) and Muscle(FTD) are related. Thirty-eight healthy non-athletes (31 women, 7 men) were recruited. PA(DL) was measured twice for 14 days using a tri-axial accelerometer for movement registration (Tracmor). From Tracmor output, the proportion of time subjects were physically active at low, moderate, and high intensities was determined (%Low, %Moderate, and %High, respectively). A total activity index (PA(index)) and sub-scores on work, leisure-time and sports were obtained using the Baecke questionnaire. Muscle(FTD) was determined using immuno-fluorescence against respective myosin heavy chain isoforms. No relationship was observed between PA(DL) and Muscle(FTD). %Low, %Moderate, and %High, as well as PA(index) and its sub-scores, were not related to Muscle(FTD) either. The time spent on sports was associated with the proportion of type I and II(X) fibers (P=0.06 and P<0.01, respectively). In conclusion, Muscle(FTD) probably cannot explain why some people are more prone to engaging in physical activities than others. AD - Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands

    Multimodal Stepped Care Approach Involving Topical Analgesics for Severe Intractable Neuropathic Pain in CRPS Type 1: A Case Report

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    A multimodal stepped care approach has been successfully applied to a patient with complex regional pain syndrome type 1 and severe intractable pain, not responding to regular neuropathic pain medication. The choice to administer drugs in creams was made because of the intolerable adverse effects to oral medication. With this method, peak-dose adverse effects did not occur. The multimodal stepped care approach resulted in considerable and clinically relevant decrease in pain after every step, using topical amitriptyline, ketamine, and dimethylsulphoxide