4,016 research outputs found

    Charging Interacting Rotating Black Holes in Heterotic String Theory

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    We present a formulation of the stationary bosonic string sector of the whole toroidally compactified effective field theory of the heterotic string as a double Ernst system which, in the framework of General Relativity describes, in particular, a pair of interacting spinning black holes; however, in the framework of low--energy string theory the double Ernst system can be particularly interpreted as the rotating field configuration of two interacting sources of black hole type coupled to dilaton and Kalb--Ramond fields. We clarify the rotating character of the BtϕB_{t\phi}--component of the antisymmetric tensor field of Kalb--Ramond and discuss on its possible torsion nature. We also recall the fact that the double Ernst system possesses a discrete symmetry which is used to relate physically different string vacua. Therefore we apply the normalized Harrison transformation (a charging symmetry which acts on the target space of the low--energy heterotic string theory preserving the asymptotics of the transformed fields and endowing them with multiple electromagnetic charges) on a generic solution of the double Ernst system and compute the generated field configurations for the 4D effective field theory of the heterotic string. This transformation generates the U(1)nU(1)^n vector field content of the whole low--energy heterotic string spectrum and gives rise to a pair of interacting rotating black holes endowed with dilaton, Kalb--Ramond and multiple electromagnetic fields where the charge vectors are orthogonal to each other.Comment: 15 pages in latex, revised versio

    String theory extensions of Einstein-Maxwell fields: the static case

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    We present a new approach for generation of solutions in the four-dimensional heterotic string theory with one vector field and in the five-dimensional bosonic string theory starting from the static Einstein-Maxwell fields. Our approach allows one to construct the solution classes invariant with respect to the total subgroup of the three-dimensional charging symmetries of these string theories. The new generation procedure leads to the extremal Israel-Wilson-Perjes subclass of string theory solutions in a special case and provides its natural continuous extension to the realm of non-extremal solutions. We explicitly calculate all string theory solutions related to three-dimensional gravity coupled to an effective dilaton field which arises after an appropriate charging symmetry invariant reduction of the static Einstein-Maxwell system.Comment: 19 pages in late

    4D gravity localized in non Z_2-symmetric thick branes

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    We present a comparative analysis of localization of 4D gravity on a non Z_2-symmetric scalar thick brane in both a 5-dimensional Riemannian space time and a pure geometric Weyl integrable manifold. This work was mainly motivated by the hypothesis which claims that Weyl geometries mimic quantum behaviour classically. We start by obtaining a classical 4-dimensional Poincare invariant thick brane solution which does not respect Z_2-symmetry along the (non-)compact extra dimension. The scalar energy density of our field configuration represents several series of thick branes with positive and negative energy densities centered at y_0. The only qualitative difference we have encountered when comparing both frames is that the scalar curvature of the Riemannian manifold turns out to be singular for the found solution, whereas its Weylian counterpart presents a regular behaviour. By studying the transverse traceless modes of the fluctuations of the classical backgrounds, we recast their equations into a Schroedinger's equation form with a volcano potential of finite bottom (in both frames). By solving the Schroedinger equation for the massless zero mode m^2=0 we obtain a single bound state which represents a stable 4-dimensional graviton in both frames. We also get a continuum gapless spectrum of KK states with positive m^2>0 that are suppressed at y_0, turning into continuum plane wave modes as "y" approaches spatial infinity. We show that for the considered solution to our setup, the potential is always bounded and cannot adopt the form of a well with infinite walls; thus, we do not get a discrete spectrum of KK states, and we conclude that the claim that Weylian structures mimic, classically, quantum behaviour does not constitute a generic feature of these geometric manifolds.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, JHEP forma

    The Inverse Scattering Method, Lie-Backlund Transformations and Solitons for Low-energy Effective Field Equations of 5D String Theory

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    In the framework of the 5D low-energy effective field theory of the heterotic string with no vector fields excited, we combine two non-linear methods in order to construct a solitonic field configuration. We first apply the inverse scattering method on a trivial vacuum solution and obtain an stationary axisymmetric two-soliton configuration consisting of a massless gravitational field coupled to a non-trivial chargeless dilaton and to an axion field endowed with charge. The implementation of this method was done following a scheme previously proposed by Yurova. We also show that within this scheme, is not possible to get massive gravitational solitons at all. We then apply a non-linear Lie-Backlund matrix transformation of Ehlers type on this massless solution and get a massive rotating axisymmetric gravitational soliton coupled to axion and dilaton fields endowed with charges. We study as well some physical properties of the constructed massless and massive solitons and discuss on the effect of the generalized solution generating technique on the seed solution and its further generalizations.Comment: 17 pages in latex, changed title, improved text, added reference

    3D heterotic string theory: new approach and extremal solutions

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    We develop a new formalism for the bosonic sector of low-energy heterotic string theory toroidally compactified to three dimensions. This formalism is based on the use of some single non-quadratic real matrix potential which transforms linearly under the action of subgroup of the three-dimensional charging symmetries. We formulate a new charging symmetry invariant approach for the symmetry generation and straightforward construction of asymptotically flat solutions. Finally, using the developed approach and the established formal analogy between the heterotic and Einstein-Maxwell theories, we construct a general class of the heterotic string theory extremal solutions of the Israel-Wilson-Perjes type. This class is asymptotically flat and charging symmetry complete; it includes the extremal solutions constructed before and possesses the non-trivial bosonic string theory limit.Comment: 20 pages in Late

    Mass gap for gravity localized on Weyl thick branes

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    We study the properties of a previously found family of thick brane configurations in a pure geometric Weyl integrable 5D space time, a non-Riemannian generalization of Kaluza-Klein (KK) theory involving a geometric scalar field. Thus the 5D theory describes gravity coupled to a self-interacting scalar field which gives rise to the structure of the thick branes. Analyzing the graviton spectrum for this class of models, we find that a particularly interesting situation arises for a special case in which the 4D graviton is separated from the KK gravitons by a mass gap. The corresponding effective Schroedinger equation has a modified Poeschl-Teller potential and can be solved exactly. Apart from the massless 4D graviton, it contains one massive KK bound state, and the continuum spectrum of delocalized KK modes. We discuss the mass hierarchy problem, and explicitly compute the corrections to Newton's law in the thin brane limit.Comment: 6 pages in Revtex, no figures, journal version, significately revised and extende

    Fructosyltransferase Sources, Production, and Applications for Prebiotics Production

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    Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are considered prebiotic compounds and are found in different vegetables and fruits but at low concentrations. FOS are produced by enzymatic transformation of sucrose using fructosyltransferase (FTase). Development of new production methods and search for FTase with high activity and stability for FOS production Is an actual research topic. In this article is discussed the most recent advances on FTase and its applications. Different microorganisms have been tested under various fermentation systems in order to identify and characterize new genes codifying for FTase. Some of these genes have been isolated from bacteria, fungi, and plants, with a wide range of percentages of identity but retaining the eight highly conserved motifs of the hydrolase family 32 glycoside. Therefore, this article presents an overview of the most recent advances on FTase and its applications

    Effective Monopoles within Thick Branes

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    The monopole mass is revealed to be considerably modified in the thick braneworld paradigm, and depends on the position of the monopole in the brane as well. Accordingly, the monopole radius continuously increases, leading to an unacceptable setting that can be circumvented when the brane thickness has an upper limit. Despite such peculiar behavior, the quantum corrections accrued -- involving the classical monopole solution -- are shown to be still under control. We analyze the monopole's peculiarities also taking into account the localization of the gauge fields. Furthermore, some additional analysis in the thick braneworld context and the similar behavior evinced by the topological string are investigated.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Revan-degree indices on random graphs

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    Given a simple connected non-directed graph G=(V(G),E(G))G=(V(G),E(G)), we consider two families of graph invariants: RXΣ(G)=uvE(G)F(ru,rv)RX_\Sigma(G) = \sum_{uv \in E(G)} F(r_u,r_v) (which has gained interest recently) and RXΠ(G)=uvE(G)F(ru,rv)RX_\Pi(G) = \prod_{uv \in E(G)} F(r_u,r_v) (that we introduce in this work); where uvuv denotes the edge of GG connecting the vertices uu and vv, rur_u is the Revan degree of the vertex uu, and FF is a function of the Revan vertex degrees. Here, ru=Δ+δdur_u = \Delta + \delta - d_u with Δ\Delta and δ\delta the maximum and minimum degrees among the vertices of GG and dud_u is the degree of the vertex uu. Particularly, we apply both RXΣ(G)RX_\Sigma(G) and RXΠ(G)X_\Pi(G) on two models of random graphs: Erd\"os-R\'enyi graphs and random geometric graphs. By a thorough computational study we show that \left and \left, normalized to the order of the graph, scale with the average Revan degree \left; here \left denotes the average over an ensemble of random graphs. Moreover, we provide analytical expressions for several graph invariants of both families in the dense graph limit.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure